Founding party member Archie Christian leaves NDP

Junior Minister of Tourism Archibald Christian. File photo
Founding member of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Archibald Christian has resigned from the seemingly embattled political organisation.
He tendered his resignation on Tuesday, November 13, following the resignation of two other party members Shaina Smith and NDP Vice-president, Michael Turnbull.
Christian’s resignation comes less than six months after being elected as treasurer of the party.
In his letter addressed to party Chairman Myron Walwyn, Christian said: “It is with regret that I write to inform you that effective immediately I hereby resign from my position as treasurer and member of the National Democratic Party.”
“My best wishes to you and the National Democratic Party in the future,” he told Walwyn.
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And who is surprised? Mr. Christian, imo, is not a strong leader. Spineless indeed. All hat without any cattle.
His performance in the NDP was not notable, and he appeared to be one of the weakest link in that party. It is doubtful he would have been re-elected had he stayed.
He is a follower, and it comes as no surprise that he has marched out of the door along with others.
I don’t think the NDP would miss him. I’m sure some may be breaking the champagne bottles upon hearing this news, and proclaiming good riddance.
Is that all you have to say? Nothing much, ain’t it? Yawnnnn
Run along and vie for the post. Be careful not to break a leg.
“Is that all you have to say?”
No, I just got started. Just to be clear this is not about me. This is about Mr. Christian.
Why would he as a founding member of the NDP walk away from it..a house(party) he helped built?
That’s spineless and cowardly imo.
How many of us would walk away from a house we built with our sweat and tears because there was some disagreements among other house members?
Only cowards do that. If Mr. Christian and any other who helped place the building blocks of the NDP in place walk away, that says to me and others that they do not think the NDP is worth fighting for. Why should I trust them after this?
It seems the discord within the party only came about after the internal leadership election. Clearly, some of those members who are leaving do not believe in their own democratic process to elect their party leaders, and would rather leave. That’s just shameful.
Again Mr. Christian is spineless. So, you keep yawing.
I am anxious to hear how those in the new party would explain to voters that they can be trusted to run the country after walking away from a party they were a part or helped create. I cannot wait to hear their explanation. That should be interesting.
Meanwhile, you should stop yawning and stay woke so that you can see things more clearly.
Is that all you could drum up? Yada, Yada, Yada! Like Archie got you to study! Pressure does buss pipe, be careful!
I am a member of the NDP and it appears if you stand up against the wrongs that are taking place people single you ok? You all are behaving like the VIP to me. Archibald Dee was right, stand up for what you believe in and let God guide you.
Another one gone again? Well sah!
The leadership got to be the problem because so many people can’t be wrong.
MY-RUN……the {run} means running people out of the party
Ths NDP is going through a purge. All the dead weights must go for new life to come into the party. I am wondering when the time comes for campaignimg what they will be telling the public to get their votes. Let me add that I admire Honorable Walwyn as a first class politician. He is an excellent Minister for Education who puts the education of the Territory’s children at the forefront. I am not eligible to vote, but if I were, he and the NDP will get my vote in the next elections.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words.You all are TAINTED.
That bwoy from above the round rock broke up the family ah tell ayo
Better for the BVI he was a waste of time anyhow.
The NDP Tectonic Plates are alarmingly shifting. The NDP like the Titanic is sinking and the crew (r..s) is jumping overboard. Are the jumpers courageous to jump off a sinking ship? There have been chinks in the NDP armour and fissures in its structure for years yet many pretended that all was well, the ship was water tight. No medals for the jumpers. If they had spoken out when the failures were clear to the blind, perhaps some praise would be deserved
What heck is going on them boys really showing that them don’t island people them faking all the time
Archie is a first generation Virgin Islander just like Myron. Keep your divisive politics to yourself. One BVI.
Ohhhhh, how sweet, another spineless misfit RAT took off to join the other RATS in the sewer. Good riddance RATS.Not one of you RATS is going to do well come election. Never trust a RAT that run from Party to Party.
Boy A… need a serious root touch up. Why is it that r*** always turn gray so fast?
I can donate a few months supply of Dark and lovely honey blonde to color his two toned mane.
Some people just follow the loudest noise like a retrded child.
LOL, The rats that ran off can never be trusted. Rats have no loyality. I would give a stray animal on the street my vote before I give it to anyone of the rats that ran off like I can’t think for myselves cowards. By the way, has anyone heard from the Shark Whisperer?
Archie’s brain belongs to Ronnie so no surprises here. Good riddin!
Archie has made amends although he waited late to do it he has admitted publicly where he went wrong in the HOA. There is no need for all these mean spirited comments.
Well Archie, you’ve done it!
You’ve tendered your resignation as was requested and now it’s all over. You’ve performed in the best manner that you felt, but it wasnt good enough.
Now, don’t run along, nilly willy,looking for another party to adjoin to. Take a break, reposition and choose what’s best going forward.
Who knows, perhaps you may be needed going forward in the defense of the honeland as an auxiliary leader, of sorts.
Good Luck!