‘I am truly disappointed’: Maduro-Caines’ decision was unexpected and without consultation — Penn

Opposition Leader and Interim Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Marlon Penn has described Alvera Maduro-Caines’ decision to cross the political floor and join the governing Virgin Islands Party (VIP) as not only “unexpected” but also out of character.
He said she gave her notice via WhatsApp message at 2:36 pm on January 20 — minutes before making a public announcement with VIP leader, Premier Andrew Fahie, that same day.
“I am truly disappointed that her decision was made without consultation with me or the party (the NDP), and moreover, that she has opted to join the Virgin Islands Party – both of which are at odds with the Alvera that I have come to know as a professional colleague and close friend over the past several years,” Penn said.
He continued: “I now recognise that our present views of what is in the best interest of the people, vastly differ, as our outlook and prayers for a bright future of these Virgin Islands no longer align. However, I offer Honourable Maduro-Caines my professional and personal respect, and thus, I wish her well.”
Heavy criticism
Penn then said his party will continue to support the Sixth District for which Maduro-Caines serves as the elected representative.
Penn shared those sentiments of respect and well wishes just before heavily criticising the government his departed colleague has now opted to join.
“As Leader of the Opposition, I have spoken with my colleagues, and despite the fact that we are now smaller in number, we remain united, and strongly opposed to the spectacle of form over substance, ineptitude rather than competence, the tyranny of victimisation, the prevalence of cronyism and the many other ills perpetrated by the VIP government on the people of this territory in just under one year. We will continue to call them out and hold them accountable, even as our former colleague, who shared these same concerns, now sits amongst them,” Penn said.
Below is the Opposition Leader’s full statement
Good Day Members and supporters of the National Democratic Party (NDP), and the Virgin Islands public at large. Many of you would have in the last few hours learnt of the resignation of Honourable Alvera Maduro- Caines, as a Member of the National Democratic Party.
At 2:36 p.m. on 20th January, 2020, I received a letter from Honourable Maduro-Caines, forwarded via WhatsApp messenger, in my capacity as Interim Chairman of the National Democratic Party, advising me of her decision to resign.
I was equally notified of her decision in my capacity as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. Honourable Maduro-Caines’ resignation is regrettable, as she has always been a strong representation of the NDP’s core philosophy and values, where people and family are at the heart of who we are.
I am truly disappointed, that her decision was made without consultation with me or the Party, and moreover, that she has opted to join the Virgin Islands Party – both of which are at odds with the Alvera that I have come to know, as a professional colleague and close friend, over the past several years.
Notwithstanding, she has expressed in her letter that her decision was made after prayers and full consideration for the best interest, of these Virgin Islands. I now recognise that our present views of what is in the best interest of the people, vastly differ, as our outlook and prayers for a bright future of these Virgin Islands no longer align.
However, I offer Honourable Maduro-Caines my professional and personal respect, and thus, I wish her well. I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the National Democratic Party to thank her for her years of service to our Organisation and this Territory. I am comforted, that the National Democratic Party has never been about its politicians.
Our commitment of service to the people and our strong vision for these Virgin Islands is undeterred. Prior to the last election, we commenced a rebuilding process, which drew new interest and commitment to leadership, and service from very bright, ambitious, visionary and caring young persons. We intend to build on this, as we seek to continue, our Party’s transformation.
The National Democratic Party will continue to stand with the people of the 6th District, because we recognise, that our support of you and your successes, transcend beyond merely, who represents you. Indeed, it is only within the delivery of our successful vision for these Virgin Islands, a vision of a thriving, prosperous and united society — underpinned by a robust economy, healthy populace, fully developed human capacity, modern and resilient infrastructure, protected and productive environment and transparent and accountable governance; that our mutual successes will be achieved.
As Leader of the Opposition, I have spoken with my colleagues, and despite the fact that we are now smaller in number, we remain united, and strongly opposed to the spectacle of form over substance, ineptitude rather than competence, the tyranny of victimisation, the prevalence of cronyism and the many other ills perpetrated by the VIP Government on the people of this Territory, in just under one year. We will continue to call them out and hold them accountable, even as our former colleague, who shared these same concerns, now sits amongst them. Ladies and Gentlemen – Family — today marks a further turning point, in the evolution of the National Democratic Party.
While this move by Honourable Maduro-Caines was unexpected, I remain confident, that our hope, conviction and resolve, will guide us beyond this, and on to a stronger National Democratic Party and Better Virgin Islands. May God bless the National Democratic Party and shower his bountiful blessings on these beautiful Virgin Islands and its people.
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This nothing more than the Pot calling the kettle black! The same things you are now preaching against Sir, is exactly what you practiced so well before. Cronyism is exactly what defined you party over the terms they governed. All of you make me sick. None of you put the country and her people first. All you want to do it suckle that tit until you fat, and even then you suckle more until it leak out your mouth.
Delilah has teamed up with judas
The NDP got to get their act together from all this infighting
The green kool-aid taste better
She should have discussed what she was about to do with her colleagues. It fall in the same category as I plan to divorce my husband, don’t discuss it with him and he found out I was divorcing him on social media.She have a right to choose who she aligns herself with Politically however, she should have been more professional about discussing it with her colleagues. I wish her the best but, she committed a Political Faux Par.
She didn’t ditch them. She saved them. Z6ne good now.
Not when you dealing with ndp s@&t. She did the right thing. Run from under them lady run.
And the thing is, this plan was set in motion long before Marlon’s Wedding. And yet she attended the Wedding acting and smizeing like everything is good. Typical backstabbing move.
Alvera didn’t had to consult you Marlon. When Shania, Mitch and Ronnie resigned from NDP did they consult NDP? Leave the lady alone.
Shania was never elected and Ronnie and Mitch got fired. Dont forget
Don’t put Shania name in the mess. She carve out a nice career for her self and I am quite sure this crazy dysfunctional thing called Politics in the BVI is far from her mind.
ok Shania…. until you run again……
Myron is now welcome to run in the sixth.easy win.
Myron where? If it is one ting we Purcell people don’t deal with is f***y man!
@ Me Ras! You sure about that??????
@Meh Ras! I live in the Purcell area but you can’t speak for me or the majority. If Myron make the run for the 6th, it will be a easy win for himself. The door is wide open, so who is up for the challenge.
Not in here. We don’t want him. Let him stay in his restaurant business
It is called doing things in a professional manner. Mitch and Ronnie did not take the Professional road when they jump ship and their Political Career took a huge dunk. Andrew is building his Political war chest. The next Political election is going to get real dirty and cut throat.
She let down the voters that was there and supported her all those years. She let her District down. She have the experience and a huge District to form a power house Political Party but, I guess she is afraid to go up against the big boys. She bit the green apple and got used for a number in the Political War Chest.
Love of country means nothing, everyone has a price, but trust me it’s the people who will pay this bill, because the VIP just got their second term.
Is praising what she did as a get back to her former Political Party. As quiet as it is being kept, she was offered something that is going benefit her. Maybe her District is going to get cleaned up. Good luck girl, you are going to need it. Perfect example of men using women.
Maaaaarlon. Please write your own speech. Lol let’s not pretend you haven’t sent a trojan horse. Lol they have already recognised it lol.
Did Dr. Smith consult you when he took the money to fix the East End sewage and put to the Pier Park? If he did, Did you consult with your constituents before it was transferred? No he did not because you were crying about it in the HOA.
I am in agreement with your comment. At least she could have sat down with her colleagues and inform them of the move she was making and not reveal it on Social media. Yes, she committed a Politically not correct Faux Par.
I like Hon. Penn that why I am suggesting that the NDP brand be done away with. It’s toxic and the party is dead. Rebrand if you wish to have a change of expanding your support base.
I don’t think so. If he drop the BRAND, that is a sign of weakness and giving into what the NDP haters want. The NDP is sidelined for a moment but the will be back.
They will be back in a ndp branded coffin in Joubert.
I ask? Wasn’t the VIP dead a few years back?
Captain the ship is sinking. Captaaaaiin………..
If they were really united as Marlon is saying she would’ve consulted them but as i see it they’re not untied
She open the door for Myron. Just remember, a lot of you may not agree or refuse to see it but, Myron still has a lot and enough loyal followers to put him in that vacant seat.
The NDP stifled her for years. She got very little done in her district. She was not a priority for them but she was loyal. She got no respect from them but she remain loyal. Why stay loyal if you can’t truly represent and get progress for your District.
Marlon isn’t disappointed. He is actually envious that she did what he couldn’t do. He was treated like her for 8 years to the detriment of his people by his same NDP Government. Those of us with common sense can’t really take Marlon and anything he says seriously. Alvera got guts cuz at some point common sense has to prevail over party loyalty.
The Hon Alvera Maduro-Caine bolting from the NDP was a fait accompli. It is an open secret that she was not fully embraced in the NDP; she made up the numbers. However, if Hon Penn (D-8) account of how she left NDP and moments later sitting with VIP for a photo op is true, then that was unprofessional, though it was her choice. A better and more professional approach would have been meeting with the NDP and notifying it of her intention. Social media improve communication but it often is used a mode of not confronting people face-to-face.
Nonetheless, there are no Pilates here. It is a time for serious reflection on both sides. Lopsided government in the HOA, parliament…….etc by a party consistently has not served the people well. Both VIP and NDP in the recent pass the have 11-2 advantages. However, history will show that they both squander the opportunities to advance the national interest and build an enduring legacy. Both NDP and VIP needs to take a peek in the mirror.
She is a defector—— bottomline
This makes her look like a Political traitor. In Politics it is taboo to be making back door deals. Fine, she wanted out however, she should have been more professional and inform her colleagues what was about to go down. Having to find out VIA Social media is a sign of weakness.
The NDP has no direction. Who would want to stay around with that shaky organization. Marlon is not a leader. Its time that we stop trying to make people what they are not. Good Fahie, bad Fahie he has strong leadership qualities and he will kill Marlon and the NDP in the next election. Marlon is no competition for Fahie. Alvera knows that. She had to make a calculative decision if she wants to continue representing her district.
He do have good leadership skills. Andrew is going to be hard to beat next election.Andrew is Tenacious. Hate him, love him, talk about him do what you want, he is not going down like that, he is going to keep holding on. Don’t underestimate him.
She linked up with the Political elite club until they get sidelined.
The NDP had such promise but ended up so poorly. Had the floods of August 2017 and the hurricanes not happened we would have probably continued in blissful ignorance thinking everything was great. When the disasters hit the NDP fell apart and never regrouped or showed leadership. After the last election i was very dissapointed with the result thinking we were doomed. Now, my views have changed and i am quite impressed with the Hon Andrew Fahie administration.I hope they continue to take us forward, i am now far more optimistic of the future.
You are entitled to your own opinion but almost a year after VIP has been elected, name 5 things that you are impressed with.
For years if you didn’t wake up 5am you couldn’t get water in the 3rd district. By 9 am it was gone now we have water until the night time so I’m happy for that. In less than a year they did something so simple that NDP couldn’t do in 8 years.
I wonder who’s next on the defecting list? Diego and Alvera done gone long time…LOL
I almost forgot…Myrun run away too…Mass exodus from the NDP…LOL
The NDP has fallen quickly and far from grace. As recently as 2015, the NDP put an 11-2 cut a..s on a Fraser-led VIP; it was a shellacking. Including some of the BVI’s best, brightest and accomplished sons and daughters, the people had high hope and expectations for the NDP. But, today some 5 years later, it is a fragile shell of its former self. What went wrong? The NDP needs to conduct a postmortem on what went wrong and why and take action(s) to reconstitute itself.
In 2015, the VIP was in a similar position as the NDP is today. But it clawed its way out of a deep hole, albeit it had some help from the NDP. The Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines decision is a done deal so I will not belabor the issue. He/she who is up close and personal to a situation knows it.
Marlon gots to go. I’m ndp but I will not vote ndp with Marlone leading.
It says there is problem with ndp leadership.
Evil boy.
Anybody that still with NDP either stupid or too loyal. The wheels have falling off. The family gone astray. Let’s look back at what has transpired in the NDP over the last couple years.
Elected NDP members and delegates call for Dr. Smith to give up Ministry of Finance.
Mitch, Ronnie, Archie and core members of their delegates quit and form PVIM.
Dr. Smith retires.
Stalwart member Dr. Pickering quit.
Myron quit as Chairman.
Mark resign days after being elected then beg to be sworn in.
That’s a lot of changes, turmoil and disfunction in the party.
The Party’s direction isn’t clear. Marlon cannot lead the NDP into the future because he isn’t held in high regard by the members like Dr. Smith was.
Myron was respected more but they never considered him a true NDP. They only accepted him because he was popular and brought in new supporters. They tolerated him until they had to show their true colors when they had to choose between Skelton and him.
The family is deeper than just a symbol. There are 3 core families that are deeply entwined in the NDP. Unless you part of that triangle you are viewed as just a seat holder in the NDP.
Good observation. You can add:
1. Marlon only became Leader of the Opposition because there was no other choice to fill the position.
2. Alvera leaving is a blow which proves Marlon incompetent.
3. Marlon and his congress supporters are the ones who wanted to push Dr. Smith out the party earlier than he would.
Myron did not quit. He was pushed out by Marlon for power. He got the island man scorn.
Alvera better watch her back. Wishing you well meant wishing you go to h**l.
Spot on the money..NDP needs to regroup and find a new structure if the entity is to survive or else they’ll have to recreate a new party.
I agree with your view. Mitch, his father and that clan are power hungry. Mitch and his clan convince Ronnie to leave the NDP after they lose the election to Myron and Marlon. Marlon is a low key cr**k who always play both sides. People like that you cannot trust. He had one foot in the NDP and one in the PVIM. He was glad I’m sure that Myron lose so he could become leader. The NDP elected members never liked Myron. His family was not from here, he was not an original NDP and he was more popular than them. Nothing but jealousy.
We had such high hopes for that group and look what greed, selfishness and bad mind has brought it to. Alvera had a right to leave. Who would want to be in this kind of organization.
Didn’t Delilah cut off Sampson hair and weaken him?
Get your story correct Myron did not quit he was forced out as chairman