Family indicted in $26K drug ring | Two granted $100K bail

Jerome Scatliffe (left), Debralee Fahie, and Halim Scatliffe at court on Tuesday, September 25.
A 58-year-old father, his son, and the son’s common-law wife have been accused of being involved in a drug ring after $26,000 worth of cocaine along with a gun and ammunition were found among their possession last weekend.
Huntums Ghut residents Jerome Scatliffe, his son Halim along with 32-year-old Debralee Fahie were hauled before Magistrate Shawn Innocent on Tuesday on joint charges of possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply.
Halim is the sole member of the group to be charged with carrying an unlicensed firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, common assault, and threatening language.
The accused trio is scheduled to answer to the charges on October 17.
The court heard that on the day in question, police apprehended Halim during a traffic stop after receiving reports that the accused had allegedly threatened to kill another man in relation to drugs.
It was during that time that police searched the accused man’s vehicle and found a loaded 9 mm Smith and Wesson pistol in a box with 15 rounds of ammunition.
Police subsequently headed to his home to conduct a further search when a vehicle with the two other defendants was seen exiting the premises.
A search of that vehicle uncovered 260 grams of cocaine in a knapsack with 335 dime bags.
The trio was arrested and formally charged.
Two granted bail, one denied
Bail in the sum of $100,000 was granted to the accused woman and to the father, who is a US veteran and who currently holds a managerial position in a family-owned restaurant in Road Town.
As part of the bail conditions, the two were told to surrender all travel documents to the Road Town Police Station and were forbidden to apply for any replacement of their travel documents or leave the territory without permission from the court.
They are to report to the Road Town Police Station every Monday and Friday between 6 am and 6 pm.
The accused son, Halim, was denied bail and is now on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison in Balsam Ghut.
Attorney-at-law Nelson Samuel is representing all three accused persons.
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Scatliffe, Fahie? I’ve heard these names before. Don’t sound like “visitors” from other islands. Sounds like locals. Hmmmm…perhaps the offspring doesn’t fall far from the tree.
We don’t know enough at this stage to go over board with generalizations.
Time to get this BVI-hating racist off these boards. Vile scumbag.
Truth hurts eh?
Hmmm,guess chicken and chips can only bring in so much….do you need that white dust to keep things going?
Clearly you can’t read he is a manager of scatos yes but he was found with the substances leaving his son premises what u don’t know don’t speak of ayo read with the intent to understanding not just reply.
You are right!! The offspring of human enslavers and haters did not fall far the tree.
Go look in the mirror before spewing your dna.
There are many, many well respected folk on all levels of society, and always have been, who are enriching themselves daily from the drugs business,and if exposed will shock the living to death and dead to life if all currently involved were exposed!
After all, there is a billion dollar demand, thus a billion dollar business. So, not casting down on anyone.
What is bothersome, however, is the hypocrisy that is practiced by the peddlers of substance addiction, while in total denial of their own addiction to money and materialism.
Hypocrisy practiced anywhere is hypocrisy every where.
Who print this story and what ” the son’s common-law wife “you all talking bout? Stop printing s**t and by the way she not from Huntumns Ghut. Get your story straight before printing.
@bvinews for real
Debbie you have two young kids. The Rebel game still need to go on? What about the kids and your poor mother who not to hot with her health?
Is this Allison sister, this whole island ppl just turning to the d— for fast m—- wow
Did it say she had it in her home did it say it was found in her bag sh** man judging the woman because she decide to love a man who deals with drugs y’all sit down an stop it she entitled to love who ever yes she could’ve think of her kids but do you think she knew she was going to get caught taking the things from the man home to help him get less time.atleast she did it for her man you guys doing it for y’all politicians who thieving us str8
How about — look for a job and make a decent living for — children? Sometimes you have to call it as it is, friend or not.
Did it say she was unemployed stupid?
She has 3 young kids not 2.
Three kids*
She and her siblings gon make them mother drop down. That poor woman.
I wonder where SHE going to get that large amount of money from for bail.? Oh, maybe her common-law father-in-law is going to help her
Now tell me is that your business… She get it though..lmao…simple minded fool.
She have three children, she needs tr—— no b—— nor r—— for any one.
Somehow people on these blogs ALAWYS know what someone else needs to do or should have done…what this young lady chooses to do is her choice … keep her mother and other siblings out of it…
Good job, RVIPF!! Keep it up! Let’s clean out this country!
And don’t forget the ones at the top. Fraud and corruption are crimes too.