‘Financially challenged’ NHI expected to undergo reforms soon

With concerns emerging about the sustainability of the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley said reform is on the way as the government is experiencing some financial challenges with the programme.
The Premier was asked about the over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that NHI recently said it does not cover and how this impacts senior citizens.
While Dr Wheatley said he was not fully aware of what NHI does or does not cover, he reassured residents that NHI reform is on the way.
“We do have some challenges with the NHI from a financial standpoint. I do not want to get too much ahead of the Minister of Health, but we do have to provide some assistance to the NHI to be able to meet their obligations to the vendors,” Dr Wheatley said at a press conference on Monday.
“We are going to have reform which will be coming to the House of Assembly soon and we are going to have a proper debate. I am anticipating that the Minister of Health is going to have a discussion with stakeholders about the future of the NHI and what really needs to happen to make sure that the NHI is working for the people it was intended to serve,” the Premier added.
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The challenges are the greedy doctors and healthcare practitioners who overcharge the system without even the patient knowing. NHI needs a commission of inquiry. Not that anything will come of it anyhow.
What about pursuing all the businesses, operated by residents and BVIslanders who have failed to make the mandatory contributions. I know this is a startling idea.
I haven’t heard of anyone being prosecuted or even made to pay what is owed for delinquent NHI contributions.
It’s another example of the endemic corruption where a blind eye is turned to relations and friends, or a palm gets greased.
This and other endemic similar behavior is why we have almost nothing to show for the billions of government revenue paid in since the 1980s.
NHI has been pillaged by the private health sector. Our new millionaire “health care” providers need to be held accountable…
Well the guy who now resides in Miami and his puppets only interest was to raid NHI for their own benefits and the amount of corruption that was discovered by the COI exposed the master mind and his puppets , led to him being stung by the US sting ?? operation and the rest is history ( perhaps the historian mrE can shed some light on what really went down in this 21st century) with that FIASCO/ or maybe it’s the UK ?? and racism as usual ? lord help us ?
Tortola isn’t a real place lol so they let H. set up NHI policy etc. Then him and his doctor friends GANGBANG RAPE NHI. Now you looking reform all I will say if this was the U.S. a lot of these doctors and people would be going to jail for fraud. Somebody tell me I’m talking trash.
Of 80 million usd per year flowing into pockets of private sector doctors..
all respect to both of you for telling it like it is ,what a pity nit will only fall on deaf ? / there was a thing on TV where the person was telling person on nhi ( AM very sorry , but your EMPLOYER have not being paying your nhi taxes ) and they got wise and Quickly took it off TV , but the we had already gotten the message ?
I’ve been told when the business doesn’t contribute but taking from your salary, the only recourse is to basically get a lawyer.
How much money is owed to NHI by employers not paying ? Why is there no law against this ? So turd world
His thugs should have been going too. I wonder who is keeping track of how many young lives they stole. Do good and good will come back to you. Do bad and it will also come back too you.
doctor rich off this ponzi scheme…..shold be in jail with Andrew