‘He’s a crook sometimes’! Ports boss allegedly led Premier in drug plot

The BVI Ports Authority’s Managing Director Oleanvine Maynard allegedly played a key role in connecting Premier Andrew Fahie with a drug and money laundering plot that turned out to be a sting operation by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
In a criminal affidavit filed in the US Southern District Court of Florida on Thursday, Maynard — who was arrested with Premier Fahie for their reported involvement in the plot — allegedly helped to organise payment and shipment details, among other things, for an undercover DEA informant, who was posing as a member of the famed Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel.
The court document alleges that they spoke about concealing those payments in shell companies that would be set up in the BVI.
Fahie and Maynard were reportedly promised $700,000 for their role in the plot and were busted separately after allegedly confirming the payment.
‘He’s a little crook sometimes’
It was while discussing the informant’s membership in the Sinaloa drug cartel, that the parties also discussed the need to meet with Premier Andrew Fahie and another BVI government official dubbed “Government Official 1” in the affidavit.
In describing Fahie, Maynard allegedly said: “I know the man, if he sees an opportunity, he will take it … I know the type of person he is, so I know he will take the opportunity.” As to herself, Maynard said “if you come to me and I don’t want to do it, I say hey. I’m not interested … or if I’m interested, I will say I’m interested.”
“You see with my Premier, he’s a little crook sometimes . . . he’s not always straight,” Maynard allegedly added.
Maynard’s son Kadeem Maynard, who was also arrested in the plot, reportedly told the informant: “She knows the Premier, he’s down with her, so she can go to him at any time, and he would say ok.”
At the end of the meeting, she was allegedly given a bag containing $10,000 as a gesture of good faith.
Maynard responded that she would start her “homework” tomorrow.
Shell companies and safe harbour
The court document showed that the informant involved in the plot only required protection and safe harbour for their container at the port for a 24-48 hour period, until a window would open for safe passage to Puerto Rico. Maynard allegedly asked, “you want it to be done legally so nobody will come around?” and the informant responded that he needed the paperwork.
It was then that Maynard allegedly said, “that is where I can assist, we need different licenses, which I can get… so we can process your paperwork, so you can come into the territory for a couple days, and then move on . . . that is easy.”
When the informant offered them a percentage of proceeds from drug sales in the United States, and asked how he could get the money back to those involved in the plot in the BVI, Maynard allegedly responded: “What we do is set up shell companies”.
Maynard also explained that she had already started looking into different shipping licenses for the plot, and allegedly said: “you have to legitimize what you’re doing.”
When Maynard was later asked if she had already set up companies for the drugs and money they would be receiving as part of their plan with Premier Fahie, Maynard allegedly responded “yes,”.
She allegedly told the informant they would not need to remove anything from the drug boat, and that they would not need to enter the port.
Maynard reportedly told the informant she would have the boat outside the port where she could see it from her office.
The informant then asked about Government Official 1, and Maynard allegedly stated that Fahie would clear it with him.
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“He’s a crook sometimes”
What a description for your premier.
Always a cr**k.
I know many will look to take blame off the premier and put the blame on her, BUT it is quite clear that it was NOT HIS first time because he said he never got paid at the end of deals like that, so I’m guessing he got stiffed before.
Maybe that’s why they wanted to see the money for themselves.
what a thing to say wasn’t he worried after that they might decide not to pay him either. He can’t take them to court for it.
His eyes show how guilty and up to no good he looks while all along planning the meet-up with who he thought was cartel.
Look at her there looking like a proud p*g.
Proverbs 20:6
I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.
He started his meetings with prayers and concluded them with vodou. He is a traitor who allegedly destroyed our country and the aspiration for independence of all of our brothers and neighbors. His greed has set us back 2 or 3 generations and certainly weakened the voices of our neighbors. His name shall live in infamy.
Maynard makes the shipping so sound so EZ.
It is. Many 40 ft. containers are transshipped through Port Purcell. Most are never inspected because nothing is being unloaded in PP or imported into the BVI. The container’s contents are some other ports problem not the BVI’s.
Not any longer.
A fat hog burger
What about the Lebanese Hezbollah connections in the BVI that several meetings with the DEA GUY??? What about the Lebanese Group who told the DEA guy he OWNED Maynard. And said they would try to set the meetings up through Andrews Head Of Security.
RS and Government Official 1, the officers in they pocket as well, do not forget them.
Who is “RS”?
I have an idea of who Gov’t Official 1 might be but I still cannot figure out who R.S. is.
Say that RS is BS sister. Go figure.
I wonder how well “Government Official 1” slept last night?
Government official 1 should have never been given back that position … Governor Rankin needs to act dismiss him from that post .
airport people, guns and money runners, port people, security guards, lots more people to be arrested, if they haven’t already taken themselves out of here. . . who is missing?? hm m m
Will Fahie and Maynards give up names so lessen their charges??? hm m m
A Terrorist Group!!! Smh
That might’ve been a lie. They started as Lebanese Hezbollah and ended up as mexicans. IF that isn’t a red flag I don’t know what is. Something isn’t right about the setup story so the vid evidence will be required. But very disappointing and stupid move by Fahie and I don’t think the rest of the party or government is involved. We can speculate who the others are…n I bet they won’t be heading to the US side anytime soon.
in time i guess. this only break out because he was in Miami. Then the report to UK. then police here to take action…
The 700k was just to start. They were to get about seven million, PER SHIPMENT, commission for each of eight shipments! Real money.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Look at these two upstanding BVI natives, just look at them. A great and mighty fall into the pit of hell and now dragging us back into the hands of those we fought so hard to free ourselves from. We gotta pray for our country harder than ever or we are doomed!!!!
I think you need to use a qualifier for upstanding like seemingly or similar or not use that word at all in a description of these two please ma’am, thank you.
I was being sarcastic, not literal.
Upstanding? That’s a word to use with any of these three?
Get real.
This whole arrest is a reflection of what the BVI Belonger is. They act as criminals in every respect. From the holding of work permits and taking peoples hard earned dollars to the collection of an environmental tax from the white tourists. This behavior runs rampant in the Belonger society and was clearly seen in the COI. There is a need for the Brits to take over the Territory and place the vermin in cages at every level.
Haul your a** back where you come from.
Haul your a** back to Africa where you belong…
Not before watching the US and UK governments haul all the Secrets to jail. God is dealing with yall. All those years of ill-treatment and the sad thing is that the good people of the BVI will be tarnished. No haul your a** in your brother’s or cousin’s bed.
Agreed. Lovely plot for my next series though…
@The Foy
They Disagree and dislike because they know its the truth and the BIGGEST struggle for us as BVIslanders has always been facing the TRUTH. the blinds are off the curtains are lifted and now everybody sour and salty…….DRAIN THE SWAMP your government was not Working for you, He was working for HIMSELF at the detriment of HIS…..HISSSSS own country. Give me a BREAKKKKKKK! the words came out his own mouth and ppl still wanna sit up here and act like he so innocent! PUHLEASE
What the F**K. These two ppl know nothing about Financial Services other than to use companies in illicit purposes. They do not represent the hard working people that work in the industry. I don’t want to see or hear anyone from VIP or NDP parties say s**T: these people don’t build they F**KIN destroy. We are not going to get to vote again for at least another 10 years after the COI recommendations which if they didn’t include putting in a UK controlled government, does now after this S**t
I am lost for words
Re picture – Does she know the nose is part of the respiratory system? Proper mask wearing isn’t rocket science. Idiot.
Good to see someone really getting to the heart of the matter
It will be fascinating to see what the 83K payments for “fixing” political issues was for! The removal of Hodge and others?!?!?
Well he said he believe in witches and magic…..soooooo
He put a spell on himself. He has stained his family, his country and the entire Caribbean. It will take generations to recover from his actions. His family name lives in infamy.
Harbouring and support known terrorist organisations mentioned. This is the tip of the iceberg!
@ the DEA? Now, we’ve just sparked the interest of the CIA. Oh dear…….
The photo shows you the signs were there long ago. An insatiable appetite and greed!!!!!
Correct your head line he was not lead anywhere he went on his own free will and even ask for money to pay off debt look at the size of him she didn’t pick him up either or put a gun to his head someone would have noticed that. He is as crook just like her.
They done got ppl waiting for certain folks to take flight/leave the territory.And it’s not head of customs.lol .Very interesting.Detroit seems like a better prospect for some….Damn..can’t do that..history…Colombia maybe?
This is definitely not a set up it was strategic planning. No need to rush and reveal the Coi recommendations, it would create a bit of uproar in the country at this time. We must take over so delay for a week or two. Deputy essential is not a leader, vip has one head remove the head the party is worst than the headless ndp. We are now in good hands we want total takeover. I say bring back uncle Gus to lead the take over for at least five years. Stop elections now. Myron it worked in your favor.
Best they both plea guilty and ge 25 years in prison. Please don’t waste the court time.
This article uses the word “allegedly” many times. If the statements quoted were recorded [by the CS], can they still be characterized as alleged? I think not.
Until anyone is found guilty in a court then no matter what anyone thinks, it’s just allegations. Even if we all think it true.
The word alleged is used according to the law that say” innocent until proven guilt” Though this is an indictable crime, the word still have to be use for justification.
Untill they are officially charged and tried, its allegedly… the evidence there though, wont be a long trial.
“I’m said to say I must be one me way, so buy me beer and whiskey coz I am going far away…”
I see serious jail time for all 3. Ten years or more in federal lock up. I don’t think they are emotionally
ready to serve that kind of time.
They have to be crapping their pants in jail today as the reality sinks in that they are not going home anytime soon and they are going to stay in jail for some time. They also got to be feeling ashamed when they think about what everyone back home is saying about them.
Well..they made their bed. They are going to have to lay in it not matter the discomfort.
I am shocked overall by the documented involvement of the people in facilitating the flow of drugs thru the country using their positions in government. Im am extremely shocked by the alleged mother son involvement. Never thought she would be involve in such a scheme.
IMO, they are facing long prison times. They need to be charged locally as well and prosecuted here too whenever they get out of a US jail.
This is unbelievable shameful. Incredible that these people in trusted positions have use their positions to allegedly commit this kind of crime and threw their country under the bus all along.
Who is “RS” mentioned in the DEA affidavit?
I haven’t figured it out yes.
Say RS is BS sister. I think BS was in ja_l already, so RS got jealous and now it’s her turn.
Exactly! I remembered when Buju Banton got a 10 year prison sentence on conspiracy for 10 lbs of cocaine. In this case this Fahie and Maynard were dealing with thousands of kilos; they might get 10-15 if they come to their senses and take a plea deal but if they try and fight this in US courts and lose they’ll never set foot in the BVI again.
My fellow Virgin Islanders now is the time for us to get serious about the future of our home. In the near future we will see many opportunist and more wolves in sheep’s clothing pretend to be saviors while seeking to enrich themselves and in our time of need. Now is the time to seriously drain the swamp and remove all the alligators.
We cannot keep recycling the same politicians and their colleagues and hope to be better than the last time. The roots in the current political parties grow deep. They are financed by the same families who expect favors in return. Every politician in the current HOA should be voted out and we send a strong message that no member of their parties will be elected. We need fresh blood with no ties to these wolves and vultures.
The big question is who “Government Official 1” in the DEA affidavit is. Right now job #1 for the BVI police should be finding who that is and getting them in handcuffs as soon as possible.
Don’t worry, they know who it is. Apparently he’s leaving the BVI (I said apparently).
Boy,what a way to prove Jaspert right huh SMDH.
We cannot allow the VIP to remain in power, nor do we trust the opposition. I think we definitely need help.
Right now all of them are suspected of being Liars and thieves! We have no faith in our leaders
A man (or woman, or boy or girl) is innocent until proven guilty
Agreed. Lovely plot for my next series though…
was too fanciful a plot line
BVI still makes it hard to travel because of Covid, but moving a container of drugs sounds easy. Something wrong with that.
Dear fellow citizens of my beloved Virgin Islands. Please do not allow anyone, or any media outlet to cloud your minds on what has transpired in the recent events with the Premier and others. The BVI was heading down this road many years ago. We have ourselves to blame. We got gifts, positions, money, and the list is long. So England hearing our self righteous cry that we are good, don’t need the colonizers telling us what to do and how to run our affairs decided to give us the rope to hang ourselves. We called them racist. Spread propaganda on them and now certain people trying to cast blame on the UK for allowing this to go unchecked. Nonsense!! Don’t try that! Finally, did anyone hold the hand of anyone and a gun to their head and told them to follow a life of drug running, gun smuggling, human smuggling? Okay then. If one is corrupt from the start, one will be corrupt to the end. We called this on ourselves. No the sympathizers will be lobbying for us to retain our Constitution.
Thank God the belongers cannot blame the expats/aliens/garrots/down-islanders for this fiasco.
Tomorrow shall indeed be a brighter day but this generation of leaders can no longer pretend to represent our country. We need more than two years to recover from this fiasco. Please Britannia take over for the next 20 years.
The love of money is the root of ALL evil. So it appears as though Mrs. Maynard already had her own ‘lil family business going and she was the one that set up the Premier. He however, had every opportunity to distance himself from that and take a stand. Based on the affidavit, he knew that they were trying to get a drop on him and despite that knowledge he still went after the carrot on the stick. I guess he was overcome by the thought of possibly earning 7mil a shipment, 4 shipments a month (insert Madea calculator)… I guess he thought of all the social ills he could have corrected with that money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
I smell a plot and a set up .. wait for it. will be a long weekend. Pray people pray for our country and our ppl ,
When are we going to hear from the cruise ship conference delegation all about their humiliation at the conference while everyone there is reading about the BVI’s Premier being arrested along with the Ports Manager. Did they continue at the conference are catch a plane directly home??
Here we are. Andrew and Oleanvine and Kadeem wake up each morning to the same nightmare that they alone brought upon themselves. We too as people of the BVI wake up to their nightmare and realize how raped and robbed we have been for many years. We can now see why our country looks like a disgusting 5 world country with sewerage running in the streets, Irma damaged homes falling to pieces because these cr**ks offered no help to the seniors who owned them. Shame has been written all over the face of the BVI since Irma, shame that the Government refused to help those who needed help to rebuild, but instead helped themselves to plenty $$$ and also their friends. I pray the Governor realizes that there are still thousands of homes to finish repairs on from Irma and sets about helping the senior owners to do so. I pray the Governor realizes the sewerage running in the streets of Road Town must be dealt with, and on and on and especially the High School needs to be unconditionally funded and monitored soo as not to waste money to be completed ASAP. If Rankin is going to set us on a new course, LET’s ROLL. Here we go. . .
“Never glory in the demise of others. Today for me, tomorrow for you!’
Did your tomorrow come and gone? Please continue to eat milk and honey.
So da to hear of my friend’s situation. Hoping she is acquitted…but not looking good. What’s the current position? ??
So sad to hear of my friend’s situation. Hoping she is acquitted…but its not looking good. What’s the current position? ??