BVI News

Governor takes second COVID-19 vaccine booster

Governor John Rankin receiving his second booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Governor John Rankin received his second booster of the COVID-19 vaccine.

He took that second booster on Wednesday at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital and is urging citizens to consider getting boosted.

The Governor said he was grateful to be able to get his second booster, which is his fourth COVID-19 injection in total.

Rankin noted the United Kingdom has so far made nine deliveries of vaccines to the Virgin Islands, with the current shipment of the adult Pfizer vaccine due to expire at the end of September.

“While the impact of COVID and numbers of cases appears to have reduced, vaccines remain the best way to protect our community and freedoms, with previous restrictions now largely lifted. I urge those of you who can to vaccinate, even if you have not yet had your first dose. It is not too late,” Governor Rankin added.

Speaking at a press conference Wednesday morning, the Governor said the UK has made the vaccines accessible free of charge to citizens in the BVI with the most recent including the paediatric dosage for children.

“I very much hope that the worse effects of the pandemic are over and as the Premier said, we are moving people to take individual responsibilities in this area. I am now in discussion with the Chief Medical Officer about a further delivery of vaccines this autumn,” Rankin said.

He noted he was in the age group where he has to be very careful.

“I would urge anyone who wishes to; get boosted. There are vaccines available, and the last batch of vaccines is good between now and the end of September to get up to the hospital and get that vaccination precisely to keep us safe and help us to move back to as normal as we possibly can,” Rankin added.

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  1. Dr.Claw says:

    His body, his choice.

    Like 10
  2. JOHN PLEASE says:

    Do you ever take the time to research vaccine injuries and deaths. These are real issues. Why do we sweep this under the rug and continue to push the narrative.

    Like 16
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  3. Elsa says:

    Those things are not good for us. Those shots are affecting too many people.

    Like 18
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  4. ? says:

    great news NEXT

    Like 7
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  5. ....... says:

    Slow news day I see…..

    Like 5
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  6. Choice says:

    His body fake choice

    Like 7
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  7. Have them all John says:

    Take another one for me tomorrow john, thks.

    Like 11
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  8. Me says:

    For the past few years I ain’t know anyone who died “from covid ” but I know plenty who pass after taking that garbage

    Like 13
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  9. SMH says:

    How he won’t have a heart attack from “the heat”, “holding him breath too long while swimming”, “too much calcium”, “ high resting pulse rate”, “gas prices”, “inflation” or any of the dozens of things the recent headlines blame for the increase in heart attacks because the increase couldn’t possibly be from turning ones body into a spike protein manufacturing lab.

    Like 5
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  10. Worst than WSI says:


    Like 3
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  11. DOTS says:

    Infection control: “Shots with no gloves on and a bandaid on her finger.
    Please supply these employees with the supplies to protect themselves and others. Covid is one problem, but hepatitis and AIDS is as equally damaging.

    Like 7
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  12. Really says:

    He didn’t get no shot where is the needle. The government wants everyone dead it’s called AGENDA 21. people now a days trust the government but not their loved ones because the Elites program you to believe them. I can see for myself that people started dying once the mark of the beast Vaccine came out which has Luciferase dye and pattern number 060606 for 666 the mark of the beast. The digital beast system is here and many want to jump on board with it because you will have a robot doing all your thinking.AI have the Right to take over because they do everything for you already while your brain goes to sleep. I will never trust the government after I see people dying from this experimental mRNA vaccine, I only heard people dying of covid 19 on the News and when it was time to kill people here they used the ventilator machine to get their numbers here so I have wisdom.the Vaccinated people are so sick that they are always calling out of work and the unvaccinated people are always working so that’s prove that the death shot doesn’t work for protection but it does work for depopulation agenda 21

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  13. wisdom says:

    lots of people don’t want to take the vaccine. I too was afraid but because of my sicknesses I took it and bam I catch the covid. I more than one uncurbable diseases and if was not for those 2 shots only god knows where I would been today. i had mild symptoms, no breathing problems just lost of small and lots of sneezing. I hope people who are out and about take it. I don’t go places but other ppl went and spread it that’s how I catch it from the 3rd person

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  14. Really says:

    Are you glad because you believe in man more than the Almighty Creator who put your sellout self here. I don’t care if your proud of selling your soul for an invisible virus. Of course you would get COVID-19 because you injected it into you along with HIV and nanobots which will know you better than yourself.your a sheep once you defend the fact that you got COVID 19 after the vaccine proves how dumb you are

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  15. Why..... says:

    I was vaccinated with the first n second shoots and said and will not take any more.

    i say this because idk if it was illuminati or other. but why as the war with Russia and Ukraine the importance of covid suddenly dropped and here comes another virus or disease they create.

    now say one say too, all the people that die around the same time of the covid still is open for question

  16. That a turn off says:

    100 more to go!!!

  17. hmm says:

    no one ever say taking the vaccine will stop you from getting Covid. it increase your chance of survival though.

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  18. Oh boy says:

    Nothing can vaccinate one against death when their time comes.

  19. @ DOTS says:

    So true! Why is a health care professional providing that type of service without gloves?

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