Large events like Old Year’s Night Party will be closely monitored

With Foxy’s Old Year’s Night Party expected to commence later today, Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Ronald Georges is urging everyone attending to follow the safety protocols established by the Ministry of Health.
The acting CMO said the ministry has been working with party promoters and event coordinators such as Foxy’s to coordinate a safe holiday season.
“At this time, the government is not minded to put restrictions in place which would hamper economic activity. Persons are therefore advised to please avoid all crowds and large gatherings at this time, promotors should heed the advice given to them by the Environmental Health Division and limit the size and duration of their events,” Dr Georges said in an interview with BVI News.
“Large scheduled events will be closely monitored by the Environmental Health Division, and they will be assisted by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force to ensure that existing measures are enforced, and any fines levied on persons who are in breach,” he added.
Dr Georges further said persons must remain vigilant as COVID-19 has not left the territory and will remain for some time.
He noted the latest statistics from the ministry which that show COVID-19 cases have increased yet again and will continue to climb if people do not do their part by taking responsible actions to minimise the threat to ourselves and the economy.
The acting CMO said he noticed multiple social gatherings leading up to the holidays which would have enhanced the spreading of the coronavirus in the community. He said this will only worsen in the ensuing days to weeks if persons continue to congregate and gather in the manner they did in the previous weeks.
“I am very concerned about the continued gatherings and parties where persons are not following the COVID-19 health protocols. They are not wearing masks, and if they are, they are wearing them inappropriately. Persons are not social-distancing. They are not washing their hands or sanitising. Some persons are complacent, and this is not the time for us to let our guard down when the shield needs to be up,” Dr Georges added.
The acting CMO also pleaded with the various media outlets in the territory to use their platforms to help continue to share the message and promote the health and safety protocols.
Foxy’s Old Year’s Night Celebration is an annual party held on Jost Van Dyke and is considered one of the biggest and most popular events in the Caribbean to ring in the new year.
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May the super spreaders commence #nomoremask #itsjustacold #2%oftheearthwilldie.
Make sure have Ivermectin over there to give out instead of happy new year signs and decorations.not interested in non working vaccines at this time.
Are you Mr. Ed?
stop watching cnn ivermectin was made for humans first and is a noble prize winning medicine that is recognized the the w.h.o as one of its best medicines to treat illnesses
Pure a$$i$hne$$ if you ask me…This is not the time to host these type of super-spreader events…I thought the VIP had said “health over wealth” but it seems like the other way around
wealth over health
Wealth is part of overall health. There’s no health in not being able to feed your family and pay your bills. There needs to be a balance! Globally it was said, get the shots and live your life, now it’s get the shots and hide away at home with the rest of those that didn’t.
We shall see……
Yea, RIGHT! What a joke!
Fine Foxy 400 dollars while he collects 40 thousands
happy holydays for everrywant….
And what’s worse is they expect schools to actually open in a few days. Talk about BVILove, you can’t have parties and events over the holidays and expect schools to be opened face to face. It just won’t work.
Just fooking brilliant. What donkey sack thinks “observation” will do anything more than provide a paid night out for some government people?
This variant is little more than a cold but the numbers will skyrocket by Monday giving government something else to scare people with.
If Covid was truly the scourge they make it out to be, why aren’t these events closed down? It’s all about the money.
Monitor??? Like really
HOW???? Exactly how will it be monitored???
I’m gonna monitor a speeding bullet. Give it to Mikey he’ll eat anything.
No large crowds should be allowed!
Some businesses need the large crowds to survive. They need it to maintain and keep staff. Focus should be on following protocols. Given how long some of these businesses have been closed or operating on almost the red line limiting their numbers is not financially prudent to them.
Closely monitored? Really? Take a look.
Nightmare… a total recipe for a COVID disaster. I hope Foxy makes a big contribution towards medical costs when we get a lot more positive cases.
or how about the government offers them support to NOT have the party – a stimulus. People can’t survive on nothing
it was nice continue the events and build our economy back up covid isn’t going anywhere its us the people who needs to do the right thing and mask up or vaccinate looking forward for the 2022 festivities
No restrictions because the focus is on economic growth but the higher the cases climb, we will become blacklisted and people will avoid coming to our shores. Hence our economic growth will be negatively affected. I am confused.
Matters… we will soon be known as the Covid capital and you greedy folks can kiss your economy bye bye.. stop the nonsense!! Learning to live with covid does not mean act like an a#$ and jeopardize other people and yourself. Do not wait for Govt to tell you or ticket you. That may be a long wait. But they did teach you so we all know what helps ( sanitize, masks, distancing and avoidance of large gatherings) so your excuse is what?? Oh and some of you vaxxed up people so arrogant you contracting it and spreading to others who have been staying home, or following protocols
majority already departed BVI leaving the residents at risk
The 4 kin YTs smh
When will there be another large event like that. This cones fxxxxing late. What is done is done.