Flax-Charles’ tourism expertise will bolster the trade and business portfolio, Fahie claims

While providing a rationale on why he had junior ministers Shereen Flax-Charles and Sharie de Castro abruptly swap portfolios, Premier Fahie has said he believes they both offer a fresh dimension of thinking to their respective new portfolios.
In a public statement on Tuesday, November 26, the Premier announced that Flax-Charles was reassigned to Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development portfolio, while de Castro was reassigned as the new Junior Minister for Tourism, effective Monday, November 25.
Premier Fahie claimed the move is a “capacity building” exercise to mould the junior ministers into becoming better legislators in the future.
‘Tourism expertise good for business portfolio’
He said he believes the experience Flax-Charles has in tourism can be channelled to the business sector in a new light to boost that area.
“There is an opportunity to get tourism expertise at this time within the trade and economic agenda. Honourable Flax-Charles comes with experience in tourism that will help to bolster our business development sector through the lens of tourism,” Fahie stated.
He further said, “We want to ensure that our business community is providing the right product offering as a destination and jurisdiction or that they are creating businesses that help to encourage and attract products and services that are of interest to visitors and residents.”
‘DeCastro will bring business innovation to tourism industry‘
As for de Castro, Fahie said he believes she will strike a balance in her new junior minister role.
“Honourable DeCastro will bring business development, integration, and innovation into the tourism industry. She can help to create a balance between the tourism sector and business sector from a trade and innovative perspective.”
Fahie further said he believes unconventional approaches are needed to help the government achieve its overall goal.
“The overall objective is to strengthen all areas of the economy and to ensure that business, tourism, trade and commerce drive a new green BVI where there is economic expansion and economic diversification, thereby leading to the creation of jobs, entrepreneurs, and strong BVI,” he said.
Fahie’s announcement of the reassignment came shortly have a BVI News report that Flax-Charles was effectively becoming ‘too vocal’ in the tourism portfolio for which Fahie is the senior minister.
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Don’t try to come and explain any thing. You are not for the advancement of females. Just because you are Premier means that you are always right or think you know what is best. You should not have put Ms.Decastro in a sautation like that to get back at Ms.Flax. Issac,another ???? is behind this whole thing. Well,they say another ???? will bring another snake down.Just sit back and watch and wait,Issac will be the downfall of this VIP Government. Willock and Cline is saints compare to that king ?? Issac. Sometimes a man can be so stupid.
to oh please mr premier.
Nice emojis, represents a green VI. Sounds like you’re still nursing the blows receive at the polls. Don’t worry, before you can make 100th ? blinks, 4 years will be up to try again. Hope you level up by then or the blows you will receive again will be too much to nurse. Smile, it helps.
I was taught to never address a person that is full of stupidity and was excluded when common sense was passing around.You go on your merry way and have a wonderful day.
@@just saying. So why respond? Let’s make a common sense guess, common sense isn’t that common after all, you think.
An unconventional gov’t should actually be about doing what’s right for the constituents.
This gov’t started off in crisis mode; and at the rate they are going, it appears they haven’t transition in operation.
Ms. DeCastro was just getting ramped up with her portfolio, and suddenly, her seat has been swiped from beneath her.
An effective leader knows how to articulate a clearly defined vision ahead, rally the troops to share, support, and contribute to the mission of their vision.
Seems like operation head start hasn’t even made it off the ground yet- still waiting to hear this gov’t clearly articulate it’s vision forward for our territory.
They seem to be all over the place, trying to be all things for their in-circle cronies. Time to get it together VIP and stop running around without a definite plan, or you folks will go down as one termers, if you all even make it full term. There is too much potential on the team to go down like that.
Get on with the people’s work and start working a definite vision-plan, time ticking. Even the coalition opposition starting to look more promising for the future progression of our (B)VI now.
to- oh please mr premier.
Nice emojis, represents the greening of the VI. Sounds like you’re still nursing the blows receive at the polls. Don’t worry, before you can make 100th ? blinks, 4 years will be up to try again. Hope you level up by then or the blows you will receive again will be too much to nurse. Smile, it helps.
Not against you first premise. Just a little tired of how earth’s creatures are misunderstood to describe human beings wickedness against each other. Let’s call it for what it is. Women been getting a trampled for millenniums because of men’s chauvinistic and patriarchal attitudes.
However, women always have the upper-hand if they truly knew their power. Caveat- that does not mean to become like men, for that is exactly what is destroying the family structure today. It is about understanding how to utilize one’s innate (feminine and masculine) energy within and knowing when to utilize that balance for any particular situation.
I am sorry but I cannot believe anything coming out of the mouth of our Premier.
Stop the damn rationalization. You think we are all idiots and ignoramuses. I had so much hope in you; I’m disappointed. A family member told me you were a s…e but I doubted him. Dirty deals at the women expense. Here is a news flash. Diversity of thought is rich. The VIP won because the NDP made some unbelievable decisions, I.e., $7.2M give away to a bruk airline and a fragmented opposition. However, the VIP is moving bud speed ahead trying squander the opportunity. Well sah
Why give ? ? ? a bad rap, when the place is filled with ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. Some actually provide some of the best medicines produced on earth. Lot’s of lessons being taught here, just watch and learn. It’s time to get rid of all the hypocrisy once and for all.
It starts with everyone looking in the mirror of themselves and stop being the judges and juries of all things perfect, when we all know it’s not so.
Ms.Decrasto and Mrs.Flax the very best. But, that move was based on starting confusion and spite by the one and only Mr.Issac who is sitting back waiting to take Andrew and his Government down. Andrew, YOU ARE SITTING WITH THE ENEMY,WHO IS GOING TO DESTROY AND BRING DOWN YOUR GOVERNMENT. YOU CAN SEE A MAN’S FACE BUT YOU CANNOT SEE HIS HEART OR TRUE INTENTIONS.
? down island people tek over dem left dem country come another country and disturb the locals down island people tek over weel and come again … Down island people … let me hear the crowd … I wan hear yuh ?
just like how the bigfoot woman from free bottom use and abuse her friendship with funny man then voted against him, I—- will do the same thing to vip don’t trust these empty barrel skb people
Mrs.Sideshow Bob clown feet from Free Bottom was playing both sides. She voted against MW. Watch out for Mrs.Sideshow Bob clown feet.She is coiled up in the den of snakes waiting for her signal to strike.
I respect the Premier more now than ever. This move needed to be done.
I do not see the problem. Premier keep pressing on.
Lies, lies and more lies
He will soon make this the former administration fault!
Why he don’t stop making a fool of himself by telling so many lies? He really must be think all ah we stupid alike.
You’re not too good at it STOP IT !!!! That damage control nah work….COME BETTER THAN THAT !!!
If these allegations are true about this issac guy. VG you all need take a stand confirm from Hon Flax-Charles if it was indeed truth that he issac confronted her about talking about VG Too Often. Is this the same guy on the port making all kinds of confusion? … Is this issac guy an elected official? Wellsha BVI in trouble. VG and BVI stay awake.
An unconventional gov’t should actually be about doing what’s right for the constituents.
This gov’t started off in crisis mode; and at the rate they are going, it appears they haven’t transition in operation.
Ms. DeCastro was just getting ramped up with her portfolio, and suddenly, her seat has been swiped from beneath her.
An effective leader knows how to articulate a clearly defined vision ahead, rally the troops to share, support, and contribute to the mission of their vision.
Seems like operation head start hasn’t even made it off the ground yet- still waiting to hear this gov’t clearly articulate it’s vision forward for our territory.
They seem to be all over the place, trying to be all things for their in-circle cronies. Time to get it together VIP and stop running around without a definite plan, or you folks will go down as one termers, if you all even make it to the end of term. There is too much potential on the team to go down like that.
Get on with the people’s work and start working a definite vision-plan, time ticking. Even the coalition opposition starting to look more promising for the future progression of our (B)VI now.
9 months in and he is telling more lies than the former premier
What’s the problem in switching ministries? It doesn’t cost a dime and actually fix the problem of the so called conflict that many of y’all spoke about with the 2 sisters in the same ministry. What did the BVI lose by the change or do y’all just want to use anything to bring your own government down.
Honey bun, there is nothing wrong or Illegal for any Government to reshuffle their Administration. However, why the two ladies,some of the mail Administration should have been shuffled. This looks like it was done to hurt Mrs.Flax on the orders of Issac who is sitting back like the King Cobra waiting to strike and bring VIP down. Mark my words,Issac is going to cause this Government to fail.
The reshuffling is not a problem. She did not get demoted. Her pay hasn’t changed. If anything its a positive because she gets to learn something additional that even when her time in politics is over her resume says Jr minister for tourism and trade and economic development. It doesn’t matter the reason. This is life giving her lemons that was turned into lemonade. Her being Jr minister for tourism can lead to more confusion within tourist board because anything good that goes to her sister other people will act like its because of the sister. This is nothing to cry about.
but this “problem” should not have been put in place in the first place because it was clearly a conflict
Reading these comments, I realize it have a lot of sick people in the BVI. Always looking for some commess to make even if they have to manufacture it. They gone so far to bring a fake prophet to say it have snake in the Cabinet.
Pay no attention to them Premier. Keep focused on your work. Sensible people are still behind you.
There are many snakes all around, so if you think you’re snake free in your corner go ahead and be fooled. Your ass might just get bitten. This government sold themselves as a better option than all the others. That was their art of deception. What they are doing now, borders lunacy. Hon Decastro was just getting primed up with her portfolio and making important steps forward. Why would a leader disrupt that progress? If there was a problem with Hon Flax-Charles, then put Neville in her spot! Simple
As a side note, I have a problem with putting persons in roles that they may have no real interest or zeal in having. Nevertheless I hope the females will be passionate in their new roles.
In support of ? ? ? ? stop thinking the worst of them. Oh and dolphins too. All make up a life of interesting and diverse dynamics on earth and in the sea. Let them be.
You know is interested is that this attack on Ms Flax by the lo* l**e Isaac went unpunished by the Premier. Where in our constitution it says that a board member has more power than an elected official. Andrew has shown that if it was possible he would have preferred a government of males. Isaac was out of place to tell an elected official to stop speaking about her home country and ordered her to stop it. Just like how Andrew did his dirty work on Dancia through others he is at it again. My advice to the two ladies in the government is to leave and cross the floor. It is only going to get worse. Imagine being away dealing on a particular matter within your portfolio and with out warning it is taken from you. Knowing this man it is only going to get worse.
They champagne with the saying ‘NO SQUAR PEGS IN ROUND HOLES’. Flac-Charles is an expert in tourism. Why put her in trade. The story about two sisters working together should not be a problem. As a matter of fact they both work at the tourist board for years,with flax-Charles has 20plus years there. They both worked for American airlines Eagle on VG managinging that together for years. NO PROBLEM. Their plans for tourism was to have us as BVIlanders not have to depend on Financial services for a living. The Priemier just messed it up . So when Financial services crashed, we’re all dead.
They champagne with the saying ‘NO SQUAR PEGS IN ROUND HOLES’. Flac-Charles is an expert in tourism. Why put her in trade. The story about two sisters working together should not be a problem. As a matter of fact they both work at the tourist board for years,with flax-Charles has 20plus years there. They both worked for American airlines Eagle on VG managinging that together for
years. NO PROBLEM. Their plans for tourism was to have us as BVIlanders not have to depend on Financial services for a living. The Priemier just messed it up . So when Financial services crashed, we’re all dead.PLS no squar pegs in round holes
Lol at Champagne. That isn’t a typo at all.