Falsely circulating photo of alleged coronavirus carrier is why BVI needs Cyber Crime amendment

Premier Andrew Fahie has again come to the defence of his government’s controversial Cyber Crime Amendment Act; this time pointing to an individual who has been publicly singled out by some members of the public as a person suspected of carrying the coronavirus in the BVI.
“What I am saying is this: There is irreversible damage with the alleged person’s picture [being circulated] all over,” the Premier said while addressing the House of Assembly on Thursday.
He continued: “Those are the kinds of things that destroy people’s lives forever. Those are the reasons we are putting the same Cyber Crime Act, and those are what are going to guard us against what is happening.”
As of Thursday, the Premier said the BVI does not have a confirmed case of the Novel Coronavirus.
He said the preliminary tests conducted locally were negative for the virus. However, further testing is being done in Trinidad and would be available in the next few days.
Someone will pay
In the meantime, Premier Fahie said with his government’s amendments to the controversial Cyber Crime legislation now law, persons found in breach of this law by defaming others will pay.
“If you ain’t sure, stop spreading them things on Whatsapp and all about because somebody going to be made an example soon and when they get made an example, they going to bawl out ‘look what Fahie do’,” he said.
He added: “It ain’t what Fahie do. I warning all the time. If you don’t have facts, stop destroying people until you get the facts.”
The tweaks to the legislation will see culprits facing more than 10 years behind bars and or fines of up to half-a-million if found guilty in a court of law.
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Premier, as a tourist destination, does BVI have COVID 19 test kits?
News: “He said the preliminary tests conducted locally were negative for the virus.”
Does the BVI have the COVID 19 test kits or not?
According to the live jtv interview yesterday, the Doctor said they cannot do the test here for at least another week.
Okay. Noted. But guess what, America does not have enough for itself right now. So where are we going to get kits from? The Big Fish looking out for themselves.
What is BVI STRATEGY going forward? This thing requires STRATEGY. Soon we will be on the list that comes on the International TV news.
How bout just eat right exercise and wash yuh arse for a strategy going forward for the BVI smh crosses!
I wouldn’t be surprised if all who does what you say as a strategy still get COVID19. Why? At this point, it is a manmade desease because of Greed (primarily economic and power greed).
This is actually the reason why that bill should NOT have passed the why it did. The government wants to silence the whistleblowers and keep us, the public, in the dark. Prosecuting people that leak nudes is not thing but this is a matter of public safety. We DESERVE to know this information.
the idiot who put out the false alert needs to be jailed and fined, this is exactly why ITS NEEDED because there is idiots everywhere that just post random thoughts
One thousand likes. The wagging tongues that I know live so loose I wonder if they know what virus they walking about with. Sickening.
No you do not deserve to know who it is. Only that there is a case. I am a bvi lander in Canada and it is unsafe to release the name of the person, no one knows that information. If you were infected would you like them to plaster your face and name for all to see?
@truth and @bviabroad You are missing the point. This person came from China and walks about freely not knowing if they are infected or not. That is just plain unsafe. If they had acted responsibly and stayed isolated for the 14days we would not be in this situation. The safer of our people is paramount.
I totally agree with you and this needs to be proactive they not ready Malone not capable to implement serious measures to protect the country we cant just sit back and wait for it come lets prevent it put things in place now have immigration officers check residents ,locals passport on entry to were they are coming from they have the power use it we cant risk having one endangering thousands , if you all so educated this is the time to show it stop sitting on your assess .
Sounds like the premier is ready to victimize somebody
This would be some sad $hit tht it comes back positive for the virus. Would this be false news or just putting ppl on their guard?
guess if i Google the premier name what comes up is fake to.
You can reference what happened but some people go beyond what the alert stated and label him as something that he was never charged or convicted for which is the problem.
I just googled it and the last sentence on this site says:
“He is often referred to by his nickname, the Brown Bomber.”
Then why don’t you punch in andrew a fahie on offshorealert.com and tell us what comes up?
I did and I saw. But did not see a need to post. You can post if you want; you have fingers to type. I also saw more sites with his name than those two I mentioned. I am not a fan of AAF and just like how you and I saw, many others did too.
The same laws we put in place will come back to haunt us. If information is falsely being circulated about persons, then these ones can go to the courts for remedy seeking defamation of character. For example, someone might try to put me court for defamation and when all is said and done it could be that I turn around and put that very same person in court for defamation – for putting me in court and defaming my character.
This is the same way that they got elected. Circulating the nastiest memes you could find. He is now afraid of the same tactics being used to take them out of office so they they are tying to silence people. “ someone will be made an example soon” – is the Premier a law enforcement officer? Do you see where this is going?
That is so stupid who votes because of a meme? Do y’all even think before you speak. Maybe some people voted against NDP because they didn’t like the civil war between NDP that happened within the party for the last year and a half. Maybe they didn’t like $30 million overspent on the Pier Park. Maybe some were upset that we paid $7.2 million on a single flight for a handful of people to go to the Carifta games. Maybe they were upset that their paychecks got smaller because of NHI. Why pay for NHI when some already had free insurance that was paid by their employers in full. They were a lot of reasons that people would be angry at NDP from increased departure tax.
I do not believe in settting up the country to panic unnecessaryly but there are vital information to be comunicated to the public 1. Are testing kits available in the hospital? 3.Is Britian going to help out if there are nunber of cases that the govt cannot handle (more cases and less kits) 2. Which area/s is/are corded off as the quarantine section? 3.If Govt have protective mask to sell or give out? 4. I understand all pharmacy as out of masks? If information of this kind is publicy communicated people would feel more relaxed and secure
“He added: “It ain’t what Fahie do. I warning all the time. If you don’t have facts, stop destroying people until you get the facts.””
And that’s why no one discloses information related to murder cases. We do not have the facts. So until then we keep our mouths shut as we do not want to be prosecuted for up to 10 years in jail or, pay fines up to half a million.
It’s a real social dilemma here. Quick to spread false assumptions about ppl we know aka self hatred
It stayed with us since slavery days. We need to stop it. One way or another. When I saw the msg I didn’t fwd it b/c there was no way that info could be verified already. Some ppl here are just evil and anarchists.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the police state.
A dramatic cultural shift is taking place. Don’t blink.
The public should know who came from China and that could be be a potential carrier of this disease!
And if the victim tests positive and no one knows WHO they are, can’t you see the chances for a pandemic, Premier?
We all know, Premier, you can afford the best of health care amd the means of travel to do just that.
But think about the rest of us, who are not so fortunate and would have to wait for results AND TESTING KITS from Trinidad!!!!