BVI News

Gov’t inviting residential property owners to accommodate returning nationals

The TB Lettsome International Airport remains closed since government has not yet reopened the territory’s borders. (BVI News photo)

Days before the territory’s borders reopen to returning residents, government is still searching for accommodations to use as state quarantine facilities.

More than a month ago, Health Minister Carvin Malone had issued a call for local hoteliers to consider leasing their properties to government for the venture. That call has now been extended to the residential community.

This is according to a Friday, May 22 media bulletin titled ‘BVI Property Owners Invited To Accommodate Returning Nationals’.

It said: “Persons who wish to have their homes or other properties inspected for the purpose of accommodating persons who are expected to return home as part of their 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement are invited to call the Government’s Customer Service Care Centre at (284) 494-3701 and provide details of the property.”

“Persons are to call Monday to Friday between the hours of 8 am to 5 pm and they can also email [email protected],” it further said.

It is not clear how many properties government currently has available to use as state quarantine facilities.

June 2 internal reopening

The BVI’s borders will remain closed to incoming passengers until 6 am on June 2 in the first instance. The territory will then commence the gradual and phased internal reopening.

Nationals and other permanent residents still trapped abroad will be required to fill out a registration form to gain re-entry.

“The first priority will be given to the re-entry of nationals, Belongers, holders of permanent residence and naturalised citizens, who upon registration and certification by the Environmental Health Division, are deemed to have approved private quarantinable accommodation for occupancy for at least a 14-day-period,” Premier Andrew Fahie said in a statement recently.

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  1. Hmmm says:

    What is the benefit to the property owner?

    Like 11
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    • Father Time says:


      You will be doing something that benefits your beloved Virgin Islands specially, that benefits your Virgin Islands people.

      You know, for people who always have something to say “island man and woman” coming here and taking over the country, you sure do ask for handouts when it’s time to use that BVI Pride for something that directly benefits the BVI. I’m starting to think that maybe you are all just horrible fkng people.

      Like 31
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      • Hmmm says:

        You seem to forget that these houses have mortgages on them. Even during the break, interest still has to pay. Electricity and water has to pay. Place has to be cleaned and sanitized and at an expense before and after. Linens and furnishings may have to be thrown away after and new ones bought. These are all costs. These properties may end up with negative stigmas on them because they housed potentially sick persons. There is more to consider.

        Like 12
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        • Father Time says:

          While I agree that these things are a factor, It’s 14 days. That is not going to affect your mortgage, property value or utilities to the point where the government needs to pay you. If you don’t want to do it, nobody is forcing you. If you are going to do it, do it out of the kindness of your heart and out of empathy for the people who just want to return to their families.

          Like 8
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          • Homegrown says:

            These ppl going be posted up for 14days running ac straight……the government got money for what them want…let them pay for the place.

            Like 3
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      • Ken says:

        How is it benefiting the “Beloved Virgin Islands”.

    • @Hmmm says:

      you are an idiot, the government pay you…..your mama must of given you your property

      Like 6
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    • Suzwee says:

      So this is amazing Tortola, hmm all of a sudden these people want to come back home,they was the one who use to say tortola is too slow for them, it’s yo expensive for them all of a sudden we want to come back home to this small place. Wow

      Like 1
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  2. Anonymous says:

    If you were not such a horrible racist vermin, maybe you could be considered the opposite if HORRIBLE on two feet.

    Like 7
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  3. Hmmmmmm says:

    Government will have to pay me. Afterall, I don’t know how long some will end up staying pass 14 days and I will have to incur costs to have the place and its contents cleaned and sanitize afterwards.
    The Cuban docs coming here to work without pay?

    Like 8
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  4. Tongue Fu says:

    Unfortunate that the Government could not secure a deal with the Hotels here as it is alleged that they were asking for too much money. Now there is a logistical challenge if you have to monitor people at different residential apartments in addition to those who are self quarantining.

  5. Hone boy says:

    Used schools college hurricane shelter vg clinic yachts police headquarters not in used.

    Like 5
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  6. LC says:

    I read the paperwork they send you. Its a bit onerous requiring land line telephone, ability to remove furniture, requirement to secure premises from outside activity, requiring cleaning to be supervised by Environment Health Division, walls and floors need disinfection. It was too much aggravation.

  7. JO says:

    Let him host them at his property West End.

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  8. hmmm says:

    So our own BVI people are filling out forms, in order to be allowed to return home, after waiting two and one half months. And arrangements for the necessary accommodations to receive them and keep them for the quarantine period, and longer, if they test positive, have NOT been made? Oh, my goodness.

    Like 6
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    • Meanwhile says:

      Will tourists have to fill out forms to visit BVI when tourism opens up, just like how Belongers had to fill out forms to return to their own home?

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