Gov’t moves to minimize security risks after Hurricane Maria

Members of the UK Armed Forces patrolling Road Town.
The United Kingdom military will be working with the local police to provide extra security on the ground to minimize security risks after the passage of Hurricane Maria.
Governor Augustus Jaspert gave the assurance at a press briefing this morning where he also revealed that the hours of the curfew have been extended from 6:00 pm this evening until after the hurricane.
“I am incredibly pleased that the British Military has stayed on the Islands. They will be here, they will be working under the authority of the BVI police and the police commissioner to make sure that we have security or no security concerns after the passing of Hurricane Maria,” the Governor said.
“I have extended the curfew in consultation with the Premier and with the Cabinet from 6:00 pm tonight, Monday, until the hurricane ‘all-clear’.”
The Governor said this is to allow the Public Works Department to quickly remove debris from the streets.
He added that all focus now has been turned to preparation for the hurricane.
“For now, communities must prepare. Prepare in terms of safe shelters; prepare in terms of helping to clear the ghuts; we expect rainfall and we expect flooding. Prepare and help to get debris off the streets. Debris will become flying missiles and we need to prepare for that.”
He said that much is being done to ensure the territory recovers quickly after the hurricane passes.
“Whilst we prepare, I am also reassured that we have prepositioned our security forces and also our supplies so that we can bounce back very quickly. Premier and I will be focusing on an immediate bounce-back and recovery after the storm,” the Governor disclosed.
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