Jury finds cashiers guilty of stealing nearly $60K

Former RiteWay cashiers George Wells and Sharon Forde have been convicted for stealing close to $60,000 from the Roadtown Wholesale Cash and Carry in
A nine-member jury returned with a unanimous guilty verdict for the two offenders in the High Court last Friday.
Wells was accused of stealing $37,908 while his co-accused Forde, allegedly took $21,939. The pair were jointly charged with theft and false accounting and will be sentenced on May 2.
What reportedly happened
The court heard that during a routine company audit conducted sometime in June/July of 2017, it was noted that some funds were missing and there were curious refunds taking place since January of that year.
Using CCTV footage, management at the establishment conducted an investigation.
During the investigation, the duo was allegedly seen on several occasions entering information into the cash register despite not having customers present.
The dates and times the cashiers were captured on camera corresponded with the dates and times they made questionable refunds on pricier items in the store such as $500 champagne.
Management also reportedly noticed on the surveillance footage that whenever the cash register would eject receipts for each transaction, the cashiers in question would conceal them.
Following the investigation, management allegedly confronted the pair and the matter was reported to police. They were later arrested and charged for the offences.
Wells is a British Virgin Islands native while Forde is a St Lucian.
Attorney at law Mary-Lou Creque represented the accused duo.
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Them a bunch of thieves them Lucian. Time to put VISA for them to enter coming with the witchcraft and manipulation.
A particular company beef island full a them.
Only Lucian u see mentioned
The other one is Spanish
the other one is a tolan. say that too about the locals. them politions rip off goverment money for wall and cruise pair, for lands and other things. why not call those thieves too!! Guest what, all of them from here. talk now nah!!
how comes the politicians can’t be arrested
Only Lucian u see mentioned
You are am illiterate a$$$$$only lucians are thieves you have nothing better to say go brush your mouth.
What about the tolian must be your father a$$$$
Of this is good. Bad mind never prosper
Hall them a** thebgirl never steal where the f**k is it…. its not inbthe bank, she never send it wester or momey gram. She aint buy nun new she still wear jer same r** uo cloths so i dont understand…..
Matter ah fact all where you go people thief we tolians are f*****g t*****s too … ayo aint easy nah. Full ah f**k….you need visa for your f*****g p***y.
what lucians do you so try keep of my lucian them you had a bad experience with one nuh. it have thieves all over the world no one is perfect just remember that !
I am from ST.Lucia and I am ashamed. I don’t care if we are from the same Country,it was a wrong thing to do and the person should be punished for what was done. When I came here 10 years ago,my mother said always respect another man Country,work hard to better myself, mind my business and stay away from negativity.
I hope by now you people realise that it is a fellow St Lucian posting that mess that have you all riled up. Some fellow hater trying to expose the hated.
U must be woman to say all lucians are thieves and also a garden hoooooooooo
Bad karmer for the e————t, dem thieving and continuing to thief poor we for a piece ah food. And working dem s—– hard, bad and under—-. Another result of bad e————– treatment. Where is the labour department and consumer protection? Mr. Fahie, fairness for the poor people!!
Wells isca Spanish name