Governor: ‘Undue political influence eroding public service confidence’
Governor John Rankin has asserted that perceived attempts by the government to exert undue political pressure on public officers have resulted in an erosion of public service confidence in the BVI.
The governor’s claim was made in a statement submitted to the Commission of Inquiry (COI) which, among other things, invited the governor to write to them stating his position on good governance and how it is being applied in the BVI.
According to the governor, while the Public Service contains many dedicated and well-qualified officials, “their confidence appears to have been eroded by perceived attempts to exert undue political influence on their work or to create uncertainty over lines of authority.”
Governor Rankin pointed out that under Section 56 of the Virgin Islands Constitution, ministers have direction and control of their department, including directing the implementation of government policy as it relates to that department.
However, he said unless otherwise agreed between the governor and the Premier, the department is under the supervision of a Permanent Secretary, who is a public officer.
Public Service appointments
In his submission, Governor Rankin argued that the power specified in Section 56 grants his office ultimate responsibility “for the disciplinary control of public officers and/or their removal from office”.
In fact, he said, such powers vest, and should continue to vest, in the governor, not ministers.
Interaction limited between governor and public service
The governor, however, suggested that the confidence of the public service was at further risk of being eroded by “attempts to limit interaction by the Governor’s Office with ministries”
In his position statement, governor Rankin offered the example that the government has developed something of a policy insisting that all such contact be carried out through the Premier’s Office.
“Such attempts run contrary to Section 56 (7) of the Constitution whereby the Governor acting in his or her 12 discretion may at any time request from a minister any official papers or seek any official information, subject to informing the Premier of any such request,” Governor Rankin said in his position statement to the COI.
He added: “They also cut across Section 60(8) of the Constitution which allows the Governor to direct others (not just ministers) in the exercise of their functions where they involve or affect any matter for which the Governor has special responsibility under section 60 (1) of the Constitution.”
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Many people hate this inquiry because they are afraid the gravy train will stop and they will no longer suck the country dry. But, some people who CARE about the territory and are tired of being victimized by the “rebel posse” …
We are starting to love you the way we loved the former Gov.
Yes we civil servants are beginning to love him just like we did Jaspert.
The proletariat need to understand that the Government function is run by the civil service for the civil service and the most important things are that there is no accountability for civil servant failures, the Governor frequently praises the civil service for their tremendous work even when nothing is done, civil servants get paid full salary no matter what, and annual increments are paid despite failing service.
Once everybody gets the message, the proletariat can work and pay its taxes, and civil servants can surf the internet from work.
Did you guys see where Mr.PopCornHog called you pigs who are rooting for the big bad Wolf??? I guess he didn’t look at his f@t @$$ first calling people pigs……That h○g really have some nerve. H○g vex cause their filthy ways are being exposed.
I saw his post. He and his other companions NEVER had respect for the people of the BVI, so their dirty behavior is no surprise because it’s in their nature. He is in charge of health…did he look in the mirror before calling us PIGS???
Acting like he does $h¡+ gold coins and he’s better than everyone. And, he really needs to look in the mirror cause he ain’t no slim thing…..looking like a darn stuffed Turkey SMH
So, because many of us are tired of them raping the territory and giving handouts to their friends & family. And because we are in support of the inquiry…C@rv¡n called us PIGS??? Well, people of the BVI, the Minister has clearly told us what he thinks of US.
People of the BVI this is a little of what went on with Turks and Caicos. – Britain ordered the suspension of the government of its Caribbean territory of Turks and Caicos on Friday and imposed direct rule after an investigation found evidence of widespread corruption. Dosent this sound like the BVI? Britain began investigating alleged corruption last year and found “clear signs of political amorality and general administrative incompetence, This sure as hell sound like us. After careful consideration, I have instructed the Governor to bring into force today an Order in Council which will suspend ministerial government and the House of Assembly for a period of up to two years, to allow the Governor to put the Islands’ affairs back in good order,” Foreign Office minister Chris Bryant said in a statement. This is what is needed in the BVI.
Governor of the territory Gordon Wetherell said the move did not amount to a “British takeover.”
Public services will continue to be run by people of the Turks and Caicos islands, as indeed they should be,” he said.
“I believe most people in the Turks and Caicos will join me in welcoming these changes.
I think that most people in the British Virgin Islands will welcome these changes.
@ itstime
We welcome these changes. Too much corruption and amorality in this little country. Let the chips fall where they may. To all who is fighting against the very necessary COI, What’s in it for You? We want governance that will benefit All of Us, not just a few.
Ahhh now we’re getting to the crux of the matter.
The BVI is first world in wealth yet third or fourth world in infrastructure, healthcare, education and overall way of life. One would think that there is a “black hole” that swallows up all the revenue that is generated. The reality is that based upon the above, there is no need for taxation of the locals. Perhaps in lieu of a “black hole”, the money disappears into “black pockets”? Holes, pockets sane s**t. The money is being stolen. Thank goodness for the COI. It’s time the hearing exposes the crooks not just bad governance.
BS, what makes this guy an expert in BVI when he hasn’t been here for long. Most public servants don’t care as long as they get paid their salary on time. The UK isn’t our saviors no matter how they try to pretend or how many idiots agree with them. The COI is good in that it may lead to stronger policies but just remember that the devils pretend to be angels now and again.
since you want to call the governor the devil, let men then state sometimes it takes a devil to expose one or shine a brighter light on them.
The COI to me is a good thing. It would be nice if the UK thru the Governor took over direct rule for two or more years.
No fear I think it was only the ministerial part of government and the house of assembly they suspended. Everything else remained in place – “the people” ran the government so things would now get fixed. There was never a take over like they are preaching. Let the ministers and speaker take a break and watch civil servants work ethically for the good of the territory.
@Anonymous, People like you can’t see past 100 years, people like you can’t see past your elbow. We need a change in order for the BVI to move on and we can’t get anywhere with this goverment bottom line.
Did I say that change is not needed? Did I condone or endorse the government ? You have serious comprehension issues or just a presumptive moron.
Is it everything in the public service you hear or know? I don’t think so. There are very hard working civil servants just like there are very lazy private sector workers. The point should be if they are not working out release them and that’s the problem with the public service it is reluctant in releasing them and most time that is because politicians get in the way. Mediocre performance or limited resources damages the reputation of the departments similar to private companies.
The problem has always been Ministers giving the Ministry PS instructions to victimize the people below or throw blame for things those civil servants have no control over and they hide behind that. They forget how civil servants get thrown under the bus.
The DG helps them too.
Poor folks matter
Poor folks matter. Civil servants who speak get squeeze every time, even thos who carry news, suck up, suck down n suck.