BVI News

Impasse! Horse racing at Ellis Thomas Downs remains at standstill

Horse racing at Ellis Thomas Downs remains at a standstill as government negotiations to resolve a longstanding impasse have yet to yield results.

Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley confirmed that while discussions have been ongoing, they have not yet been successful.

“We have an impasse. We haven’t been able to get past the impasses yet as it pertains to the track. I made robust efforts to have discussions on something mutually beneficial. That hasn’t been successful as yet, but we continue to try,” Dr. Wheatley told reporters at a recent press conference.

The dispute centres around leasing agreements with the Thomas family, who own a portion of the racetrack land. Attempts to reach a compromise have proven challenging, but Dr. Wheatley reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to restoring horse racing.

It’s complicated

Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, who represents the Third District, where Ellis Thomas Downs is located, acknowledged the complexities surrounding the issue.

“It’s complicated. It’s an area that government didn’t focus on as part of its subject. We got the track, we developed the track, we built a grandstand, and we literally turned it over to the private sector,” Fraser explained.

He further indicated that public interest in resolving the matter has grown.

“I think the populace has the appetite now to understand if you need it that bad, it’s going to cost you. And if it’s going to cost you and we’re going to pay, you cannot come back to us and complain because it’s not going to be cheap. But we have to do something.”

No viable alternative location

Despite suggestions to explore alternative locations for horse racing, Dr. Wheatley noted that no suitable options have emerged.

“We also have other persons who have suggested to us that we look at other areas, potentially for a horse track. We’ve explored some of those areas. Nothing has come forward as being viable at this particular moment, but we continue to try.”

Fraser also affirmed his ongoing involvement in the issue, stating, “I don’t think I have been withdrawn from it,” while Dr. Wheatley pointed out that negotiations are not conducted in public.

Both leaders emphasised their commitment to resolving the impasse and reviving horse racing, which holds deep cultural significance for the territory.

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  1. simple says:

    It is not complicated. They want an arm and a leg and the country not willing to pay it so no more horse race! we not dying without it.

    Like 12
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    • Resident says:

      To Hon. Fraser: “We don’t need it and we don’t want to pay for it.”

      Like 11
    • @simple says:

      That’s why you are an anonymous blogger and not a community leader. No vision

      • Anonymous says:

        thats why ayo need to go look work from trying to milk the country dry with nonsense. If horse racing so important for the sake of the nation then let government take the land and pay them fairly and own it outright then no more renting it at a ridiculous cost annually. any way you slice it paying an exorbitant amount to rent horse race track shouldn’t be an option

  2. Well sah says:

    Here’s where they should have invested that $250,000. So EVERYONE could benefit. Support the locals and the local economy. Instead, they shell it out to a Hoody with little to no returns.

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  3. why says:

    why y’all moving like watching drug dealers beat their horses down a stretch is needed for this little 3rd world island?

    Like 11
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  4. Animal sports says:

    are less appealing to more and more people on earth in the 21st century so just accept the inevitable and abandon horse racing in the BVI.

  5. My 2 cents says:

    They trying to create this false narrative that there is some overwhelming pressure from the public to get horse race going again to justify wasting millions on this fart the government shouldn’t even be paying for in the first place. In reality most people couldn’t care less. If it’s going to cost a fortune then leave it alone it’s really not that important. You telling me we can’t find nothing more important to everyone to spend that money on?

  6. captain obvious says:

    either pay them what they want or find another spot, this isn’t rocket science

  7. Karnage says:

    Find another location and stop dragging out this nonsense. Leave the Thomas family to plant potatoes or whatever tough luck.

  8. Wtf says:

    Take horse racing to Anegada. Let those greedy a** Thomas family take the plot of land to the grave with them.

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