BVI News

Greedy Bill amendment tabled before HOA

The controversial Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021, often referred to by some residents as the ‘Greedy Bill,’ has found its place on the House of Assembly’s agenda for proposed amendments.

In its existing form, this law granted lawmakers questionable lump sum payments, gratuity, and guaranteed salaries for an extended period, leading to widespread public criticism. However, Premier Dr Wheatley has committed to repealing this legislation in response to the significant backlash it has generated.

According to the order paper for today’s House of Assembly session, Premier Wheatley is expected to present a motion for the Second and Third Readings of the Bill entitled, “Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) (Amendment) Bill 2023.”

It is anticipated that these forthcoming amendments will address some of the excessive payouts currently guaranteed to lawmakers under the existing law.

During his election campaign, Dr Wheatley pledged to forgo any payments owed to him as a result of the controversial law. He stated, “I’m going to take responsibility and admit that it was a mistake. Furthermore, I will not accept any payments as per the current form of the retirement act. If given the opportunity, I intend, God willing, to repeal the entire bill.”

The Premier has also argued that legislators’ salaries should be determined by an independent third party, a proposal he plans to bring before his Cabinet for consideration.

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  1. Scooby doo says:

    If it wasn’t for those medaling voters we’d of got away with it!

    Like 23
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  2. Delay says:

    Controversial election in April and 5 months later this amendment is finally brought to the HOA. Why are you so slow?

    Like 21
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  3. Hmmm says:

    Before people cast judgment on any bill they should read it first. I was 100% against the HOA retirement bill but after reading it I realized I allowed the talk to influence my thoughts. It is a good bill except for a few areas like one term members benefits should not be as lucrative as it is but most of the rest was in line. I also realize the bill has been around for the past 50yrs and it is nothing new. Some of the ammendments made to me were necessary as the old benefits for those who served long were outdated. A few tweaks here and there and the bill should continue to serve its purpose.

    Like 3
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  4. Jack says:

    Many of them who will be one termers will regret amending this bill

    Like 2
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  5. My name is says:


  6. the sexist says:

    Voters please make sure Lorna dont get none

    Like 10
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  7. Retirees Are not Respected not Cared for. says:

    “Dr Wheatley pledged to forgo any payments owed to him as a result of the controversial law. He stated, “I’m going to take responsibility and admit that it was a mistake.
    Furthermore, I will not accept any payments as per the current form of the retirement act. If given the opportunity, I intend, God willing, to repeal the entire bill.”

    None of this must be believed. The citizens must advocate vociferously for clarity, accountability and transparency.

    The initial intentions of that party, from the beginning, were to take as much as they could and full their pockets.

    That was the main and principle goal from the gate. One horse, who is now in ultimate power, pointed out such.

    It is only the quiet rebellion of the people and the unfortunate demise of the former Premier why there is any evident traction on repeal of that disgusting GREED RIDDEN bill.


    Why hasn’t retirees not gotten a penny of what they have already workd for?

    Beacuse there is no will, concern or care for those people nor the priciples of morality or efficacy.

    Like 14
  8. Eldread says:

    @hmmm, so sl**andie you still decided to send someone to talk to the people to calm them because your amendment to the greedy bill will be mild, just semantics on the bill will be change to hide it from the public, you know the colonizers English language is coning of tricks, it only replace itself with different vowels.

  9. What!!! says:

    Our premier obviously does not know the difference between repealing ( what he said he would do if we voted for him) and amending . Two very different things, guess we were taken for fools.
    Will the “amended” bill be made public?

    Like 14
  10. School children are saying that … says:

    … the new Bill needs to be read carefully to make sure that it applies to legislators that left office at the last elections (who should pay back any greedy funds they have received) and to make sure that no current legislator is grandfathered into receiving the greedy benefits in the future.

    Like 9
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  11. Indigenous BVIslander says:

    Does the new Act apply to current members of the HoA, or just to those that are elected next time?

  12. Test of ethics says:

    Given the outcry its will be interesting to see if any former Ministers who received a large payment from the hard working taxpayer have the ethics to return their ill gotten gain

  13. @ HMMM says:

    Fif you were a lawyer U would loose every case / U ain’t got no Qualifications U tried being ( judge , jury and executioner ) in the HOA / the drama with Mark was an example ect , go and play with your WIG
    to see if it still fits

  14. On Another Note says:

    Talking about greed, what happen to the head of the gre*dy one who saw nothing wrong with dipp**g his ha*d In the coo*ie jar?

    It’s been missing for a long time now and needs to be replaced.

  15. @jack says:

    They most likely should be exempted. They’re there already under the existing law

  16. Ha ha says:

    He was reelected so will get the $ anyway

  17. Hmmm says:

    And will be like Damien the bank taking their house . No job. Can’t pay the bank

  18. Taxpayer says:

    Lawyers passing bills so the law makers cant rob the taxpayer is ironic and doubtful.

  19. ok says:

    While they at it, I hope they change the Retirement Act to state that a person can retire at age 60 or 65. Skelton changed it to 65, its like putting a gun to our heads and say work or else. Its not all of us have children in college at that age or mortgages, we are tired and want to retire and get our pension In addition, to that it is the younger generation’s turn.

  20. ok says:

    How they get to retire at age 55 and collect from the greedy bill and the rest of us have to wait until 65

  21. fools friends and folk says:

    if y’all let any of the set that served us last time, enjoy this raise in pay and retirement, you may as well tip the next person who rape your child . . .

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