BVI News

Gov’t doesn’t need to recover funds for Vybz Kartel show — Promoter

YOLO Promotions organiser Steve Parillon

Event promoter Steve Parillon has suggested that the BVI government does not need to turn a profit or even recoup its investment in the upcoming Vybz Kartel concert, scheduled for March 2025.

Speaking in an interview with Cathy Richards on JTV recently, Parillon explained that the government’s involvement should be seen as an investment in the wider community rather than any direct financial gain for the government.

“This is an investment to the country. This money is not going into our pockets,” Parillon insisted. “It’s not about the government making back the money. It’s about the country.”
He emphasised that events like these generate income for businesses, including hotels, taxis, and shops, rather than solely benefiting the organisers.

Addressing concerns about the concert’s impact, Parillon insisted that meaningful efforts were being made to maintain transparency. He explained that his team had already contacted a statistical unit to gather data on the show’s economic impact. “We’re going to bring how much money was spent… [and] how much money made. We’re even going to do statistics on visitors. We’re going to go around and do statistics on businesses,” Parillon assured.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has faced criticism for sponsoring the concert, but Parillon defended the Premier’s decision, comparing it to past sponsorships of events such as the One VI Music Festival and the VI Icon Awards. “The Premier did not do anything illegal. You understand? The Premier did not do anything abnormal. He didn’t do anything unusual,” Parillon explained. “The Premier is responsible for tourism… He can sponsor an event. This money is going into the country.”

Parillon also revealed that while $220,000 from the government had been allocated towards the concert, it barely covered the deposit required to secure the performance. “[The] $220,000 did not even cover the full deposit… It’s a partial payment, and I have another payment due in December,” he clarified. Despite the large sum, Parillon assured that his team had already sourced the remaining funds needed to execute the event.

Meanwhile, Parillon expressed confidence in the concert’s success, emphasising that it would be unlike anything the BVI had seen before. Comparing the event to Buju Banton’s past performance, Parillon noted that Kartel’s influence spans a broader audience, from young people to older fans.

“Kartel is from Buju’s era… Kartel was relevant even when he was in jail. Buju was irrelevant when he was in jail. Buju wasn’t cutting no song from in jail,” he said, pointing to Kartel’s hit song “Fever” as evidence of his continued popularity.


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  1. What? says:

    Steve for LEGCO. dis man have a head on he shoulders. 😉 😉 😉

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    • hello says:

      what I don’t understand is that the premier can dip into to people’s fund and single handedly give to who ever he wants for whatever reason without consulting with the other ministers. how is this possible. the. opposition need to take the premier to the court of law .there must be something to charge him for

  2. Reality says:

    The reality is that the Premier wrote a cheque for a private individuals event business to make money.

    This money is not going to help:

    – potholes in the roads
    – repairing the ports and infrastructure
    – improving healthcare
    – Improving education
    – Fixing broken NHI
    – Helping the elderly
    – Combatting drug crimes and trafficking

    This is a private donation to an event organizer.

    I suggest its deducted from the Premier’s salary…

    Like 46
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    • Ummm says:

      Reality I got one question, is the tourism department responsible for any of those matters you mentioned? Is like some of you people don’t think for yall selves and quick to jump on any band wagon that comes along.

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      • Resident says:

        @ummm Money is the most fungible of resources. The original budget allocated to the Tourist Board can be reallocated elsewhere if it is needed or can be put to better use.

        You do the same yourself: you had planned to buy a new television, but your car breaks down. You need your auto to get to work, so that becomes your priority.

        There has been no indication that the usual funding mechanisms within the Tourist Board were even invoked. All we’ve heard is the premier liked the idea of a party!

  3. ???? says:

    dont need pay back WTF

    Like 11
  4. Tone deaf says:

    Mr. Parillon, it seems you have failed to apprehend a rather elemental truth: the majority of the public—whose money this is—unequivocally does not endorse this decision. They perceive far greater priorities toward which such resources should be directed, priorities that align with the pressing realities of their daily lives.

    While your tenacity may have found a sympathetic ear in the Premier,the same cannot be said for the populance .

    Like 28
  5. bvi says:

    Party BVI all the time SMH burning money

  6. Kingfish says:

    As the promoter of this event, he will be walking away with a handsome profit and the government who is financing the venture GETS NOTHING. How stupid is the BVI Government.

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  7. Tax payer says:


    Like 20
  8. SMH says:

    I strongly agree with your comment. The Premier needs to pay back those monies. This issue does not benefit the interest of the Public Account.

    Like 13
  9. Resident says:

    “The premier did not do anything abnormal. He didn’t do anything unusual.”

    That is the crux of the problem! Wasting money on music fests and parties should not be usual. Sl***nde is tone deaf. Time and time again he’s told there are more pressing needs, but there’s a disconnect.

    Like 13
  10. Tax payer too says:

    If the money is coming from Tourism, i would like to know how involve was the Tourist Board in makiing this decision

  11. Devil'sWuk says:

    Completely gobsmacked at the level of discourse and rational this individual spouts so boldfacedly in defense of such a poor decision on squandering public funds.

    I mean how important is a visit from a convicted murderer that even 200k usd would not be sufficient to cover the deposit? Mek that mek sense ppl!

    Who will help the BVI if not we ourselves to make sense of this madness on overdrive.

    Like 11
  12. reality says:

    the concert is in March , peak of tourist season, the hotels are already full, taxis busy. This event is aimed 95% at the local market who will make little impact on all the things he mentioned.
    The tourists data his actuary will collect will be pumped up full of normal tourist figures , and maybe 5% will go to the concert and they will come from St Thomas so this is a waste of time.

    Like 13
  13. @ says:

    He is right the money is not going into our pockets.

    It is going into Kartel pocket.

    If even the Buju concert was a success in terms of economic growth we would not be crying still about issues the territory has had even before that concert.

    Further, the BVI doesn’t have the infrastructure to sustain multiple concerts on top of the emancipation festival.

    Seem like to me one man’s greed just might cost the premier his premiership.

    And if it does, I really think the BVI really needs to start questioning the entire Premier Office. Who really be advising this man?

  14. buh says:

    he own our treasury?!

  15. Guest says:

    Kadeem Maynard led Andrew Fahie down a rabbit hole. Looks like Steve Parillon is trying to do the same thing to Natalio Wheatley.

    Like 10
  16. local says:

    my whole thing is Kartel not worth no half a million US for performance right now looking at the man he can barely walk he is fragile Parillion you wasting the peoples money right Kartel is just a name he not the intertainer he use tobe.

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  17. RoadTownRebel says:

    My tax money. Steve full ofs s**t. Milking the gov nipples. Keep selling fish

  18. The TRUTH says:

    Are you telling lil dry up Vybz Kartel charging almost 500K for a show?

  19. BVI Gal says:

    What a waste of tax payers dollars! Vibes Kartel ain’t really worth $5000 To sing 2 songs! Guy can barely walk! Who he appealing to anyway? BETTER use that $ & help the poor Hospitaliy employees & small business owners, if you ask me

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