BVI News

I need more concrete results from gov’t

Governor John Rankin.

While admitting that he’s had a cooperative relationship with Premier Wheatley and his VIP government, Governor John Rankin has stated that he would like to see “more concrete delivery” on important reforms the Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommended for the territory.

“The Premier – in terms of what he has said – remains publicly committed to the reform process as am I. What I would continue to do is work on moving beyond those public commitments into further, more concrete delivery,” Governor Rankin told the Talking Points radio show recently.

“To give you some examples – The Whistleblower Act – which was passed under Premier Fahie’s administration, is not yet in force. There were some administrative resource arrangements required around that but I hope we can now implement those without delay and bring that piece of legislation into operation,” the Governor added.

He also said he’d like to see the House of Assembly make the Registers of Interests truly public. Rankin argued that the current arrangement doesn’t facilitate transparency as the COI originally intended. The Register of Interests is a record kept of the financial interests of parliamentarians. Its purpose is to give them the mechanism to publicly declare any private interests which may conflict or may be perceived to conflict with their public duties.

The Governor has been working with elected representatives to implement several good governance changes the COI recommended for the BVI.

The government has so far completed 20 of 48 recommended reforms. In his last quarterly review, Governor Rankin said the government had missed multiple reform deadlines.

The Governor has also repeatedly cautioned elected representatives that the recommendations must be made in a timely manner to prevent the UK from invoking the feared Order in Council which threatens to take power away from locals.

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  1. Youth says:

    I am 100% for good governance but the Order in council is a modern-day slavery whip and needs to be eliminated permanently. It is wrong on all fronts. The Governor post needs to be an elected position. The holder of this post also needs to be held accountable by the people and not just themselves and the UK who can never have the best interest of the people of the BVI at their core.

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  2. Salty Fish says:

    UK isn’t going to do anything. We all know that now.

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  3. NDP Supporter says:

    Whether one liked fahie or not we must admit he was thinking ahead when he passed many good pieces of good governance legislation like integrity in public life, whistle-blower legislation, register of interest ammendments, Contractor General legislation, stamp duty act and many more. Even the Governor has no choice but to make reference to them. Our country will be much better in terms of accountability and transparency from these and other legislation.

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  4. Warning says:

    We are not outta deh woods yet

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  5. We in for a rough ride says:

    This country cant make progress until these 48 changes are implemented it seems…We are in some serious shite.

    Like 13
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  6. Jokes says:

    The entire thing is hilarious and a complete set up for failure. I hope this new Government hold their ground and deliver for the people. The UK is just grandstanding and power hungry. First of all, what we need to understand is that our Government, elected by us every 4 years, have no control over the Civil Service as this is under the remit of the Deputy Governor and Governor’s Offices. So how then can Government be held accountable for the actions of the technocrats who are actually responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Territory? If we spend more time understanding the system that has been put in place to keep us running the wheel like hamsters as opposed to tearing down each other at every step of the way, we would be better off.

    Like 7
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  7. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    The law makers love to write laws but don’t know a fig-leaf what it means in terms of actualising those laws and managing the cost of same. Any hoot, these are the jokers we have chosen lead by PremierSlowande and a Seventy Year-Old Energy-Lacking Deputy. We in trouble buddy

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  8. FYI says:


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  9. ,, says:

    But the so call premier said that if vip don’t get in UK ?? will be coming for this country tortola there’re in now let’s see if what he say is true Hope he’s not moving in human strength.

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  10. well sah says:

    do you know the true definition of transparency?

    Frightening thought,

  11. Silver Bullet says:

    The mentality of some of us are scary.
    Factors for hating and blaming outsiders for everything that goes wrong in the BVI

    The Great Divide

    Anthropology hat

    Culturally: Asians, Guyanese, Some Caribbean Islands, Pilipino, Santo Dominion’s

    1. They band together and help each other even they they are misused and given little money for their service.
    2. The majority of them use their money wisely instead of hanging out, showing off at the bar and treating friends
    3. The majority of them do not run two run and three women.
    4. They are committed to their family values and ensure their children are educated.
    5. They treat their wives with respect
    6. Their children cannot walk in and out of their homes as they like sleeping over with friends
    7. High School are is not the age of sleeping around and hanging out with friends after midnight

    The values are different even though everbody is doing wrong. Basically the black family structure is still influenced by slavery and there is underlying hatred in the BVI for people coming into the country and excelling.
    So Mr. Governor, your task is great.

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  12. @silver bullet says:

    With all those ” virtues” their countries are shite holes…they are in survival mode and escaping by any means is their goal. They murder each other daily at a rate such that they are the murder capital of North America. Stealing is a must do. In the VI and B VI prisons they are the overriding population.
    They are from all observation cursed. Not even their gold mines and oil along with rivers and fertile soil beautiful beaches can they find peace harmony prosperity home or abroad, An everlasting thorn wherever they wash up.

    d oil gold

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  13. Rex FeRaL says:

    @Silver Bullet…. The population at HMPVI is mostly BVIslanders. Stop spread lies. Get your facts right.

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  14. Rex FeRaL says:

    @Silver Bullet…. The population at HMPVI is mostly BVIslanders. Stop spread lies. Get your facts right.

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  15. Jermaine says:

    UK is coming

    Did you see the new police patrolling? Added presence to ensure a smooth transition when the UK takes over. Patrols have been increased and individuals are being identified with facial and biometric equipment. They will then be targeted for detainment when order is established by the UK.

    Money at banks is already being reduced to prevent cash withdrawal runs. Seen ATMs empty? It’s already starting.

    Plainclothes military were here to do advance reconnaissance for future deployments. They scouted command and control, communications, and strategic choke points around the islands.

    UK is coming

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  16. Bona-fide says:

    The majority arrested and charged and issued pris on sentences according to what is recorded in newspaper and media we read and we hear and we see are upd deislun folks and/ or their children.
    Not only in the VI but in all the Caribbean and,in each and every place to where they migrate,,Europe and America.

    The gun toting school children too are up de islun spawns.

  17. Up the island says:

    Who controls the high end macheriney of every command post in the BVI
    BVI slanders so do your maths ?
    They are the ones who … Where is the Premier from who is awaiting trial in Florida ?

    Ohhh I wonder which island he from?
    St Vincent
    St Lucia
    St Vincent

    Ohhh my he might be an island man
    We need to stop pointing fingers at each other .

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