Gunmen with local accent threaten to shoot security

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More details have surfaced about how two gunmen, who reportedly have a local accent, entered Fine Foods supermarket in East End and then escaped with an undetermined amount of money.
Reports reaching BVI News Online are that there were two security guards at the establishment when the gunmen appeared shortly before 10pm on New Year’s Eve – December 31.
One of the security guards was outside the building.
The gunmen allegedly held him and threatened to shoot him if his colleague inside Fine Foods did not open the door of the establishment.
The inside security guard complied with the demand.
The masked gunmen – both dressed in black – then entered Fine Foods and demanded money from the female employees.
When money was placed into a bag the gunmen had taken to the supermarket, both of the criminals reportedly disappeared in the direction of Vanterpool Estate without firing a shot.
The matter was reported to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, and investigators went to the scene.
The probe is ongoing.
The robbery at Fine Foods supermarket was the last one reported for 2016 – a year in which a number of businesses and persons were robbed by mainly two gunmen working together.
The police, in the meantime, have been making a special appeal for information especially regarding gun offences perpetrated throughout the territory.
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