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HOA pension ‘not in my head’ right now

Third District Representative, Julian Fraser.

Third District Representative Julian Fraser said he felt the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021, commonly referred to as the ‘Greedy Bill’, simply needs to be amended and not repealed as some persons have been clamouring for.

Fraser, who had not previously expressed a position on the issue, explained that concerns over how he would ultimately be affected by a repeal of the bill was not in his head at the moment.

“That would probably become a legal matter… That’s a legal matter that is not in my head right now. I’m not a lawyer. I’m not in the legal… I make laws. I don’t litigate,” Fraser said while speaking with JTV News recently.

According to Fraser, Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn, who was recently re-elected after a four-year hiatus from the House of Assembly (HOA), has already benefited from the HOA’s retirement programme.

When asked how Walwyn’s return would affect his (Walwyn’s) pension, Fraser said there was a facility already in place to accommodate situations such as that.

“I think his pension will be suspended. They will no longer pay him pension. He will just start collecting a salary,” Fraser said. “Remember, you would have gotten a lump sum based on the pension… when he retires again, whenever that is, then they’ll pick up from where he was — where he left off.”

Whatever the public wants

In the meantime, Fraser explained that repealing a law means it no longer exists. He suggested this may not be what the public wants in relation to the piece of legislation.

“In my view, it just simply needs to be amended — take out the parts that you have a problem with and leave the legislation,” Fraser said. 

He argued however, that if the public feels better for lawmakers to repeal the Act, then it should be repealed. But Fraser said the parts of the legislation that remain applicable should become part of any new law that is created.


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  1. Ok now says:

    I always said during the campaign the law cannot be repealed only amended but most of the candidates who campaigned against it said what they know some of the people wanted to hear knowing they were misleading the public just to get votes. Fraser did the same thing but now he realizes the truth. The law existed for more than 60yrs and it has its purpose. It only needs amending in certain sections.

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  2. Observation says:

    What a cr**k of a man.

    Like 16
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  3. lmao says:

    oh really?? Now its not in your head right now? haha…Politrix buddy… it was never in your head.

    Like 13
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  4. 7 times in a row says:

    He is doing something right and the people in the 3rd love him and you all could take that to the bank!

    Like 1
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  5. @7 times says:

    P@ying for votes is a good thing?? LOL Yall sick.

    Like 16
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  6. cookiemonster says:

    absurd. the greedy ones need to pay it back.

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  7. Guest says:

    Repeal, Amend? Amend, Repeal?
    It’s all a play on words by some politicians to confuse people and in this instance, I agree with Hon. Julian Fraser.
    You can amend the legislation by repealing the offensive sections.

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  8. Resident says:

    fraser old sen**e self needs to go home

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  9. Anonymous says:

    Look how WallWin shot himself in the foot. His pension is more than he will receive as a member of the Opposition.

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  10. Hmmmm says:

    Well something is definitely in your HAIR! LOL!

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  11. stop hating on the man says:

    The more ayo hate on Fraser is the more he wins…7 straight times

    Like 4
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  12. GIVE IT UP! says:


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  13. @ STOP HATING ON THE MAN says:

    you are so right ✅️ our new coach , has a name for it , ” honest MISTAKES ” ? ? so this is where the term LIBERATOR comes in , A person who can see is king amongst those who can’t / and you ain’t got to be a rocket scientist 2 overstand that , no offence 5?

  14. Easy win in 3 says:

    Yup, it says a lot about the voters and less about Fraser. He knows how to play that fiddle.

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  15. Lol says:

    That haircut alone…..:

    Like 1
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  16. Lol says:

    Heavyweight Champ of Sea Cows Bay

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  17. Wallop says:

    Pants on fire. Pension all up in your wire Fraser.

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  18. Jah know says:

    Not in your head now because you done qualify for it

  19. @ ANONYMOUS says:

    you give the man credit for bringing it to light , but you won’t understand that / @ LOL ? , that fellow seems to be having trouble deciding which style he wants to adapt ,Back Africa style or Adolf Hitler ? / just like ( wigo the wacko ) , both of them loves power and attention and enjoys emphasizing themselves

  20. Political Strategist says:

    These mummies are hypocrites and think we ate our school lunch money at Manda School under the tree. These educated mummies debate a bill, approve it and appropriated funding for it. Now, these mother s.,ts want to give us a 6 for 9, telling us that the bill is bad and greedy. Exposed on the campaign trail, now they want to pretend that they didn’t know it was as bad as it. Cast ah yu a**es with loaf of s**t.

  21. Marcus Garvey said it. says:

    It was Marcus Garvey that said.” All politicians are crooked and corrupt and that all politicians and perspective politician to declare to the people their interest and earnings so the people know who these people are”. The hon Marcus Garvey had a clear vision of the future. This is not a Britain or a Governor things. This was a troubling concern of the late Hon Marcus Garvey.Today we see clearly..The people refused to take heed and the lying and dishonest politicians remain euphoric..

  22. Horseman says:

    But it in his pocket!!!

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