Hours of delay for govt’s COVID update leads to online backlash

Members of the public including those in places as far as the United Kingdom have expressed discontent towards government after waiting nearly three hours passed the promised time to hear last night’s COVID-19 update from Health Minister Carvin Malone.
The update was originally scheduled for 9 pm on Monday as posted on the government’s official Facebook page. But after approximately 30 minutes past the scheduled time, the government issued a notice expressing that the broadcast was delayed for an indefinite period.
The post read: “Please be advised that the COVID-19 updated by Honourable Carvin Malone, Minister for Health and Social Development has been moved to a later time. We will send out the link once the live update is ready to begin. We do apologise for the inconvenience caused.”
This notice did not sit well with a number of social media users as it had not clearly stated a revised time that persons could tune in for the announcement.
“I have stayed up until 2 am UK time to hear this and nothing,” one social media user wrote under the comment section of government’s announcement of the delay.
Another user said she felt as though the government did not value hers or other persons’ time.
“Do you all realize we’ve been waiting, holding our breath, worrying about our future, our kids, our lives for over an hour?” she questioned.
“We appreciated that your last address [was] right on time. Our time is just as valuable as yours,” the Facebook user added.
Could have been more professional
Some persons also argued that government should have handled the delay by leaving more details or by postponing the live update to a more convenient period where residents and persons abroad would be better positioned to tune in.
One such person wrote: “How about a message to say … ‘ministers still in Cabinet ironing out some details. Will be with you as soon as they are complete with their deliberations’.”
Just under an hour before the broadcast commenced, another Facebook user added: “It is nearly 11 pm. Most are ready to crawl into bed. Would have been courteous to have just said, “tomorrow, Tuesday 8/25 @time, as opposed to having all of us sitting and waiting.”
Also sharing similar sentiments, one male user said: “Ok, it is now one hour late. Surely they can set a new time rather than leave the whole island hanging for who knows how long. Maybe just set a time for tomorrow morning so that everyone can go to bed!”
The broadcast eventually went live roughly 15 minutes before midnight. According to Malone, ministers had been locked in a Cabinet meeting deliberating the decisions for the territory. He said those deliberations lasted up till “moments” before the start of the broadcast.
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Unfortunate and unprofessional at worst!
Usual thing with Government Ministers especially at the House….sometimes 3-4 hours late.
Ministers need to do better. We vote you in we can vote you out!
Is mostly them island people was complaining
The VIP consists of a bunch of amatuers
Just the other day he was touting how great the BVI was that the Territory was Covid free and an example to the world. The man knows nothing and what is worse is he’s dangerous. Anyone with a brain knows that Covid existed in the Territory. If that isn’t true then why did the government keep the curfew? Why are masks and social distancing required? Why was the start of school delayed. Here’s the facts. The government was hiding the truth from the people for political and monetary gain. Going into lockdown again will do nothing. What does work is keeping vigilant, wearing a mask when in public and social distancing. Nothing else works until there is a vaccine. Period
you all aint tired complain for every damn thing in the BVI ? You all really ANNOYING and SICKENING . You just cant please everyone . sick and tired of the negativity in the bvi . the vip is the best thing happen to the BVI . You all should be thankful not ungrateful.
Do the minister know there is such a thing as leadership by example?
Showing up hours late is ridiculous. But people see you as their leaders and will follow your example. Please do better and make sure you are an example to our youths and youngster.
If you can’t make it because you are still debating, that is perfectly fine. But a simple update that you are not ready and will not be any time soon is essential. Not “Stay tuned” while it took almost three more hours to get the broadcast started.
Shame on you. Be a leader. Not just in words, in actions and by example.
Bvi belongers are a waste of time and energy
A setta chil’ren government have to deal wit. Stop complaining! Better late den neva
They don’t know what the heck they’re doing…plain and simple
The people who were the most upset at the announcement delay were those who believed the rumours about a 14/28 day lockdown.
I realized shortly after 10pm that our government would not announce a full next day lockdown after so many had gone to bed. I like this government and although I sometimes disagree, I trust them to work hard to figure out what’s best for the Territory. If it takes them a few extra hours to make certain everyone is ‘on board’- including grocers, banks and gas stations, well then it does.
@Strupes.. you need to stop.Did you fact check that to make such a biased statement?
“Bvi belongers are a waste of time and energy”.
@Mr.Wick.. waste of time and energy for your mother
No @Pheonix the people who were the most upset were the ones that expected the announcement to take place on time. We are used to 15 or 20 minutes late but 165 minutes late just shows a complete disregard for the people they are supposed to serve. It was extremely disrespectful to the citizens of this territory.
It’s annoying to sit around waiting for these updates to begin, especially as they are almost always late. However, GIS has to bear some of the blame for last night’s fiasco. They were in charge of handling the broadcast and they had to know that Cabinet was still meeting. It was their job to let the public know that and to manage the situation. (I don’t know if the government would have listened, but GIS should also have advised a postponement to, perhaps, 8 o’clock this morning.
And I agree with those who say the updates are too late – why not aim for 6 or 7 pm?
It is you that racist white boy posting that island people degrgaroty comment again. Strupes, it is clear that you are one of pure evil, hatred and everything devil. Evil devil you, trying to sow discord between local people and the people frm te Eastern Caribbean. That is the work of the devil and therefore such work is evil. You are an evil individual.What does it gain you to write such?What will it gain you to see us divided and fighting each other.
The vast majority of local belonger recognize our common heritage and humanity between tus and the Eastern Caribbean people.
We do not have hate in our hearts for each other. We love, cherish, marry and create families with each other. Those are the types of human necleuses you are seeking to destroy, aren’t you?.
Evil white man. You need to stop posting suc evil Strupes. You hatethe Belonger. You always posting derogatory comments about the belonger, then another day and articl in your racial stupor, you post stuff about island people to make confusion beyween u
Strupes, evil one it will not happen. We are a strong people and w know the ways of the devil.
Time someone said. This IS the culture of the VI. If you don’t like it go away. Everything is late or it would not be VI. You all now eager to change VI culture. People will be saying who commit murders and who crossing borders illegally next. Then snithching on drug smugglers. Telling where all the disappearing millions go. Where would we be then? Ratting out underage scooter riders. IT is VI culture to park your car and block others. IF you don’t like it…..