Good news! 17 coronavirus tests return with negative results

The results of more than a dozen samples that were sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in Trinidad for testing have shown that there are no new cases of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the British Virgin Islands.
Minister for Health Carvin Malone made that announcement during a national broadcast via social media address on Monday, April 6.
“Today we are announcing that 17 samples were collected by teams from the RSS (Regional Security System) and tested by CARPHA over the past two days and the good news is that all results were negative for the virus that causes COVID-19,” Minister Malone stated.
The latest results bring the total number of samples tested for COVID-19 in the BVI to 64; with 61 negatives and three positives.
Minister Malone said the three positive cases are being monitored and retested to determine whether they are recovering.
“All positive cases have exhibited only mild symptoms and did not require hospitalization. All three cases are being tested and retested in accordance with CARPHA’s protocol for determining full recovery from COVID-19,” the minister said.
Surveillance to be expanded
The Health Minister further said that government is expanding their surveillance on testing throughout the territory.
“We are providing support to all persons on quarantine and strictly monitor for development of signs and symptoms of the disease to ensure appropriate isolation, management and or treatment as necessary,” Malone stated.
He added: “Our mission is to find and isolate any remaining cases of COVID-19 in the territory in order to minimise the risk of community spread and the suffering and loss that this will bring.”
Anyone experiencing a fever with cough or difficulty breathing is being encouraged to contact the Health Hotline at 284-852-7650 for medical assessment and guidance.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
So let us out of JAIL and put us on a curfew
The last time there was a curfew we all went to the bar, bbq’s, hanging out together at the supermarket.
We don’t adhere to the rules when we are trusted to take responsibility….
So stay home and stop complaining.
We have already proved to be too stupid to be let out of jail. No disipline so we have earned what we have . This virus can still be amongst us . Be smart
The people of the BVI this is indeed good news and we should continue to adhere to the measures put in place by the government obey the curfew ,wash ✋ frequently and most of all practice social distancing and let us continue to pray and ask our heavenly Father to protect the people .
Great news indeed! 61 negative out of 64 total and the 3 are just experiencing mild symptoms.
Let us hope that the three days of chaos did not result in any transmission of the disease.
Good effort by the authorities!
Good News Indeed!!!
Praise God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for your goodness and your mercy Oh God. Continue to interceed for us Jesus. May we honor you with our lives in Jesus name I pray.
Thank Jesus? Honor with our lives huh everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die …
They say even if you tested negative assume that you have COVID19.
Just want to know why can’t people take their garbage to the dump. I see where a truck should come and do pick up but I put my garbage out and no pickup was done. I have to take it back inside my house as I’m afraid the dogs will get to it. If we can all mingle together for the 3 days of shopping with no social distance, why can’t we just go to the garbage bin I’m sure you will never find 5 people at the garbage bin at the same time. Come on this is foolishness I can just imagine for 2 weeks garbage in my house.
Praise the Lord. To God be the glory, great things He has done.
I applaud the efforts of this Government.
This is good news. The BVI has so much to thank God for but let us keep at it and not become complacent.
Well, with the chaotic days that just passed with people crammed up together at the stores, it might get worse
Unless we do mass testing we are deluding ourselves.
As I’m seating outside, reading this article. I feel so thankful that God has yet again stretched fourth his hand of grace and mercy upon us as a people. Lord, I thankyou, I praise you you. Let all the glory be to your name Jesus. Secondly I thank my Government and premier Hon Fahie. Because of your wisdom and trust in God, we are safe to see another day. I thankyou sir. People of the BVI, good job. Let’s continue to care for each orther.
The BVI population has already built up herd immunity to the virus because COVID-19 passed through here in January when everyone had the flu.
Meanwhile unemployment will be high, domestic abuse inevitable, and many won’t know how they will pay the rent.
Theres a fine line between cautious and paranoid.
We have already proved to be too stupid to be let out of jail. No disipline so we have earned what we have . This virus can still be amongst us . Be smart
Can we get someone other than Carvin to do the press conferences? His delivery is killing me.
Are people calling the hotline?
If not are we going to carry on like the Rona here or not?
Take this time to read your scripture:
Luke 6:31: And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
Where does Jesus speak to deporting those who are sick? Stop this hatefulness.
After seeing the line ups at the grocery stores, I think another week added onto the existing 2 weeks will be required.