Gov’t extending territory-wide lockdown because of COVID-19 patient’s death

Following the confirmed death of the female patient who tested positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) locally, government has suspended the phased internal reopening of the territory.
Premier Andrew Fahie made that announcement during a national broadcast on Saturday afternoon, April 18.
He said: “We were all looking forward to the phased relaxing of the curfews and restrictions next week … But you would understand that the present circumstances leave us no choice but to adjust these plans to ensure your safety”.
“In this regard, the phased reopening has to be pushed back and we need to extend our the 24-hour curfew for just a few days more from today onwards,” Fahie said.
How will residents access food?
As it relates to residents getting access to food, the Premier said: “Your government, Cabinet, HEOC, is working on a plan to ensure that you have access to foo supply during the next few days of the extended curfew period.”
While noting that there is ‘no need for panic’, Fahie said more details will be provided in a subsequent broadcast later today.
The Premier did not specify how long the extension of the lockdown will last but said it will continue ‘until authorities are certain it is safe’.
In the meantime, Premier Fahie said the woman’s case is “suspected” to be a coronavirus-related death.
The now-deceased 52-year-old tested positive for the virus locally but the BVI must wait for official results from an independent test by the Caribbean Public Health Agency in Trinidad.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
God bless
So stay home and starve. The Belonger politicians and ruling families are good to go. No need for any of you without food, water or medication to worry about them. On the other hand they aren’t worrying about you either.
The woman’s death is a tragedy, but why does it change the lockdown situation?
So they can do a complete investigation of all her contacts and wait for all the results to come back from Trinidad. VERY SMART !! Keep up the great work Government.
Given the highly infectious nature of COVID-19 it is likely she has infected other people. If you have to stay 14 feet away from someone to avoid catching the virus it is unlikely that this woman practiced that on her visits to the hospital and in a vehicle with someone driving as well as the people she lives with. There is a good chance that she has infected other people this is just simply following what is going on in the rest of the world. That is why the curfew is being extended I believe because there will be more cases
Or the Government haven’t been honest about there readiness to care for the infected should it happen.
I am so glad about the extended curfew. As it is, I don’t want to leave my home anymore. If we are allowed to go to the grocery store, I will be suited down with my mask, gloves and clear googles or sun glasses. I usually distance myself at least ten feet from everyone. My thing is give everyone a chance to food shop but, each customer must wear a mask and gloves before they enter the supermarket.
I agree with your sentiment. Also, for those who cannot or don’t have access to masks, is there an organisation or business owners who will volunteer to distribute such to Residents to enable them to gather essential goods. I will suggest each District Rep. along with At Large Reps(or have Supporters) go out in the Communities from door to door and give masks to your Constituents. People would like to get supplies but are not sufficiently protected.
Sir, there were multiple people in the house, contact tracing has to be done for all but is only based on a person’s memory. If she missed a name that person could be on the road infecting others. So by extending the curfew it allows other persons to exhibit symptoms and get the help they need. There is also the part where the Health Minister said that there are persons from the apartment that have left since the incident and they are unaccounted for and have not yet been tested.
That is exactly what happened the infected person never mentioned her
We all complaining about food which we have a right to if we do need it.but look at it this way. None of the food stores are going to be open for you to buy.they are complying with the rules that is put in place for our good.yes we need food but where are we going to buy it??
No other country run like this, over 16 days of 24 hours lockdown because one infividial died? I would understand for a lockdown if we never had 16 days of 24 hours lockdown. What is the logic behind this B.S?
Places like China, Italy, Spain etc. were all on 24 hr lockdowns for almost 80 days. The logic behind this extension is simple: there must have been some form of community spread. This woman was denied for days a test from the hospital, so during that time who knows who she could’ve infected? And she seems to have been showing symptoms for only a couple days before succumbing. That’s telling: this is more than just simply a flu. We need to be as careful as possible and ensure that as little lives are lost.
Thank you, Premier, may your Administation continue to take these prudent measures to giud us through these difficult times.
I have a simple question and I need the government to be honest later in the press conference cause you cant be asking for patience and be misleading at the same time. EXACTLY HOW PREPARE ARE WE TO COMBAT COVID 19 CASES ON OUR OWN IN THE BVI?
I dont know about the rest of you but my patience running low. I get the point of safety first and prevention but enough is enough just how long do we have to stay on lockdown? His is feeling like punishment. And maybe the government can answer one more thing do you think is fair for you to be giving your debit and credit card information over the phone to these stores. I live VG and the online ordering for RTW only works for Tortola otter non sense and I online from a next place and had to pay giving my info over the phone so this isn’t hear say. Look I understand the time but I dont think you all understand the implications and backlash we will face with this lockdown measures. Seriously I feel we are being punish because you all ain’t truly prepare equipment wise to combat the this pandemic. You asking for patience I think you own us the truth we are we on the ability to facilitate and care for possible cases should the needs be.
Go ahead and charge the 7% tax on remittances starting Monday too. Man planning evil while God changing their plans.
True go ahead and charge 7% that can stop covid -19 mr premier what going an in the world today is a wake up call but the more things happen the worst bvi people get
‘In 1918, Philadelphia prematurely ended its quarantine from the Spanish Flu to throw a parade in order to boost morale for the war effort. Some 200,000 people lined the streets on that late e-September day.
Within hours, every bed in Philadelphia’s 31 hospitals was filled and the city ended up with 4,500 people dying from the flu or its complications within a matter of days.
What is that proverb? “Those who cannot learn from the past condemned to repeat it…”‘
Insanity! I wonder why history DOESN’T speak “loud enough” to assist with REOPENING the country now?”
You dont have to go so far back to show an example of how being too nonchalant can be disastrous. The USA was slow to respond, Trump said it was very much under control on February 24, 2020 and the US only had their 1st death on February 29th fast forward to today they have almost 38,000 deaths and over 700,000 cases.
New Orleans held Marde Gras on February 25th. A big festival in the middle of the outbreak. People bumping on each other rubbing shoulder to shoulder. Their 1st case was only March 9th now barely over a month later they have over 23,000 cases and over 1200 deaths.
You are truly a moron. Stay in your own country and complain about your own leaders. Leave the US out of your remarks. Trump responded early by closing air travel in January and he was called racist for doing so. Thus you must be another BVI’er who holds a US passport, lives and works in the BVI and pays no US taxes. Your time is coming
common reporting standards were introduced a few years agao, all USA citizens living in the BVI have to as your information has been automatically sent to the federal you have to file! – Stop your nonsennse now.
Not if your also a BVI citizen. There is no reporting of BVI citizens that are also US citizens. They do not pay or file US income tax returns. You are referring to expats. Beware
J@ck@$$, I am in my own country commenting my local BVI news. Why are you on BVI news? Perhaps you should be commenting on USA today. Your foolish president partially banned flights to China in February(clap clap) while allowing flights to and from Europe until Mid March. Fast forward to today we now know that most of the Covid19 cases in the USA came from people who visited Europe not China.
Bulls**t your house most have gold and silver for everyone on this island
@ a lesson from the past , you are absolutely correct, they never took heed and that was the outcome, let me put it to you this way, I’m currently in the middle of this pandemic which means I am currently overseas..we are given 1 hr a day to come out and exercise or just walk for a bit then its back in..when i do shop after waiting on a queue for at least 2 hrs, sometimes I can’t even find everything that I need so have to make multiple trips to different store. when i do get home, I have to disinfect every piece of item i bought as you are unsure on who has touched them before. This takes me the entire day. And you complaining because your premier keeping the place on lockdown. you definitely don’t want this thing to catch on like hell fire in the VI cause it will be 100 times worst. make a sacrifice for once in your life. it was much worst back in 1918.
I hope that every COVID-19 related ‘occurrence’ does not mean that we will be on lockdown. Does this government have any type of long term plan in place or are we just winging it. This VIRUS IS HERE and it is foolish to think otherwise. We need to strategies to mitigate and cope while allowing people to acquire basic necessities and allow some form of internal revenue flow where possible.
This time around the shopping (if we are even allowed) will be really interesting.
Your right. A sound plan cause it seem like they only reading instructions and not noticing what the backlash is coming. We going have a bigger problem than Covid 19 check it. No work no money to buy food people scamming the FSN meanwhile Bill’s are raising and we have to be patient. Banks dont what to hear that and some of the approved shops you have to pay over the phone that’s crazy tell about illegal. The world is watching and the stores contact info is posted what you think can happen there. This is crazy safety first yes but other problem are there and clearly the stressed cant think able everything but its seem like we are being punished for government lack of preparedness to facilitate caring for person that fall sick with Covid 19 look in the region it have places with higher numbers that open their country for workers to work and if not for nothing it’s because they use the lockdown to fix and prepare for the possibility of what’s to come. The last press conference the BVI leadership said the measures they seeking to implement to ensure a state of preparedness and to me it dont seem like they were completely honest. Now today talking about being patient to ask such a thing there must be a level of honesty so I feel they own it to the people that call here there home a full breakdown as to where they are with they preparedness to curve the progress of covid 19 and I sure dont expect perfection but a clear understanding straight talk no buls**t its time to share fact and not stats.
If the curfew is extended, there is a chance the virus will subside. So heartbroken to say but, there is going to be more deaths. As much as you want to say or deny, the virus is here. It should be made mandatory if you have to go out a mask and gloves is required. No exceptions, If you don’t have a mask, there are plenty of ways to make a mask. You can make a mask out of bounty paper towel, paper coffee filters and two rubber bands. Use a stapler to close the mask.
They can even be made out of under wear.
Nice I didn’t know you can make mask with those products. Good vibes.
Yes you can, 2 sheets of bounty paper towel, put a new paper coffee filter between the two sheets of bounty and staple mask all the way around to close the mask put two holes on each side and put two rubber bands in the holes to go over your ears to support the mask on your face. Can be worn for about 3 hours and then discard. I made a few and store them in a zip lock bag. If I have to go out, that is what I will be wearing. I am only trying to protect myself and everyone else.
You can also make a mask out a padded bra cup. The main thing is your mouth and nose is covered and if you have to cough or sneeze nothing is going to go in the air. If someone sneeze or cough around me I am running the other way.
Or the Government haven’t been honest about there readiness to care for the infected should it happen.
With increased knowledge that one can be a systematic (no symptoms) and be ill not knowing it up to a month how is all this going to work ? Locking down is not going to work. The only way is TESTING. Everybody! Not sure what these politicians are trying to do except screw with everyone’s mental health.
A few ignorant animals are out there and the politicians are punishing everyone because of them. Not right. It’s got to illegal somehow
I back you on that. And it sad that nice lady had to die but case in point about symptoms not showing for sometimes. This virus is complex and the medical system locally seem not to understand meanwhile the government seem to believe they came up with lockdown it will help. Their many ways this government failed. This self quarantine is crap you have empty government own buildings turn them into temporary medical facilities house the mild critical and suspected cases according. Test them and get them treated. That’s what other countries have done and open the internal economy a and start working on plans to how to returns the country to its main pillars in the bvi we have 2 economical pillar tourism and financial we lost the tourism pillar and we not sure how that will play out with half the world not working. No one I know will travel and have no money to maintain themselves. So will barely holding on to the last pillar cause honestly sit and think about how long you think the banks and trust companies will pay staff to remain home before they decide to cut their losses and leave. Premiere you know I talking facts I appeal to you think really think the bank left virgin gorda after irma because of the state of the virgin gorda economy which still haven’t return to it full potential 3 years after. I plead with you do the rite thing. Listen to the suffers and not your well off friends no disrespect but facts is facts and it hurt at time. Stay home was your plan but the lady was home until things got serious. Please stop this self quarantine thing trusting ordinary people to play doctor at home they scare to and dont often have the expertise to know what to do. Use a school turn it into a temporary medical facility equipped it and go to work this work in China until recent when cases return in a different part of china but it better that having people lock up the sister island has no cases at lease consider this. You say you listened to experts did the same experts tell you the country they base in are soft curfew and Barbados with 67 case open there country Wednesday gone. Think about it that’s all I am saying use a school turn it into a medical facility conduct testing and provide heat gun to businesses and inform them what them should look for as far as screening staff and customers. I believe people will prefer that method then home. And to the law enforcement agencies you have to lead by example and follow practice social distancing to I saw the task force being sworn in and not one even top cop were 6 feet apart you cant expect to instill discipline if you down have. And people just let us comply with the basic rules it hot but its doable.
I believe they only have 1,000 test kits, so they can’t test everyone!
Honorable Fahie doing the right thing.In a next few days if their are no more positive cases. That mean we are good to go. At the moment are too too high of a risk to go out. Do we all know where the lady pick up the virus from ? Could be from april 1,2 and 3 during those days of shopping. Meaning their someone out their got it. The symptoms take more then 14 for some people. This is very serious stage guys. Take care all. May God protect us all from this virus. In term of food I’m sure he will come up with a plan for delivery door to door I hope.
God God save us all from these il informed politicians
And what happen if there are more cases.
That’s a hell of a question. If everytime another case pops up or a person dies are you going to Extend the Curfew another 2 weeks? At that rate, before you know it We will have been closed for a year. How long can the country survive on lockdown? Keep this going and eventually people will be dying from Starvation or some other illness caused from stuffy rooms and overused clothes and linen etc.
With all the brain power behind those Degrees, someones should by now been able to come up with workable strategies; but it is beginning to look like Reflex or Scattershot management. No harm intended
When they take new measures, they only talk about the quarantine that occurs with the collection of rents … Most of the people who live on the island pay rents and all immigrants work for that. .. How are we going to pay for something? we are not generating? There are countries that did take quarantine measures, some without a curfew, but also spoke about financial aid for families, eliminating service payments and eliminating rent payments … They don’t talk about it here.
Because they only care bout themselves the voters and there families…
I have not voted for Honorable Mr Fahie, also I’m a harsh critic of any Government but I must openly confess, I love this man. My relatives on Anguilla and St.Maarten respectively called this morning and asked what’s wrong with those idiots in the BVI SXM has 10 deaths already and that’s only on the Dutch side.
AXA borders are closed until further notice, yet you greedy selfish … won’t work with those in authority. SMFH.
Hope your ready for an exquisite diet of rice & beans. Now I just need a source of fresh water. Unless they’re going to deliver a gallon a day while locked up. I’ll submit my shopping list. Don’t forget the tenderloin & baking potatoes fresh vegetables. Are they going to deliver propane to cook with ?
Oh, the trash pickup. Just piling up at the curb. Have never seen a truck. Have seen some rats. Starting to look pretty appetizing. Natures Little Secret! Wait til this gets out to the tourist industry. Lockdown in Paradise. Nice title to a book
I mean you all just continue to run this country soft and clueless. Why the Governor and premier don’t declare a state of emergency why wasn’t that building put under police guard and quarantine. Those people who came back and did not comply with the quarantine why were they not charge for endangering the lives of others and their names not printed in the press.
The leaders of this country those elected and appointed have to stop this mentality of coming down on everybody and not those who are breaking the rules and law. People need to shop and take care of business.
You all have not protected the citizens from those who are careless and have no regard for rules and Laws. Police passing people walking and driving on the street Westend and east end especially.
I think the government doing a good job so far.No matter what he does not everybody will be please.i just hope the government would get incontact with other caribbean leaders to assist in bringing their citizen home.i thinks ist best to be in your land of origin incase things get worse.Other nations have sent charter flights for their people so the same could be makes no sense you are here putting burden on the medical facility and even trying to feed yiurself when you dont have an income.This is my opinion ,i represent nobody else .I am not from tortola so i dont want people to say am a tolan so i want island people out.
1. COVID 19 is here.
2. If lockdown continues, economic disaster will also be here.
1. The economy can always bounce back.
2. Lives cannot.
You can protect lives with correct social distancing -Staying 6 feet apart, being responsible and acting responsibly.
Many countries are containing the pandemic without putting their entire population in jeopardy of losing everything they have worked for.
There are other safe options to combat this. Not just lock everyone down without access to food or medicine, not to mention the fact that people cannot work so HAVE NO MONEY!!
Goat Rodeo
Now imagin our first lockdown was because we had few cases ok people was so called recovered lol now this lady caught something and died in damn near few hours is it me or is this folly until autopsy and so on what damn corona related death yo sell out self talking about
Quedate en casa pero comiendo que si yo no tengo comida, si alguien dsabe donde conseguir que me diga
May God have Mercy of us all.
Dear Mr. Premier,
Please know that I am with child and have a toddler and we are just about out of food. We have water thankfully. Please allow the country to restock before we are locked in for even another day.
Thank You
Why VG and Anegada lockdown and all the Covid 19 cases Tortola?
May God have mercy on my lovely BVI. Why are y’all rushing so much? We have to pray and trust God with the journey. He move in his own timing. Hon. Fahie or The Governor can’t do a thing about it. My foolish advise to y’all is to be still, pay attention to what is happening all over the world. Why do you think we are exempted? It is because of the mercies of God why our Territory is doing this well. Have some respect for the few persons that are sincerely praying and pleading with God. Be strong and courageous my brothers and sisters. This too will pass. God bless this Territory.
So, what if people are unable to get masks? Then they can’t shop? Also, people are going around making masks out of cloth and putting BVI and other designs on…trying to make money from the situation. Let me add that cloth masks and bandanas were said to not be effective. So, be careful
May God have mercy on my lovely BVI. Why are y’all rushing so much? We have to pray and trust God with the journey. He move in his own timing. Hon. Fahie or The Governor can’t do a thing about it. My foolish advise to y’all is to be still, pay attention to what is happening all over the world. Why do you think we are exempted? It is because of the mercies of God why our Territory is doing this well. Have some respect for the few persons that are sincerely praying and pleading with God. Be strong and courageous my brothers and sisters. This too will pass. God bless this Territory.
None of this surprises me!
The idea of having thousands converge on markets, banks, and other venues without social distancing, and Proper Protective Equipment-(PPE’s)- suggests an almost suicidal plan on the people of this country!
Here in the US Virgin Islands, there are venues where persons cannot go without some form of PPE on their persons!
And now, thousands are once again, expected to converge in public spaces, without any real plans for social distancing.
Here, no salons or barber shops can open. The officials are unsure how distancing will work, so everyone is forced to do their own thing in kitchen and bathroom sinks!
I’m hoping Premier Fahie will take his time, this time, in reopening the country!
We are counting on you, Premier Fahie!
The curfew is very good, but now my food is over and I have two children who eat too much V8, I need to buy my family and all the island, but we need food, thank you.
Yes,there’s people running out of food and they’re getting sick because they can’t go out to buy groceries. Not good.
One good that came out of this Pandemic exposed the silent Poverty in the BVI and also a lot of people were living above there means not because majority of the population driving a car that doesn’t mean that they weren’t living from pay check to pay check. A lot of people were barely making ends meet I am one of them working for 30+ years but can’t even afford a car can’t afford a house can’t afford to save for retirement couldn’t afford to retire otherwise I would be definitely homeless in the near future with these absorbitant rent ,grocery bills water bills light bills . I guess the stamens we were bor to pay bills and then die is so true and even more so with this pandemic
My People, Please listen to people who have more experience than you in the medical field.
If you had been reading your bible you would know that this is self fulfilling prophecy. Think positive, but be also realistic. The worst is yet to come.
Protect your selves and families. You only live once and once you are dead you are not coming back. I live in the USA and work on the front lines of life and death every day because I am a clinician. I have colleagues and friends who have died of this deadly virus. I am at high risk myself because I have comorbidities.
I know its hell being confined to your homes, but isn’t it better to be alive and be safe at home? There are those who cannot wait to get back in the streets. Have you been tested? If you don’t give a dam about Your self at
least think about your family, think about others who you might pass on the virus to just by close contact. Life is not a rehearsal stage where if you make a mistake you can come back and make it right.
PRAY! God woke you up this morning for a reason, don’t let him regret it! Turn your MESS into a Message of hope for some one.
God is trying to tell us something, but no one is listening.