Gov’t to develop waste management strategy, CCTV being considered as part of plan

Health & Social Development Minister Carvin Malone said a comprehensive waste management strategy is being developed and will be backed with legislation to deter perpetrators from the indiscriminate waste-disposal in the British Virgin Islands.
Malone gave that indication while responding to questions in a recent sitting of the House of Assembly. He said the types of deterrence being considered includes having select dump sites on video surveillance.
“The concept of placing Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras — it could be done and probably should be done. But [that is only] unless the legislation comes in so that when you do picture them you have strong economic deterrence,” Malone told the House of Assembly.
He added: “The issue with bulk waste and waste, in general, has been heightened even more since the storms of 2017. The Ministry of Health & Social Development is in the process of developing a comprehensive waste management strategy and will provide the framework for addressing waste and other existing challenges relating to solid waste, storage, and collection and disposal operation throughout the territory.”
He said public consultations on the draft waste management strategy will be held in November of this year.
“We would look at legislation in this to make sure that we offer some stiff deterrent for those who are insisting that they would violate the common practices,” Malone added.
Issue is territory-wide
The minister said the problem is one that affects “too many locations”.
He said while there is a programme in place that removes bulk waste regularly, the cleared areas are still known to overflow with more bulk waste shortly after.
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This is good news. But please, please, please find away to enforce the garbage trucks emptying the bins to clean up around each bin after dumping when waste falls to the ground during transfer.
Yes, I have been doing it because they don’t but this should be done by them, they see the waste falling out.
Stop the restaurants from leaving/dumping their frying oils as well.
Drive by any bin and have a look. You’ll see it. You already do but nobody seems to care.
Thank you.
I don’t see see the “wow factor” with this minister’s performance at all, just another waste ah time so to speak. Just plenty of fluff and no action. Like shabazz said “one term”
Due to the territory’s small size (59 square miles spread over 36 islands that are mostly hilly terrain), managing solid waste disposal will be challenging as it is on other small locales. The BVI does not have the acreage to construct a landfill with a design life of a 100 years or more. Consequently, it will have to use incineration that will present its own set of environmental challenges, along with limited landfill burial.
Further, to reduce the solid waste stream that needs to be either incinerated or landfilled, the territory needs to embark on an aggressive recycling programme. It must adopt the recycle, reduce and reuse mantra.
Moreover, due to the topography and towns and villages layout, mixed collection strategies will be needed. For example, in the Road Town/Lower Estate/Huntums Ghut/McNamara/Sea Cow Bay, East End/ Long Look, West End……areas, the properties can be issued individual bins that will be collected one or twice a week. For the other areas, a central collection bin may need to be used. Smaller trucks will have to be used to get into some areas. Recycling bins can be issued to individual properties to be collected every two weeks; central bins may need to be collected more frequently.
Additionally, a separate quarterly schedule for heavy brush, appliances, furnishings….etc needs to be established. A schedule and plan for outlying islands need to be established.
@E. Leonard, everything that works in the US may not work in the BVI. The BVI must look at the program and adapt parts that are workable in the BVI. Way, way, the next thing we will go after is automated garage trucks, ie, the ones with just a driver, putting people of work even if they work. Providing individual carts to residents will block the already narrow streets. They will have to be set off the roads and trucks need to have clear access to them. Recycle, recycle, recycle! Recycling works. It reduces the demand on landfill and incinerators. How is the people protected from methane gas generated by the landfill.
To catch the expats only.
No need to catch the expats. They already charge us an environmental tax that they use to buy lunch and trips in the name of boosting tourism that they don’t want. There is no desire to fix the corruption of the Belonger
We have a few short years to avert the climate crisis. Government should ban the importing of trash bags: instead stores should sell BVI-branded bags so people are paying in advance to dispose of their waste. Commercial users would also do so, but their bags would be differently coloured. We need to make people more responsible and incentivise them to recycle. That means everyone composts where they can, everyone recycles. We need to build waste recycling centres on each of the sister islands and 3 or 4 in Tortola: these would recycle: cardboard, glass, plastics, small appliances, large appliances, batteries, books & CDs, green waste, light bulbs, lumber, builders waste. This approach is commonplace across Europe and much of the World and has been for over a decade. Yes monitor (CCTV) dumpster but give people the chance to do the right thing here. This current lazy-ass approach has to end.
Send a delegation to Switzerland to study waste management the most advanced country in garbage control.
Put a yogurt pot in the wrong container and your in big trouble. Put engine oil or a battery in a waste bin you go to jail for three months.
I’ve been visiting BVI for forty years and it seems your public attitude to waste management gets worse every year. It’s so sad to see it.
Please do come to Switzerland to have a look!
No shame in mentoring successful programmes. Singapore is a clean and safe country so I wonder what it does in managing its solid waste.
Albert Einstein, among the most brilliant scientists and minds ever, described Insane as: “Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome”. That pretty much describes the way we have been planning and managing our waste management processes.
I am a resident of Virgin Gorda. Our waste management system is particularly challenging and troublesome. The disposal site is up into the hill in the same area as Gorda Peak National Park and viewable by any and all driving or walking along the road in the area connecting both communities. Its not practical to build a fence to hide it’s unsightliness; as the road and tourist look points are directly above with full view. There isn’t a gate or control mechanism that would prevent night dumpers from misusing the site; (for example leaving waste just beyond the entrance, rather than deeper into the site).
In addition to the waste being created on VG, the many boats, especially from the yacht charter companies are also disposing and adding to our already challenging situation. Wild dogs and other animals looking for food also make it their abode of preference. For me what is even more troubling is the type of waste which includes the waste from two fairly large boat yards (resins, fiberglass, paints, hardeners etc). Burning these items exactly in the middle of the island between Gorda Sound and Spanish Town committees and it becomes clear there will be health problems; serious ones at that. Not to mention the negative fallout from the standpoint of tourism and our slogan “Nature’s Little Secrets”. Remember, Albert Einstein’s description of Insanity?
Successful recycling programs right here in the BVI, struggling to survive…not because they can’t survive, simply because we choose not to “support” them…Until we decide to spend our waste disposal dollars on more than matches & piles it’s all just an exercise in BVI…support local enterprise…
One of the most senseible comments i read thus far, yes indeed our gov.should give these local business/coop a try period but lets see if they do have faith in they locals
Not only the garbage bin but all over the bvi need to de clean shame on us as bvi islander,,. Check the road , water all over the place , and old vehicle bush all over the road Wall to build it time.
One of the most senseible comments i read thus far, yes indeed our gov.should give these local business/coop a try period but lets see if they do have faith in they locals
Why can’t we even make a small start..
A few separate dumpsters on each site for different waste. We could easily have some for things like aluminum cans, glass and other recyclables.
I have two friends who stopped in Tortola on a cruise ship. They had a few nice comments about the beach but both mentioned the garbage and overflowing dumpsters. Wake up.