I will reinstate a 24-hr lockdown if safety protocols are not followed, Premier warns

Premier Andrew Fahie has made it abundantly clear that his government will reinstate a lockdown of the BVI if residents don’t adhere to the imposed COVID-19 precautionary measures during the soon-to-be-implemented ‘soft curfew’ period.
He issued the warning while underscoring that the BVI cannot afford to “play around with COVID-19”.
“If at any time we as a government believe that you are not putting safety first and practising social distancing and personal hygiene, a 24-hour curfew will be reinstituted, and you can hold me to that,” Fahie stated.
Battle far from over
The Premier said that while the territory — which has only had three reported cases of the disease to date — has been progressing well in its defence against COVID-19, the battle is far from over and the BVI must continue to move in a wise way.
He added that one of his main priorities as the Premier is to prevent any coronavirus-related deaths locally.
“I am not going to wait to do what needs to be done to ensure that not one person in this territory dies as a result of COVID-19. Our elders have taught us that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,” he stated.
Life not back to normal
Meanwhile, Governor Augustus Jaspert told residents during a broadcast this week that the aforesaid soft curfew period that begins on Monday, April 20, does not mean that life will go ‘back to normal’.
He said a new curfew would only be in place at nighttime. Notwithstanding, residents will still be expected to remain at home when not out for essential services and supplies or undertaking exercise.
“We will also expect all people to strictly observe social distancing measures. We need to ensure that we keep ahead of this virus and that requires us all to take responsibility for safe distancing and hygiene,” Governor Jaspert said.
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Mr premier have you consider the little man in the bvi that was living from pay check to pay check and now no check with bills to pay. What about hairdressers, housekeepers , barbers, cleaners that clean offices? With people working at home how those workers going to feed themselves. The poor will always be poor my God, there should be a balance in this if is even a shift system but for you not to open those businesses. Who is going to pay their bills. This is really one sided. Those people who are rejoicing are very selfish once they can eat they don’t care about the rest. Some are happy to work at home to sleep all day and tell the boss the computers acting up. Where is the logic in this situation? I know you are doing your best mr premier but please come up with something for those people mentioned.
why dont you? So many places will need disinfecting on an on going basis. many companies and even some larger homes might need assistance with this for months ahead – if you have no income, do something about it!
Hairdressers and barbers are on the List of Essential Businesses
i. ii.
iii. Pharmacies/drug stores;
iv. Restaurants (deliveries and take-out);
v. Banks/remittance services;
vi. Farming and fisheries;
vii. Fuel stations and LPG (cooking gas);
viii. Hardware stores;
ix. Ferries (inter-island movement within the BVI);
x. Buses/taxis (limited passengers);
xi. Laundries;
xii. Private health care providers ;
xiii. Insurance companies;
xiv. Small construction teams with a limit of 20 persons per project;
xv. Manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (PPE)
and hand sanitisation products;
xvi. Office supplies;
xvii. Telecommunication retail stores;
xviii. Garages and automotive supply stores;
xix. Hairdressers and Barbers
xx. Home delivery services; and
xxi. Gatherings at faith- based organisations, limited to 20 people.
There is no way that a hairdresser or barber can carry out their services from 3 or 6 feet away. Why is this being allowed which is obviously a service that cannot adhere to social distancing measures. Think about it
Just some vocal people are invested in these businesses.
My children need BOOKS. There has been enough video games and youtube. I want them to read real books and learn something. The office supply has a limited range of books and sells furniture, toys and gifts, so why can’t the bookstores open? Is it not essential for our children to actually read? The electronic age may be here but how much do they learn online and how much is play and watching movies? Books are essential for the educating of children even ifyou read Kindle for thrillers as adults.
Just like after IRMA, government gave priority to hairdressers who “needed” electrical generators. When did a visit to a beauty salon become an “essential” service? Well, at least we have our priorities straight. It would be more a badge of courage to go natural for a while in my estimation. Next will be the car washes and nail salons. What about those folks? You can get a bouffant and go to church with your friends, but don’t get caught swimming or fishing alone! That idea is an offense.
As a citizen, I am going to agree with the Commander in Chief.If they are not going to adhere to the rules, put the Country on 24 hour lock down. It is up to you people, pick your poison people, adhere to the rules or go on 24 hour look down.
My poison would be to adhere to the rules. 24 hour lock down means being in your homes 24 hours a day. To the likes, thank you for understanding and for the dislikes, it is time to turn off the ignorant button.
Amen fall the rules for us to live
Mehson people need fucing money. Where it going come from
You rather money over life. Dead person can’t spend money, think about that!
You think people with no food and no home aren’t also going to die?
Mr Premier. We have supported you with the measures so far. The vast majority of people will continue to respect the measures going forward.
But, always bear in mind the limits of your authority and do not over-reach. Authoritarian statees tend to take advantage of difficult situations.
Question what right you would have as a mere elected instrument of the people to further imprison us in our homes in the absence of ANY further confirmed cases in the territory. Do not overstep your authority – actions will be revisited and scrutinised and there will be a reckoning for all of us.
Whey this jackass come from?
5 words u choose 2 try & degrade someone who just give a sensible well spoken statement, r u sure he’s the jackass?!?!
I would say, I am sorry but, I have to say you are being very dumb. We are all in the same boat but, you have to learn patience, The Premier is doing what he have to do tirelessly and he will figure out how to handle what is going on. Have any of you stop for a moment and understand the Premier is under a lot of stress because he have a huge weight on his back? I don’t think the Premier has had a good night’s sleep since this thing started. You man not always agree with him or dislike him for whatever reasons but you can show him some mercy.
It is understandable that the premier, governor, fellow government members have been and are acting in the best interest of the territory in ridding the territory of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, as was the case during hurricane Irma during which average incomes were reported at $36,00 annually, but wasn’t; that fact still remains a reality. It is also safe to opine that the majority of the territory’s workers are by far, minimum wage earners. It is also understandable that said lesser income earners are substantially more concerned about their finances and ability to pay their financial commitments and are likely to breach the Covid-19 protocols. But then I ask: given the numerous “Essential Services businesses”, which of them can effectively operate in compliance with “Social Distancing? (taxi operators, gas stations, ferry operators, restaurants, bars, stores +++).
Considering that the US, nearby USVI, St.Kitts/Nevis and other countries in the region have given their pledge and assurance of Economic Stimulus to businesses and persons, while here in BVI there has hardly been any such discussion of Economic Stimulus, is it unreasonable that said aforementioned economically challenged workers would be eager to get out and earn their income in order to take care of their commitments?.
While composing this comment, I have taken into account the fact that the territory’s borders have been closed for more than a month and remains closed, 3 weeks of 24/7 curfew and the positive comment from chief medical doctor, Dr. Pptter that the 2 Previously confirmed infected persons have overcome the virus and are again healthy individuals with further expectation of the other infected individual overcoming the Covid-19 virus.
I do understand that we need to work to pay our bills, but SAFETY 1st. Covid19 is NO joke. Please follow whats implemented, they will get around to going back to work, but this virus has to die out 1st.
U either have money and well off or you are one getting ur salary still…. We all understand satety comes first but we have to eat, pay bills etc so I would advise u to STFU bout “they will get around to that”….Thats our livelyhood and that also battles for first place along with safety….BALANCE IS NEEDED
U have no sense what soever
You is a a**
Why the dictatorial behavior?
The virus has to die.do you have any common sense folks need to get out and work bottom line. Unless Fahie and his gang trying to turn the BVI into a welfare territory sad. Anyway other places can afford to do that BVI slowly fading to the 4th world country
That day will come
I hate to be the one that burst your bubble, but before you break open the champagne please remember that you have only tested 64 persons what percentage of the population is that may I asked. A false sense of Security
Honorable Premier I am so proud of the job you and your government are doing to keep us safe. Thank you. The people who are talking about going back to work, let me tell you if you don’t know. “You can’t spend money in the graveyard “. Are these people watching the news and see the suffering of persons who got infected with Covid 19? Mr. Fahie please continue to do what ever is necessary to keep this virus far from our shores. God bless you.
The cleaning companies did not mention as in the group that is to go back to work. With people working home who is going to want a cleaner cleaning with them inside. I don’t see none of that in the list
Fellow Virgin Islanders and residents, the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is real, is taking lives and it must be taken seriously; it is not a hoax. It is serious as a heart attack! To date, there have been over 2,000,000 confirmed cases and over 138,000 deaths. The VI has been fortunate thus far, having only 3 confirmed cases and 0 deaths. But the VI can’t let its guard down, it cannot relax or relent on the measures that may have kept the numbers low. It has won a few battles but the war is still raging. Dr. Etienne, PAHO regional director, has indicated that in the coming weeks the Caribbean region will see a surge in confirmed cases and an increased in deaths. The VI has to stay the course.
Undoubtedly, this historic and deadly disease has changed our lives and changed circumstances. It has changed how we live, how we socialized and relate to one another. It has adversely impacted personal income, business income and government revenues. We normally take government and the services it provides for granted but it is times as these that we look to government, ie,civil servants, the engine that drives government, for help, ie, making difficult and controversial decisions. Government must protect life.
Moreover, these are challenging and inconveniencing times. The economy has stalled and is imposing a shock on employment. And government must weigh life and public health and safety, against economic issues; it must strike a balance. It must offer a helping hand to those impacted. Nonetheless, life must be protected. The stalled economy can be revived but a lost life is gone forever.
Further, there is a fierce debate on whether the border doors should be flung open. It is probably a difficult decision to continue to keep the doors shut save for cargo. However, the 3 confirmed cases in the VI was brought into the territory and continuing to keep the border shut is critical to mitigating the virus and keeping the numbers low and protecting life. Yes, there is a Quarantine Law yet a higher level of protection may be needed. Protect yourself, your family, your friends and others around you.
@ Diaspora, on Abraham Maslow’s needs motivation pyramid, you are at the Self Actualization level while lil man is at the Physiological level. The lil man want work to pay the rent, buy food, pay cell phone bill, water bill, electricity and cable bill and car payment. Mr. Premier, mehson if me nah wuk wah me fu du? Where is the stimulus package and what is in it? If the border is going to remain closed and tourists cannot come in, government needs to provide loss of income help. We now have to use up our little savings to make ends meet.
people need to work, everyone knows people will cheat the rules but you cant cage people up forever this isn’t a dictatorship
Cases have spiked as of today. We got an alert on our phones stating that if you have to go outside for any reason, a mask and gloves must be worn. The police or sherif catch you without a mask or gloves, you are going to be taken to jail. The police is stressed and I am not willing add to their level. Here, there is no exceptions, they don’t care who you are, who you are related to or friends with, they are going to lock you up for not following the rules.
Police in Maryland are idiots, then. Throwing a bunch of people in a crowded jail is a great way to spread the virus like wildfire. Not to mention that if they are mandating gloves, they are also idiots because dirty gloves cross-contaminate whatever they touch.
All the expats in the territory on work permit contracts especially in the construction industry. Some of us have been home for 2 months now,as Corona was hitting the mainland people placed their projects on halt. What becomes of us? We are contracted workers aren’t we entitled to benefits when this government shuts down it’s country. We do have bills to pay,we rent, must eat. How long VG has been without a bank?
I’ve heard about trillions sent out during Irma! Do we have rights in your country as ordinary citizens. No! We have no say,however we are in this territory bonded by contracts. What is this government plan for us? Like we’ve become non existent in this Territoru. Our contracts are 3 way,government is in breach, we’d like to know what’s going on.
Wake tf up.. corona is no pandemic open your eyes to date less than 2% of the world population haven’t been affected. Not even 2 million affected out of over 7billion, plus in no country is 3% of the population affected. There’s more recovery than deaths. All death had underlying sicknesses. Nothing else kills anymore…just corona
..open your eyes…stop the fear mongering.. this is bullshit… the statistics are there..are world leaders that dumb…do the maths..no one globally isn’t dying from anything but Corona…open your eyes..this isn’t about any pandemic
Your right and it’s the media Making this thing worse then what it is, yes it kills people but the percentage is small take a look at the common flu it kills thousands of people every season but nobody is talking bout that cause it’s not being aired by the media. Time for these people to wake up.
TURN OFF THE 5G ANTENNAS, tell Biilll Gatzes forget about the vaccine agenda..@ Vic heckler, you the only one woke!
Tell him try the 24 hour lock down again and he would not like the outcome.
Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) is making some tough (some may say draconian) decisions to mitigate Covid-19 and to protect life. The tough measures are frustrating and are fraying nerves, causing some to resort to labeling him an autocrat or dictator. If the Premier had taken no action(s) and just let the virus run its course, what would have happen? The territory would probably would have had more than 3 confirmed cases and perhaps deaths.
Doing nothing was an option yet not an option. The Premier would have miserably failed as a leader if he had not done anything. No action would have been like Nero, Roman emperor, fiddling while Rome burned. Strong and effective leaders make bold and controversial decisions that will not sit well with many; in making decisions, a leader will rarely, if ever, get the concurrence of a 100% of the people. A leader makes the right decision at the right time for the right reason at the right cost that serves the best interest of the most people. Every decision has an opportunity or implicit cost.
The tough decisions by the Premier to prevent, contain, control and mitigate the virus to keep infections low and prevent loss of life had an opportunity cost. This opportunity cost meant residents losing income, businesses losing income and government losing revenue. No doubt, these losses will not sit well with those impacted but the decisions taken by government was for the public good and the greater good. Saving lives must trump economy. Some people see sacrificing lives to stop the economic slide as a good trade. I don’t subscribe to that action.
Moreover, government actions came with an opportunity cost so it must take action(s) to help residents who were adversely impacted by Covid-19 and government resultant actions, ie, border closing, 24-hour lockdown…etc. . Residents may not be made fully whole but help is needed and needed urgently. Some hard core capitalist will see government lending a helping hand as socialist yet government must act and act urgently. Here is a news flash. There are few, if any, totally socialist or capitalist countries; there are mostly hybrids.
The UK is slow as molasses in responding to the VI request for assistance to help displaced workers but people are hurting and hurting badly so government has to bite the bullet and act now. Tap into that reserve fund (The NDP did good by building the reserved fund. Just keeping it real). On another note, social security was not constructed to provide unemployment. Stay safe!
Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) is making some decision to mitigate Covid-19 and to protect life. The tough measures are frustrating and fraying nerves, causing some to resort to labeling him an autocrat or dictator. If the Premier had taken no action(s) and just let the virus run its course, what would have happen? The territory would probably would have had more than 3 confirmed cases and perhaps deaths.
Doing nothing was an option yet not an option. The Premier would have miserably failed as a leader if he had done nothing. No action would have been like Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Strong and effective leaders make bold and controversial decisions that will sit well with some; in making decisions, a leader will rarely, if ever, get the concurrence of a 100% of the people. A leader makes the right decision at the right time for the right reason at the right cost that serves the interest of the most people.
The innocent cannot pay for the guilty,,, anymore found after curfew hours should b charged ,,,
Did anybody ever suggest to just test everybody? For live virus and antibodies?
This would certainly allow to just quarantine the “live virus carriers” and let everybody else go about their business.
Same with anybody who wants to enter the country.