BVI News

Investigations into the ESHS wall project complete! Matter given to DPP

After roughly a year since the commencement of investigations into the controversial Elmore Stoutt High School perimeter wall project, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force has handed their findings over to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

This is according to Commissioner of Police, Michael Matthews while responding to questions from BVI News recently. 

“The matter has been investigated and our findings placed before the DPP for her consideration. The matter sits now with the DPP’s Office,” Commissioner Matthews said.

He told our news centre the Office of the DPP was handed the case early this year.

BVI News has called and sent multiple emails to the Office of the DPP but no response has been forthcoming up to publication time.  Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit has been serving as DPP since December 2019 when United Kingdom native Kim Hollis departed from that post.

The project and the report

Investigations into the wall project were launched after the release of a special report from the Office of the Auditor General. The report concluded that the former Myron Walwyn-led Education Ministry did not comply with the government’s Public Finance Regulations — the laws that govern such projects.

Auditor General Sonia Webster also accused the said ministry of producing ‘false’ information to the government’s treasury department in relation to the project.

Walwyn refuted such claims and instead accused Webster of producing an unbalanced and lacking report.


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  1. M--- says:

    He is an attorney and I am certain he —– everything to make it seem —-. Dead case…

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    • No way says:

      The Territory is do corrupt how can anything be investigated. Everyone involved are either related or complicit. There is no stopping the theft by those in charge or are of the ruling families. Just live with it. You created it.

      Like 3
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    • DPP is hopeless says:

      Don’t expect any answer soon. Is she commuting from STT or does she now work from there full time.

    • DPP not responded says:

      Surprise surprise. This case really needs to have a prosecutor with legal skills and good judgment.

  2. abc says:

    good he going to —- soon so will stop posting —- on — trying to make a come back

    Like 4
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  3. Missing Letter says:

    Missing letter on the building, anyways let see how far the ball roll, look like NDP will never see the Government side again! MORE MONEY MORE CORRUPTION

    Like 7
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  4. No nonsense says:

    And investigate the food delivery in the lock down and the social security money for security. Dont forget house to house garbage collection

    Like 21
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  5. Guest says:

    Great !!! Now let’s do the Pier Park or do you think we the public forgot???????????????????????

    Like 20
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  6. facts please says:

    I have listened. I have read. I am yet to see one ounce of wrong doing by Myron. Where is the proof? Where are the facts? Not even in the report have they show that Myron is responsible for any wrong doing. Can someone show it to me? We love to talk and destroy people name in this place. I get it. We love to tear down our own but the facts are the facts. Please show me

    Like 7
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  7. Head's on says:

    Myron Walwyn High School Education Center. He’s protecting his pupils for the future of the BVI. End of story about the wall.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It took a while year to investigate a wall.. Let’s hope nothing challenging like a airport needs investigating as that might take many years.. Oh to late. I think it’s called island time robbery.. Stealing išland money but knowing the public lose interest as it takes so long to get a review.

  9. LARK says:

    accused Webster of producing an unbalanced and lacking report.

    Whats this?

  10. Understanding says:

    What’s is being investigated? Is it the former minister or the project itself? I think it’s the project but we soo love to drag down people name that we will say the former minister. There is nothing in that report that I read that implicates the former minister in anything. Maybe I can’t read.

  11. Lol says:

    Looks like you did forget because that project was audited and investigated already so try your best. This govt think that by focusing on NDP deeds that we wont see the nonsense that theyre doing but they will learn sooner than later that we are watching them as well.

    Like 4
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  12. Waste ah time says:

    Wasn’t this mentioned in the news months ago already? Something fishy here and why is it since Janueary we haven’t heard a thing about this? It’s now June. We play politics with everything in the BVI. If they after Myron, what exactly would they say he did?

  13. Concerned1 says:

    How come this wall investigation was handled by the bvi ploice locally but, experts from abroad must be hired for the bvi airways investigation? Is it that the local team of “expert” investigators can’t handle serious reports? If that’s the case , then the bvi police force should be revamped because, you have all these chief inspectors, INSPECTORS, SGTS, ACTING SGTs and all these specialized units and yet still you have to spend taxpayers money to bring in someone to investigate bvi airways ? “waste of time and money”

  14. Expatriate says:

    This country is so corrupt from the head to the feet.they should also do a probe into immigration officials who are taking bribes to grant work permits

  15. Expatriate says:

    The time I’m here I’ve seen some of the most corrupt practices from the head to the investigation should be done at immigration where there taking bribe to grant work permits to those Who aren’t qualified for certain jobs

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