Gov’t issues appeal! Wants to lease hotels as isolation facilities for returning residents

Health Minister Carvin Malone has issued a call for local hoteliers to consider leasing their properties to government who is hoping to create state quarantine facilities for returning residents.
Malone said the facilities would be used to isolate travellers for 14 days before they are reintroduced into the general population.
Addressing the public via a live broadcast on April 15, he explained that this 14-day isolation period would be among the critical elements of the territory’s preparedness protocols when the borders re-open.
“The cry is out for the hospitality industry to look in terms of having your facility under contract, of course, so that we can have up to 150 rooms available, if not more,” the minister said.
Malone said one hotelier has already been contracted to house persons in quarantine.
He also indicated that discussions are ongoing with others.
“We urgently need the support and cooperation of the hospitality industry in order to make any border re-opening plan a success,” he petitioned.
In the meantime, the minister announced that there will also be ‘enhanced’ health screening arrangements at local ports.
The ports will remain closed until June 2 and only one port of entry – the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport – will be utilized for citizens and residents.
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Use ScrubIsland it’s off island from the main island
Little dix , peter island resort or guana island
about asking Branson and others. You’ll be asking a long time buddy.
no room over $150 per night
LOL Scrub dont want locals there
Please do not use my name in your foolishness. Thank you and it will be well appreciated.
Give me a call. I have some more rooms. Love a good petty contract. Cheers.
Hahahahahahaha! Love it, thank you for the humour! Needed that laugh bad.
So i guess the lady with all the connections ran out of spaces to rent government?
There is a hotel resort on french man’s cay perfect for this
If yall had fix prospect reef which is government owned you could’ve put them there
If there were any forsight, vision and will beyond filling pockets from government coffers, since 1960 to present, government could have have its own buildings constructed for its uses.
But decades were spent self enriching and the same mental economic constructs and ills appear in practice to present.
It appears, from history, that governments do most for themselves and the multi-millionaires, and only the bare pacification minimum for the populace.
The BVI Government should not be finding itself short of buildings, office and other space, and have to be a tenant in the 21st. That there is another avenue for fraud and mis-direction of public funds.
We need to get pass unconventional and get up with foresight, visionary and action leadership, or be leftbehind in 1950’s 60’s modes thinking and operations.
Not anti this current government this is or i. But these words exemplify total disgust with evident mis-guided policies and practices witnessed over decades, and no genuine change appear on the horizon.
Prospect could and should have been fixed years ago. Wickhams cay, or at least a portion of if, should have been set aside and developed into a complex to serve all of government housing needs. But the green, green superseeded foresight and actions.
Today, the country has out grown the government’s capacity to function and direct its economic responsibilities in a sensible, prudent and conservative manner. The results of poor management and lack of foresight, vision and actions
I am a BVI Lander and I have my house aint no way if I was returning home I would stay in any hotel when I have my house.
You do not have a choice here, mate.
Ppl like you they should not let in cause you thinking of yourself and not the country. Please stay where you are, and do us living here a favor. I so glad house or not YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER.
Stay your a** where you are this is or rule not yours.
Ppl like you they should not let in cause you thinking of yourself and not the country. Please stay where you are, and do us living here a favor. I so glad house or not YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER.
People like Jim is going to have the Premier reverse the idea of letting BVIslanders and Residents back before it even starts.
you locked me out already is enough going to sell my property ,business and move to where i rough out this pandemic.thats my say.
@same boat
You need to stay your a** where you are and as you said, “where you roughed it out”. Oh,and you are going to sell your assets. Do you really have assets here? If you really did I don’t believe you will sell just because government put measures in place to protect us from a
deadly virus that no one understands. So go ahead because to my mind you are not an asset to the BVI community. You are very simple minded. Smfh
In Cayman we have been doing it going on 4 weeks now and it is working out great. The govt has a few hotels under contract. They people returning are required to stat in the hotel room for 14 days. They get meals delivered. Family has also delivered meals but not contact with the person in isolation. They are comfortable and understand why they have to go though this process. Caymanians abroad are happy to be home in thier country and willing to go through this process rather than be stuck in someone else country with little to no support!
Let me say even if I had a hotel I wasn’t going to let persons quarantine in it because it would kill the reputation and have a stigma on that particular premises.
Just my option!!!!what if persons later test positive while quarantine hmmm.
How much you selling your property for? Where is located?
Why not ask treasure isle hotel? … It’s really perfectly located, near the central police station where they can be monitored 24/7.
Don’t they know who own and operate these hotels and motels get outta here with yo Garbage