Gov’t has plan for BVI despite persons claiming otherwise! Full reopening was slated for November
Premier Andrew Fahie
Premier Andrew Fahie has said persons who keep reiterating his government does not have a plan for the territory during the COVID-19 pandemic are being disingenuous.
The Premier made that statement during a recent video interview while responding to what he described as false statements being made by some persons in the territory.
He said these persons are fully aware of how fluid the nature of COVID-19 is and with that factor, it is not in his government’s interest to prematurely release all their plans at once since they are likely subject to change from COVID-19.
“We have a plan for the Phase II with the persons coming in, whether work permit, etcetera. We had a plan that was projected for the first of November dealing with the economy and we didn’t even get to get that out because we were going to bring that out just last week, then everything started to unravel,” Fahie stated.
“The plans we had last week we don’t have this week. We had to readjust. The plans we had a week before we had to readjust. The ultimate plan is very simple, we want to make sure that we reopen the borders eventually. We were aiming for the first of November. We had all our plans set up for that,” he explained.
Don’t want to end up having to borrow money
The leader of government business also reflected on recommendations made by detractors who called for the government to immediately release stimulus packages to assist the population during the initial stages of COVID-19.
He said if his government had rushed to make that decision, the BVI would have been in a similar position to many countries who released their stimulus packages early but are now experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 with limited or depleted resources to support their residents.
“I kept saying it’s too early to do a stimulus plan because if you do it too early and you don’t know the length or the breadth. You are going to be right back there with the stimulus plan and you are going to be in trouble … Now when you look at this, all the stimulus plans that were given out are finished but COVID-19 is now ramping up. So now the question is where are they going to get this money from?” Fahie asked.
“Some of them have already borrowed money to run the country. Thank God I have not reached to that point. We are trying our best not to get to that point. We’re scrapping, we’re making sure that we don’t get to that point. We’re trying our best to make sure that we keep our eyes on our revenues.”
More plans coming in upcoming weeks
In the meantime, Fahie who is also the Minister of Finance, said his government will be rolling out a number of initiatives and plans to boost the economy in the upcoming weeks.
He said this will happen once the COVID-19 situation in the territory improves.
“If all works well when we find out within a week or two, we will be able to come back and say ‘well, all right. Based on the numbers and based on what we have done thus far with this case, we have seen that now we can go back and tell you that on this projected time, this is what we plan to do [and] on that projected time, that is what we plan to do’,” he added.
“I don’t want to release that now whether persons come and trying to pressure or not because we would be just doing it just to answer and look good and then you cannot maintain what you have said,” the Premier further stated.
The BVI currently has 52 active COVID-19 cases.
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Release the plan immediately. Every 2 year old and up knows plans are dynamic and will change. A good plan will be detailed enough to accommodate and explain the changes.
Stop stalling. If you have a plan release it. Time is if essence!
The problem is that the Territory put a math teacher in the post of finance/financial management. These are 2 different things.
There are people good at math, but never always good at finance. Math is only one small segment of finance and financial management.
Well, there’s some people that wanna put a lawyer there next term. And one who is shrouded in allegations of financial impropriety. What do you think about that? lol
STFU. Who is you?
They might have a plan, but it doesn’t feel like a very good plan.
Look at the St Lucia plan to get their tourist industry moving again in a pandemic. That is creative forward thinking getting the country moving again:
Why can’t we have leadership like that?
@ not to sure that’s the BVI problem always comparing what other countries doing , what might work for them might not work for us do they have a boarder problem I don’t think so unlike us the US Virgin islands next door with their problem and persons going back and forth .
We did have a similar problem where persons from Martinique who are residents from st lucia got smuggled in. We did get a few covid cases as well but we acted quickly. We were focused on controlling the virus instead of trying to chase who are not from st lucia away??
At lucian, i like that statement to the end, lord it sweet. And to the person that say what works for them (St.Lucia) might not work for The BVI whats the difference i may ask both islands dependant on tourism i say try it cant kill to try. Or you looking at America for ideas. The BVI will forever be in a mess because it like to fit in where it dont belong. Gathering ideas from larger country that dont even know them unless its to exploit them. Shameful think and behavior is what has this small set of islands cracking like poorly mixed concrete.
I will say this in closing i love Caribbean and one of the best in tourism i seen is St.Lucia with the right touch St. Lucia will be on touchable the people are hard working and hustle to promote their country and they do it with love and pride for the country. Adopt the drive and stop with the division mindset.
big facts
I agree with you 100%. Whats wrong with copying a plan out there thats working? St Lucia was the first to reopen, so their plan is tested and proven, even St Vincent has a good plan….The BVI. Hmmm. We in trouble…
Foi – release the plan if you have one! Let the industry provide feedback. Stop doing your one man show. We are tired and want to do business again!
Hi Andy Foi
Disingenuous you say?
You are the one who is not transparent. You are the one who did not respond to the plans presented to you by the private sector.
You are the one who changes his mind all the time on why you wanted to ban expats? And now you claim we are disingenuous?
I am sorry Foi, but I am afraid your lack of transparency makes it a bit untrustworthy of you now to claim you had a plan for November. The only “plan” for boosting the economy you had was spending some money on infrastructure which everybody (except for you perhaps) understands is not a boost for the economy really.
You really need to focus on your own performance and really be honest with yourself. You are losing credibility by the day with these nonsense statements.
Stop blaming everybody but yourself but take responsibility. Yes plans change. But that’s no reason to be so silent.
If it is true that he did not respond to pans presented by the private sector, he is a fool (unwise).
The private sector has a wealth of information that is complementary to what the Government has. These plans should have been reviewed and incorporated into the final plan of the Government, as appropriate. The Government cannot work in isolation of the private sector when assessing the economic condition of the Territory.
Y’all need to get this man and his baby talk out. The Territory is in dire straits economically.
Read his quoted statements above. Do they portray a person speaking with financial intelligence? Remember, we have a number of financial intellectual persons in the country – both belongers and expats.
A true leader listens …
A true leader is not a bully …
Borrowed money? No.
Took Massive amounts of money from pension and still not give it to the needy? Yes.
Despicable leadership.
Open the borders whenever. No tourists are coming anytime soon. Especially since the announcement that there were 1500 secret cases got us on the USA blacklist.
check out the number of boats that have left for the Grenadines. Check out the high end cruise line moving to the Grenadines
So everyone else is wrong and premier fahie is right? The only plan he has is how to spend the social security money
You WILL HAVE TO BORROW MONEY!!! Do you think that businesses being locked down and even the ones now having to close by 1pm are making any money? The Government WILL HAVE TO BORROW to ensure that the economy does not tank any further. Listening to this Government talk as if they are doing us some kind of favor is really nerve wrecking. You got access to $40 mil from SSB since April/May, we are heading for mid-September and nothing really, no real progress, no real benefits just grandstanding! You guys HAVE FAILED, I’m sorry, but you HAVE FAILED! If you think the BVI will make it into 2021 without borrowing I have news for you. Wait until the borders open and people start leaving just in time for the ‘season’.
I am so sick of this man and his team for taking us for fools. This is the same person who had us waiting in the winds with his countdown to an announcement, every day was this great anticipation counting down to a grand announcement which turned out to be an announcement that we will start breaking up major contracts into petty contracts in order to spread the love. How does that help the overall economy? Tourists are expecting to head out here from November. What is our plan? How will businesses prepare when they have no information and no financial assistance? We are in so much trouble.
and let us run our business again. Fine to follow Covid guidelines but stop preventing us from earning an honest living!
Terrifying, truly terrifying! 🙁
As time goes by we are learning that the virus is not nearly as deadly as once believed. We were cautious and willing to go along with the lockdown early on before we knew much. Now we know so much more. Open the economy and the borders. Allow the people to go back to work and earn a living for themselves and their loved ones. Fahie, your policies are doing way more harm than good to your country.
Thank you Premier Fahie for your foresight in not releasing stimulus packages and monies.
So, we get to starve then and now!
What a visionary.
Premier do what you and your team think is right and the best course of action. You ran for election and was elected by the majority of voters according to the constitution of the BVI. Everybody is a genius or expert when they are sitting on the sidelines. Lead as you see fit as long as you do it lawfully and in the best interest of the BVI.
Stimulus plans are finished and i am yet to receive a something to feed my children what nonsence. How come some persons who have no dependants are getting and those who have mouth to feed are not getting. Something is really wrong here.
I fully agree with what you are saying. Some people who received stimulus get a salary way above $1000, but somehow people in need and also with kids have been declined because they received half a salary just above $1000. Makes no sense to me.
Many sectors could safely open. Oil Nut Bay and other villas where the owners can self quarantine, charter boats that can self quarantine, many businesses which don’t have walk-in traffic, just manufacturing, can safely open. What is the plan for us to start making enough to feed our employees and their families??? Your stimulus checks haven’t happened nor have any of our employees received any money. Give us the plan!!
I tired of this BVI Trump just like a dam.. little girl always with his tit for tat nonsense
Where is the stimulus money for businesses that are going broke. Some cannot even afford insurance which is just coming due and hurricane season is upon us. PLEEZE get your act together… You are assisting to bankrupt the country.
WE need to get off these boards with our comments which hardly anyone READS
It’s time we start making our VOICE heard!!
If we keep waiting for this GOVERNMENT we will lose this up coming Tourist season.
Gov will still be getting their paycheck. It’s only WE the people that will go HUNGRY waiting for this so call PLAN
By the way WHERE is the BVI TOURIST BOARD in all of this????
It’s time we the people make our PLAN
The BVI Tourist Board is great at the one job they’re set up to do–marketing–but you can’t market a place nobody can visit!
WE need to get off these boards with our comments which hardly anyone READS
It’s time we start making our VOICE heard!!
If we keep waiting for this GOVERNMENT we will lose this up coming Tourist season.
Gov will still be getting their paycheck. It’s only WE the people that will go HUNGRY waiting for this so call PLAN
By the way WHERE is the BVI TOURIST BOARD in all of this????
It’s time we the people make our PLAN
Ok so obviously there is no plan. If there was, you would have (or should have) told us by now, especially so the tourism sector had time to plan. Right now clients are canceling their trips in November as they are now nearing their cancellation term. My opinion is that there will be spikes when the tourists come in- that’s agiven.. US is our number 1 client in the tourism industry and also the leading worldwide in CV19 cases. Chrismtas and New Year are our peak weeks for tourism here. Open up the 16th December, let all of the yachts and villas get rented, which is the highest rate (part of your government plan should already be in place is, protocol for arriving passengers-this will not change), to allow maximum income for everyone. That brings us to the 5th January which is a natural lull in tourism sector anyway. We know this is difficult and fluid and that things change quickly, but all we are asking is for some communication!!
Boy you all right only polititians going be collecting their pay .you all notice that not one of them come forward for the country they claim so much with all the sufferatin people going through to say i will take a pay cut and and donate this money to so and so for this cause or even say let me pay a light bill for some needy person in my community. Show you all really care.SHARE.
I think the government should open the sea port to tourists Only who coming from st thomas airport with doing screening and ect so that the bvi could make sort of money cause bringing the airline to beef island we not making enough money that airline alone making all the money !we need to get our tourist industry going now .
Mehn i wish next month was election
Many are called few are chosen
Not a good leader !
Im so disapppointed
The Premier may, indeed, have a plan, but he has not communicated with the private sector. Is he so knowledgeable that he can create a plan without understanding individual industries? Has he even had any relevant and significant private sector experience?
The Government seems unable or unwilling to understand that the tourist sector has to have sufficient advance notice to prepare and to sell. None of us, not one, knew about a November plan! It wouldn’t surprise me if that notice had come in the middle of October, and the Government would have looked surprised when the sector said, OK, we can probably get some bookings for Christmas. If we want bookings before that, and we do, we need plenty of advance notice. In the meantime, boats are leaving and the Premier says, “don’t threaten” instead of grasping that it is economic reality. It’s like he wants a perfect record and doesn’t realize that if a published plan needs adjusting due to conditions, everyone understands and accepts that. But to fail to share a plan is no better than having no plan.
The only plan you have is to claim you had a plan which you plan without engaging stakeholders and which you plan to release at a date and time that you now have to plan. Am I right or am I right
To quote Lavity Stoutt, the founder of the VIP, “where there is no vision, the people perish”….
The Premier is being slammed. I hope he realises that the country is at breaking point right now. Either people and companies get a massive input of cash or the place is going to crime real soon.
They have no plan whatsoever. How can you have a plan for our health and economic recovery and none of the stakeholders have seen it? A plan changes as the situation changes so that is no excuse. The government sent around a chart calling it a plan. A chart and a plan are two different things Hon. Premier. Google the words and you will see. No leadership!
The only part i read and understand and still dont really understand is the part where Trump cousin said the stimulus money done wtf got it? because the streets waiting and now to hear its done its definetly nerve wrecking..and all he puppet ministers them just telling a setta lies especially the one for the 6th somebody need to tell her hush because evidence text voice note all keep proving she is ***** now she set her lil puppet on fb with disclaimer like darling you alone cant put your mother there it took three district to do that now remind her of that please she knew what it comes with after all this is her second term!!
I doubt that there was any plan to open in November the lil outbreak gives them an excuse now