BVI News

Father, daughter caught using fake BVI visas

Accused father and daughter, Leonel and Leonela Calderon. (BVI News photo)

A father and daughter have been remanded for allegedly trying to enter the territory with fake BVI visas.

Charged with uttering forged documents are Dominican Republic natives, Leonel and Leonela Calderon.

They were not made to plead to the charge when they appeared before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards this week.

Allegations are that the accused duo arrived at the Terrence B Lettsome International Airport on March 1.

Upon arrival, Immigration officers discovered that the visa stamps in their travel documents appeared suspicious.

Immigration officers subsequently apprehended the accused father-daughter duo for questioning.

It is alleged that during the Immigration interview, the 35-year-old father claimed his passport had been stamped with a BVI visa when he collected the travel document from the British Consulate in his homeland last October.

He allegedly said he also collected one for his 18-year-old daughter and co-accused, Leonela.

Visa numbers already assigned

But, BVI authorities contacted the said British Consulate and were told that no visas were issued to either accused persons.

Further checks reportedly revealed that the BVI visa numbers seen in both the father and his daughter’s passport had already been assigned to other persons.

The court heard that when the British Consulate in the Dominican Republic received a copy of the visas in question, they said the stamp, font, and seal used in the fake visa were visibly different from their own.

The accused father and daughter were subsequently charged.

In court, Magistrate Richards ordered their remand.

In response, the accused father asked if he and his daughter could be fined and released because he has ‘a family to take care of’.

He then claimed that he did not know the visas were illegitimate.

Both accused persons will be brought back to court on March 16 when they are expected to answer to the charge.

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  1. Ken says:

    Wow,… THe man didn’t know they were fake? Really? Did he get them at the proper govt. facility? Something doesn’t smell right here! I think that there is much more behind why they had allegdly fake Visas than they are telling! Dig deeper…..

  2. It's a start says:

    Exactly: who are these people? Why did they want to come here? With whom are they connected in the Territory?

  3. Me says:

    That visa stamp you guys are using is way obsolete, any one can make one of these stamp. been the BVI compare to other Caribbean Islands one of the richest as you guys brag about, you at this time and age, it is incomprehensive how rubber stamp still be used on this country. Computer system is there at the market for this type of documents.

  4. James says:

    Good thing the Santos are now on blast. They’ve been doing all kinds of foolishness and getting away with it for too long now.

    • Lol says:

      Excuse not all people are the same because you wouldn’t like for me to judge you base on something that someone from your country did .. you have to be smartter than that

    • For real says:

      Some times people like you really need to sit down and think if the nonsense your are typing or saying make any sense. I hope you know there is more of your own behind bars here than santo. It seems to me that all you have for a brain is 2 cockroach playing cricket. I’m out

  5. Crooks says:

    Our country needs to be cleaned up from some of these people. It is alleged that a lot of them who are not eligible are voting too.

    • @crooks says:

      Are you a troll? Or just out of your mind?’alleged that a lot of them who are not eligible are voting too’. You obviously have never voted here; why don’t you go away- I heard the White House is looking for people like you.

    • @crooks says:

      U need to shut up! Tired ah ayo bout clean up country with these ppl. Without we ppl the BVI is nothing you heard NOTHING! Tolans ain’t skilled and hardworking as expats; you’ll lazy bad. Ain’t no Tolans immigrant living in a next man territory?? Y’all too selfish and need to stop! After the hurricanes ain’t the same expats you’ll begging to help rebuild the country… Why was electricity restored so quick ..who helped??? Smh u guys make ppl sick! Bare in mind if you’ll continue like this uno would get what coming fi ayo. God don’t sleep … Now you’ll can run with this and hurt up uno head! Badminds set ah ppl

  6. GoT says:

    Just send em BK don’t waste we tax money

  7. Bull Dawg says:

    Exactly. just send them back at their cost and a decent fine.
    That’s the way the government will bring in revenue. We don’t have money to waste on them. we have to cut that out. as long as it is not a murder charge then a hearty fine.Then you will see how fast the government/country will catch it self back.

  8. BoyBlue says:

    His daughter?… Where did their trip originate and where is Momma and who are their go to in the BVI. Where were they planning to stay were they planning to stay. Why couldn’t they get a valid visa…
    How old is she. Either way,dispose of them without too much time wasted but check thoroughly …for the possibility of other crimes.


  9. Mr Shovels says:

    Once again the man gets cuffs and the woman doesn’t even though they are charged with the same crime. p**sy pass in full effect…

  10. NDP says:


    • No help says:

      Those who are position to protect our boarders are the ones allowing a lot of the mess to go on. Classic example immigration they know a lot of the ladies, especially those from Santo Domingo are not employed with the person on their sponsor documents. They just do it as a front for them. Immigration officers know this and still allow them to come and stay. #facts

      • @ NO Help says:

        You are right and some Ministers get involved as well. This is why they can’t get along with Chief Immigration Officers that want to follow the law. These people come here with ‘front’ jobs when they’re actually not working or contributing to the Territory, meanwhile professionals coming to add value to the territory are given the run around for foolishness. The hairy bank bigger than the world bank and IMF put together! #Facts!

  11. Dee says:

    She has a slight resemblance to the young lady accused of k…

  12. The says:

    DR appears to have become exposed as a major counterfeiting region in the Caribbean.

    First to be exposed was the Speedy’s ticket affair.

    Now immigration, which does not surprise, appears to have been compromised also.

    • No lie says:

      They have always been know for such activities. I went to college with on lady in the USA and while most of us continued with our Masters she didn’t, but she got her certificate before we did. She bought her Masters Certificate from Santo Domingo.

  13. Wow says:

    This one call for a Wow! So he claim he didn’t know the stamp is fake. Yeah, right. I wonder how much he paid for those stamps buddy. Some of these people would do and say anything to get in the BVI.

    Great spot Immigration Officers! You guys are being vigilant, on top of things and well trained. Wonderful! Continue to be vigilant and protect our borders from these undesirables.

    Can you imagine how many have been let in undetected from untrained eyes? My gosh! Now, let the law take its course.

  14. Anonymous says:

    DR appears to have become exposed as a major counterfeiting region in the Caribbean.

    First to be exposed was the Speedy’s ticket affair.

    Now immigration, which does not surprise, appears to have been compromised also.

  15. Resident says:

    I guess they were trying to get a better life and got caught up. Such is life.

  16. All right says:

    The daughter may well be innocent in that matter but the father should have man up aND take all the blame

  17. Sigh says:

    Upon the alleged discovery of the fake visas they should have been allowed to head to thwir destination under observation to see who theybare connected to, who picked them up etc….. the more ppl nabbed the more likely someone will talk

  18. Close eye says:

    Keep a close eye on the Spaniards working in the p—— office

    • Me says:

      keep the eye on those who work at immigration that been caught bringing people from Brazil and nothing ever happened to them. also the kids at the corner.

  19. President Trump says:

    Build a wall

  20. Interested says:

    The man had the audacity to say just fine me and let me go, Ihave family to take care of ?
    How much more brazen can one get?
    He knew exactly what he was doing.Hiw many more slipped through the cracks,I wonder!

  21. Saddened from afar says:

    Authorities, GREAT catch!!! Governing and legislative bodies of the BVI, wake up and take surveillance of whatever loopholes exist in entering and residing in the territory. The criminal elements are certainly attempting to take advantage of said loopholes and are using them to wreck havoc in the community. WAKE UP!!!

  22. Mingo says:

    I think they were scammed . nobody is in a rush to come here right now .. If anything people are leaving .. Kinda sorry for them though .

  23. FROM HERE. says:

    Some santos woks hard here too , you know.

  24. rastarite says:

    Why they want to come here? No jobs, no accommodation, still a dump in many ways. Something suspicious…

  25. Maybe says:

    Maybe and her will link up in jail

  26. Anonymous says:

    Throw the book at them …

  27. Coco says:

    Yall need to shut up and stop talking about spanish people .without us and people from other countries yall would be sh-t

  28. ZM says:

    Ajajaja jajajajaaa.

  29. stu lepke says:

    get rid of these lowlife’s throw ’em back in the sea and see the slick

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