BVI News

Hospital staff seek counselling after high rate of COVID deaths — CEO

Frontline COVID-19 workers at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital. (Not necessarily those mentioned in this article)

Staff at the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital were left traumatised after coming face to face with the unusual reality of nearly four deaths per day during the height of the BVI’s COVID-19 surge in recent weeks. 

CEO of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA), Pat Malone-Smith said hospital staff have since been engaged in counselling as a result of this reported trauma and have been involved in both one-on-one and group sessions.

“We’re not accustomed to having that many deaths in a day,” Malone-Smith explained recently. “When you have four deaths in a day, when you’re accustomed to possibly having four deaths in a week or a month, it hits hard.”

Meanwhile, the CEO said it was important that support was offered at this time and noted that there is also a team in place for staff to speak with wherever the need arises.

Though acknowledging that other countries might currently be experiencing their third or fourth COVID-19 surges, Malone-Smith said she hopes this current uptick in cases will be the BVI’s only surge. 

Hospital actively seeking help

According to the CEO, the hospital was also actively seeking help to relieve its overburdened staff. She said respiratory therapists, ICU-trained nurses, and ER-trained nurses are among the types of healthcare workers being sought to lend assistance.

Malone-Smith further said the neighbouring US Virgin Islands has been assisting with finding supplemental staff, adding that three physicians from the United States — either trained for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or Emergency Room (ER) — are expected this week to help relieve doctors at the Road Town-based hospital. 

At the time, Malone Smith indicated that at least 75 of the 168 staff that had tested positive for COVID-19 or were exposed to the virus have since returned to duty.

Community support lauded

She thanked community members and businesses who reached out and offered food for the staff who had been hard-pressed for weeks by the overwhelming number of persons who tested positive for the virus.

The CEO said while this support was great to have, she hopes there would be no reason for it to be needed again in the future.

Since the start of the outbreak this month, some 25 persons have died in COVID-related circumstances at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital while more than 1,600 persons were recorded as COVID-19 positive at one stage.

Positive cases have since reduced to a little more than 1,100 persons, according to the latest figures released by health officials.


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  1. Hmm says:

    Where is DR Duncan in this Photo. She was a work horse too.

    Like 2
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    • Tanya Dav_ _ says:

      The hospital needs to do something about the staff who are sharing patients information with their friends. The one from Purcell famous for that.

      Like 25
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      • Get a grip says:

        Counsellors make things worse, and don’t allow the staff to move on from their experiences.

        Like 1
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      • Tola says:

        That’s why I dont like down there talk to much

        Like 6
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      • I SMELL A HATER says:

        lol lol YOU AGAIN stop hiding behind social media blogs trying to bully and tarnish peoples reputation instead why not make a factual report or statement with EVIDENCE to her place of employment!! since you so badly want to take her out of a job. YOU are pathetic!!


  2. hmm says:

    The hospital has counselors. use the in house ones

    Like 8
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  3. Non-vaccinated healthcare workers says:

    Can you please share how many healthcare workers are vaccinated? If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem..

    Like 35
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  4. Silver lining says:

    Thank you for you services it is appericated god bless you and your families

    Like 26
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  5. Common sense says:

    Did you ask the UK for medical help ??

    Like 14
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  6. Nurses & doctors?? says:

    Why?? In their profession death is common. This is just pure seeking attention. Kmt

    Like 5
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  7. fat ones says:

    I hope all those fat ones got the jab or they just making it worse. And yes! They do need counseling if they are just ignoring the facts!

    Like 1
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  8. My my says:

    Allalong doing nothing there’s work to be done now and they need what ??? lord help them ?

    Like 2
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  9. wow says:

    after using those ventilators wrong yall will need some counseling yes.

    Like 3
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  10. Caribbean Girl says:

    Sorry, don’t agree with you. It is everybody’s business.

  11. Stop it. Isnt this their profession. says:

    The Garbage men also will need councelling for tbe amt of smelly garbage they been taking up, or the Under taker will also need councelling for the amt of dead they have to bury…Thought this was part of their professsional training..

  12. Truth says:

    The hospital needs to brush up on their confidentiality clause for workers because it is truly getting out of hand. They need to stop talking people’s business. You sign a confidentiality clause take it serious

    Like 3
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  13. Accountant says:

    Check the oxygen tanks that may be infected and that might reduce the need for counselors

  14. Feo Gomez says:

    You guys signed up for this went to school spent lots of money. Now you need counseling because of deaths? We talking bout deaths here smh. Worthless lot of you lol. I sure as heck don’t want no emotional fragile doctor tending to me.

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