BVI News

I don’t think Fahie’s drug trial will see the light of day — Rosan

Cindy Rosan

Talk show host and political commentator Cindy Rosan has stated that the drug case involving former premier, Andrew Fahie, will eventually be discarded.

Rosan gave her opinion while discussing the matter on a recent airing of the Morning Braff show on Tola Radio. The outspoken commentator said she was not surprised when Fahie asked the Florida court to push his case to November, so he could get more time to prepare.

She also said she wouldn’t have been surprised if Fahie opted to change his plea to match his two co-accused Oleanvine and Kadeem Maynard.

But in the end, Rosan said she doesn’t think there will be a full trial

“I do not believe this case will ever see the light of day, I said that from the very beginning. It will not reach to trial,” Rosan posited.

Locals are watching the case intently, as Fahie is the first Premier in Virgin Islands history to be arrested and jailed on cocaine charges in the US. Many are hopeful that the former politocal leader will walk away with a light to moderate sentence if he’s convicted. However, some sections of the community believe there’s a chance he may be able to escape conviction on certain technicalities.

In the meantime, elected leaders and public figures have largely refrained from commenting on the case, stating that they’d rather wait for the matter to be tried by the courts. Still, a number of rumours about the three accused continue to dominate conversations in the community.

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  1. Loud mouth desperate for publicity but too scared to stand in the election. says:

    She need to sit her ug.. f.. as. down and stfu! She is desperate for publicity. Nobody reading her pi** poor blog or paying for adverts

    Like 26
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  2. Just Wrong says:

    If so, that would be a real shame. Fahie needs to be embarrassed to the full extent of the law, so not to encourage others to follow.

    Like 42
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  3. I do not believe this case will ever see the light of day? says:

    I dont have any idea what Ms. Rosan means by that statement but if she is suggesting the case pending against Head Coach in Miami is going to go away, she is mistaken.

    Maybe in the BVI where to this day no local charges has been made against any of the 3 defendants (2 having plead guilty), but not in America.

    The Maynard’s have already pled guilty to one charge. They will be sentenced to prison I guestimate will be in the 5-7 years range.

    If Head Coach continues on his current trajectory toward trial in November, I don’t see him escaping a conviction and prison time either.

    Only difference between him in the Maynard’s is that if convicted, highly likely, he will get a stiffer sentence.

    Either way, no one should expect any of these 3 individuals to return to the BVI anytime soon. In that event, they will not be seeing the light of day for years as they will be locked away behind bars.

    Like 36
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  4. Did she sue or was that a lie? says:

    She said she had issued proceedings and served them on Heritage. He said nothing was served on him. Th ey friends again now but which one of them lied?

    Like 11
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  5. BVI news says:

    So this news site can’t give their own news rather than scavenge whatever Cindy said on Braff show ? Ayo less sah. Real less. Looking to Cindy to make news like you all can’t have your own.

    Like 10
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  6. Fact Checker says:

    Gurl shut up, you issued proceedings against Heritage and then dropped the case. I can’t take you serious.

    Like 10
  7. rico says:

    head coach is toast

  8. Truth says:

    She does not know about the history of the US criminal system and black men. Especially when they are/were men with power. He is going to trial

    Like 9
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  9. Truth says:

    Either Andrew is delaying the trial so that he can negotiate a guilty plea, or he needs more time to sing. Either way, he’s guilty and will do his time. I don’t care if he ever comes back. He sold us down the river for his own gain.

    Like 14
  10. SMH says:

    Who gives a hoot what she thinks? Advocate for the Right of the Territory or shut up!

  11. NO CLASS says:

    Cindy, you CLASSLESS buddy! That boy done your business about how Andrew was paying your rent and you gone back on his show and still continue to dis Andrew in your rantings. Your so called friends need to seek help for you instead of encouraging your nonsense.

  12. Pancake says:

    This case need to be over with. Lock up all who guilty and call it a day with the Drew.

    My disappointment is Gus isn’t around to celebrate but Cindy told this man that he was not going to last his four years and it came to pass. Now if she saying that it will not see the light of day, I will believe her or give her credit because she called it from the beginning.

    The only thing is she couldn’t predict for Sowande. Like he got something on she mah boy.

    Like 2
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  13. Liar? says:

    If she did not issue the legal proceedings, then she lied

  14. Action says:

    Rosan I am beginning to fall in love with you all over again. One time I wanted dat Albert to lost away in a dark hole for a long long time. But I say free the drew, want him back to challenge slowman for head of the party. If he refuses go run against him. I seeing him now wetter his pants.

    Like 1
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  15. Really! says:

    Cindy you have no class. You’re back on a show with that boy after he told the whole world how Andrew was paying your rent. Have some class no buddy. Your friends who are encouraging you need to seek help for you instead laughing at you behind your back. They’re not true friends.

  16. Hmmm says:

    Cindy stop trying to be relevant please.

  17. Hmmmm says:

    Well sah!!!

  18. HUSH says:

    Cindy, just hush.

  19. Sigh says:

    Cindy, please stop looking attention.

  20. Thinking says:

    Is she really Claude in drag? Spouting her opinions like any cares.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Why is Cindy’s opinion on the US legal system relevant to anybody.

  22. Mental health urgent says:

    She still crazy as a bat!

  23. Caca says:

    Why is Cindy relevant? Steaming heap of

  24. A frog to step on says:

    Ribit ribit from the only little pond dumb enough to call you a voice of reason. These are paid editorials. Bvi first invention. Even shallower journalism than USA.

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