I pray God arrest problems threatening society

Premier Smith. File photo
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr D Orlando Smith said he is praying that God ‘arrests any problems threatening and destroying the fabric of our society’.
“As a leader of this territory, I pray that God protects our families, our youth, and our territory from natural and man-made disasters, and that he arrests any problems threatening and destroying the fabric of our society,” Premier Smith said while inviting persons throughout the British Virgin Islands to the second Annual Territorial Interdenominational Service Of Thanksgiving And Intercession.
The service, according to Government, is designed to bring the community together to ‘collectively thank God for his protection through 2016 and to invite his guidance, protection, and favour on the government and the people of the territory in 2017’.
The service will be held at 4pm on Sunday (January 15) at the New Life Baptist Church under the theme ‘We Beseech Thee Oh Lord.
The government is hosting the event in collaboration with Aglow International,Virgin Islands Chapter.
“My government welcomes the opportunity to partner with the community and Aglow International as we recognise that we cannot do it alone,” added Premier Smith.
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