Gov’t signs $400K deal for consultancy on sewerage

Sewerage works undertaken on a section of the territory. (Photo provided)
Government has signed a $408,000 contract to receive consultancy services for the National Sewerage Programme.
Government signed the contract with St Lucia-based firm, FDL Consult Incorporated.
The firm has worked with the BVI on a number of other contracts over the last several years.
As for this latest $408,000 contract, FDL Consult will be required to review preliminary designs for the sewerage systems at Cane Garden Bay, review existing designs for East End, and review recommendations for lift stations for the Road Town sewer network.
The consultancy company will also be required to conduct all engineering services necessary to update any design gaps, and contract administration and construction supervision.
Commenting on the deal with the St Lucia firm, Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works, Haley Trott explained: “After the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the sewerage infrastructure was severely compromised, reversing advancements that were already made to improve networks.”
She said the Cane Garden Bay lift stations sustained severe damage with complete loss of lift stations near the sea, loss and damage to switch boxes, and damaged control panels.
The Road Town sewerage system is also said to be in ‘poor condition’ with collapsed panel boxes, missing door panels, and two stations which have been decommissioned.
Trott said the sewerage system in East End remains ‘non-operational’.
Poor sewerage management has been a longstanding issue in the British Virgin Islands, especially in East End communities such as Greenland.
Works Minister Mark Vanterpool had announced several weeks ago that a portion of the $65.2 million loan from the Caribbean Development Bank will fund the project.
At the time, Vanterpool said his ministry would implement a temporary fix while government retains consultancy services for the project.
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*mouth open…teeth fell out!” $400k for what else exactly?!? Isn’t there enough intellectual capacity with the PhD’s and MSc.’s in this place locally to deal with this work at a much cheaper cost? ???? keeps flying out the front door with this gang! By the time FDL is completed they will have —– a local office here and the hurricane season will have made more impact. What’s the role and function of PWD & WSD? Are there no engineers within these departments that could possibly design and build this and other systems?
NO. And NO. And NONE. But fortunately for you there are people qualified and willing to come to the BVI under these conditions. Blame the CDB and whilst you at it teach your people to write a proposal even half good. In fact to read write and comprehend.
There are engineers in both those departments that can design the system. So it isn’t that is can’t be done. I am one of those technical local people you are putting down saying we can’t write a decent report or proposal. Bottom line money out the country is always good for politicians.
I agree “I know better” politicians crave their “facilitation fees” all the time and Irma for them has provide loads of opportunities to cream off dollars – stuff the local people – maybe give them the odd scheme or two but yep sadly they don’t care about the country only themselves – and they won’t get exposed as the “No Direction Party” despise transparency and openness …
I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. The sewerage position in the BVI (and RT in particular) is just a disaster, so all of those PhD’s and MSc’s haven’t exactly been getting it done.
Let’s just hope that when we invest in a solution, we invest properly and professionally. Not like the usual half-@ssed solutions.
just wondering whether the phd’s and MS’s have been asked for a proposal? Whatever the deal is signed and sealed again.
@lol partner ITS A DONE DEAL
Better to spend $400k getting someone to do it , not getting someone to talk about doing it.
the bvi where consultants come to get rich
Not sure about that with the cost of living! but they are needed as the local expertise isn’t there and most of the PWD are completely inept or busy running their business on the side (or both!)
Can someone tell me how much consultancy contracts were given out for the sewerage project over the last 15 years?
It would be very helpful to the BVI government’s credibility if the reports produced by all these millions of dollars spent on consultants were made public.
I am wondering and will like the Public to know if this FDL from St Lucia is the SAME consultant group who engineered the drains on Lee Road in Virgin Gorda?
Some one please tell me NO ;and I am asking the Minister responsible to get someone elses’opinion on these “Count $ul tuns”for what they gave the contractor to work with in VG is Money Down The Drain; Clearly some one DOES NOT know what they are doing .BVI contractors also have to take pride in OUR Country and say THIS WILL NOT WORK/THIS IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS LOCATION and look beyond the $$ that they will get from the “change order”in their contract. The road in VG is NOT completed and THE DRAINS has already FAILED its test as it was POORLY Designed .
Mr Minister please clear the air on this ; Mr P S we will like to hear from you also ; we cannot continue to pay out these big monies and Not get Value for Money
Is that the way our money is used? What has happened to the people who were dealing with sewage? Is this a scheme for kicks back.. We want transpearancy and accountability. What does St. Luciano know about our landscape?
Why they have to run the sewerage line beside the roads?! I’m sure is side walks the goin put over it and then next thing you know, you walking smelling sh-t! still doing things the exact same way! NOTHING LEARNT.
All of these so-called educated folks in the BVI and they have to go to St Lucia to find someone to tell them the best way to get rid of shi.!
Sad, very sad!