BVI News

Fraser grills Rymer over SCB road repairs

Third District Representative, Julian Fraser.

Third District Representative Julian Fraser has voiced residents’ frustration over unfulfilled government promises to fix the territory’s crumbling roads, particularly in Sea Cows Bay.

During a recent House of Assembly session, Fraser questioned Communications and Works Minister Kye Rymer about the ongoing poor condition of the main road in Sea Cows Bay, despite previous assurances of repairs. Rymer acknowledged the issue and cited a “comprehensive road repair schedule” that includes resurfacing in the area.

Fraser expressed concern over the timeline for these contracts, stating that while a comprehensive fix was good, it was not good for politics. He called for action to be taken immediately rather than waiting for a comprehensive fix down the road. 

“The only thing that triggers in my mind is that we’re talking about down the road… As a politician, what you need to have done is now,” Fraser stated.

He pointed out that delays in repairs only breed resentment among residents who are forced to endure the deteriorating roads. “All you’re doing is generating animosity. Every time somebody hits one of those holes, they start hating,” Fraser said.

Fraser also expressed concern over the quality of previous fixes, stating that something better needed to be done.

Rymer attributed the delay to the ongoing vetting of contracts for resurfacing work, funded by $1.8 million from the Ministry of Finance. He said the Sea Cows Bay area’s problematic road network would be addressed once the contracts are finalised, but he could not provide a specific timeline.

While acknowledging Rymer’s efforts, Fraser pressed for more details on the scope of the contracts, expressing concerns over the quality and permanence of the planned repairs. Rymer explained that the contracts cover both resurfacing materials and the purchase of high-definition pipes for critical areas.


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  1. Well sah says:

    That is what he attributed the delay to? That is a poor answer and if he would involve public works more he would get more done.

  2. Fraser says:

    He cannot provide a specific timeline? For various reasons this is a weak minister

  3. 2024 says:

    the member should rember the water plants sea cows bay and the one baugher’s bay

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  4. Smack Dabb says:

    It’s time for Fraser, like his hair style, to be retired. You do so much crap over the years, been mentioned with interest under a COI, you are a living legend. Time to get out

    Like 6
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  5. Sidewalks says:

    Frazer is responsible for those ridiculous sidewalks in SCB that have no drainage and which cause flooding every time it rains heavily. He really has no clue. Time to retire.

    Like 2
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  6. Powerless says:

    This 3D opposition member cannot get any infrastructure repairs in his district. Wonder why??

  7. LOL says:

    So, there we have it, Fraser has spilled the beans! The reason we have piss poor infrastructure despite spending millions and millions over the years is because of POLITICS! We shouldn’t wait for a comprehensive fix when there are constituents in the district that needs a lil ‘wuk’. Give them 20 jobs to repave cold asphalt rather than planning and fixing the road once, PROPERLY so it can last 5-10 years. We are in so much f**king trouble around here.

  8. @ 2024 says:

    Hey , if you going call out the the liberator , why hide behind another of your new names , we are sure that he got to know your trademark style of writing & blogging and is waiting on that showdown in next election , it’s gonna be an all out war , ( they say revenge is sweet

  9. help help fraser says:


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