BVI News

Legitimate workers only! Too many expats working ‘off the grid’ in BVI

Vincent Wheatley

Labour Minister Vincent Wheatley has said some employers have been issued with work permits for persons who have never been seen at the job sites where they were hired to work.

He gave this as a reason for the government’s new policy that requests employees, who seeking to renew their work permits, to produce a Certificate of Good Standing for their employer’s business.

He described the policy as a way to regularise and correct the current system.

“What we are trying to do here, is to make sure that the employees who are applying for permits have legitimate work,” Wheatley told the House of Assembly recently.

“Persons have been here for five or 10 years with no record of any earnings, absolutely none,” Minister Wheatley said. “But the employer is here now trying to renew your permit. Those are things we are trying to avoid.”

“We have discovered, there are several cases where persons are in the territory working ‘off the grid’, so to speak,” he added. 

But with the new policy in place, the minister said Labour has been quite successful in making persons prove that they have been working.

He said if persons approach the Labour Department for a renewal or transfer of their work permit, he wants to first ensure that they have been doing legitimate work for a legitimate business all along.

Companies do what is inspected, not what is expected

According to the minister, the Inland Revenue Department no longer requires Certificates of Good Standing. Instead, receipts showing that an application was made for good standing will suffice.

However, employees seeking a permit renewal are still required to produce Certificates of Earnings from the Social Security Department and the National Health Insurance showing that they are legitimately employed.

“Companies and persons do what is inspected, not what is expected. We expect all companies to be in compliance and in good standing all the time,” Wheatley said.

He further explained that the aforesaid new policy has now forced companies to come into compliance with regulations that require them to have Certificates of Good Standing in order for their employees to have permits renewed.

Some employers refuse to give workers the good-standing certificates

The Labour Minister also explained that there are instances where employers refuse to provide their employees with good-standing certificates. But Wheatley said his ministry is working around the issue without trying to punish those employees for the delinquency of their employers.

“A certificate of good standing allows the Department of Labour and Workforce Development to know whether or not the employer is in compliance with making the mandated payments on behalf of the company which are prescribed by the government and for corrective measures to be instituted if they are not,” Wheatley said.

He added: “Unfortunately, this information cannot be recorded from an employee’s certificate of earnings which outlines the contributions paid into the system on behalf of the employee.”

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  1. Surprise Surprise says:

    Everyone know it, everyone benefits from it but suddenly it is a big discovery? Get your mess sorted out, years of mismanagement

    Like 32
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    • Please says:

      This minister seems to sleep on the wrong side of his bed every other night. Then two days he come back and play mr.nice again , confused

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    • Rubber Duck says:

      It is what happens when you have a dumb inflexible labour system tantamount to indentured slavery. No one can move employer without massive bureaucracy and often leaving the territory. So what happens is that people move employers and don’t tell labour and many employers go along with it because they need the labour.

      The whole thing needs massive reform.

      Like 18
  2. Choops says:

    Give me a break. They can produce a good standing and still not legitimately work at said place. Doesn’t mean the business doesn’t exist just means the business owner taking money on the said to pretend they have employed said person. Try again Sir. Better excuse this time please.

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  3. great says:

    Mr Minister this has been going on for yrs and I am so happy that at least you are trying to put a dent in it.Many employers never see the person’s that they sponsor. I know several people from the different islands that never paid a penny to the social security or nhi.Well let’s not talk about the income tax part because many many of these employees never make enough on paper to pay into that because these same employers help to facilitate is time for this to stop.

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  4. Hmm says:

    Them island People here sneaky

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    • @Hmm says:

      You can only see your own, if you are a Black person posting that rubbish, while the caucasion is commiting and getting away with every crime in the book.

      Like 20
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    • Oh boy says:

      Yes mr /mrs continent this is not an island it is not surrounded by water stupid .

  5. Lady says:

    Ok understand and 100% agree. But plz can you also look a the requirement for trade licenses, because there is also alot of people who would like to come up front and do business.

    Like 10
  6. Ageeed says:

    Clean it up minister.

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  7. Blame the Expats says:

    Once again VIP having a dig at the expats. There are far, far, far more Caribbean Nationals working ‘off the grid’ than expats. Change the record!

    Like 14
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  8. son of the soil says:

    Too much fronting going on in the bvi mostly just for a lil wife

    Like 19
    • Mistress? says:

      @son of the soil
      Are you saying “Mistress” and “Outside Wife” aren’t perfectly fine job descriptions for a work permit?

  9. PREDATOR says:

    well they have to prey on something and or someone/ just look at how he discovered how to manipulate those who work honestly for their money
    and find the heart to double tax them and then to add insult to
    INJURY his boss bragged about their maverlous teqniques in greedyness

    Like 12
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  10. Resident says:

    This is a by product of the terrible indentured labour system in operation here, where a Belonger obtains a work permit for a foreigner in exchange for money, but has no work for the person. The person works informally; no social security or NHI gets paid, but nothing happens because it’s a Belonger.

    It’s a recipe for exploitation.

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  11. Strange says:

    Why pressure expats soooooo badly? Without them our BVI is in shambles. The expats are not responsible for their payments to IRD, SSB or NHI unless they are self employed or employers…you need to target the employers but as we know, these employers always escaping for various reasons.

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  12. Yep says:

    Every time this government is under pressure, they wage a war against Expats and the locals thrive on it, like a dog with a new bone. solely DISTRACTIONS from the real issues that are crippling the BVI. greed, corruption and mismanagement. What have you done Minister to help the indigenous BVIlanders? Have you given Anegadians their land? How have you made life better for the ordinary citizen? Pathetic

    Like 19
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    • @yep says:

      Why ever rule the Government put in place regarding work permit has to be interpreted as a war against expat. All countries have rules surrounding work permit, and more stiffer rules than the VI I must add.

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  13. Confused Public says:

    y’all dont realize that the work permits issued are a revenue source for the minister, he has no interest in reducing or obstructing permits.

    additionally who cares if permits are paid for people that do not actually come to work.

    of course, for those who are actually working, then yes pay your taxes, but some employers have permits for people that are not in BVI full time, not earning money in BVI, but need to come sometimes to work and pay for just those taxes seems fair.

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    • KISS says:

      If it’s solely about the money, then let the Hon. Minister for Increased Paperwork and Red Tape charge more for the d_mned work permits, and move this pernicious paper chase in-house. Let the gov’t workers do their jobs and e-mail forth and back with the required info.

    • @confused says:

      I am afraid you are the deluded one, the VIP are far more interested in ridding the BVI of expats than collecting the revenue. One day, in the not to distant future, the BVI will look back on this policy and realise it was this (together with the corruption) that bankrupt the territories economy

      Like 13
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      • Fairy says:

        The practice of opening the flood gates to hand to mouth immigrants and installing them as permanent or longterm fixtures, to the extent that they outnumber BVIslanders is what will destroy thiscountry. BVIslanders aren’t better off because of this infestation. They are and continue to be just as they were when this one sided give and all take started.Immigrants and expats with a fair exchange for the priveledge is what is necessary. This immigration and expat situation is a travesty to BVIslanders and the country.
        The joke is on the BVi and msny are too hungry to laugh.

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    • redstorm says:

      It got some employees who works for more than 8k per month but report 1k per month for taxes. When you hear this type of conversation you don’t shrugg your shoulder you ensure policy in place for deviations. this department need someone with vision.
      The island people just need to go home with whatever little you have go home don’t wait around you will spend every dollars paying someone to own their house, and you will get nothing.

  14. bs says:

    this s**t make no sense!!
    Your Immigration Big Man Still Harboring Person within the BVI for 8and 12 months plus given time every second as a visitor and they are here working…

    Like 4
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    • Anonymous says:

      The VI utilize the labor of expars in exchange for wages. In addition the VI has lost its distinct character and reputation resulting from the presence and the activities of these same expats. It has incurred enormous expenses …schools,medical etc. The expats give little and takes more.
      The VIneeds an expat population with the ability and willingness to give in exchange.
      The Monaco model would be,edit the VI and its real BVIslanders.

    • @bs says:


  15. Hmmmm says:

    This govt lies so much they forget what the truth is. The COGS system cannot regularize anyting, proper enforcement and surveillance does! If I have someone here off the grid paying for their permit for years and years it must mean that it’s lucrative so what’s a few hundred paid in to SSB/NHI and COGS produced? That does not mean a thing. The Minister is afraid to tell the truth that all these measures are revenue generating on the backs of the expat population.

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  16. BALDIE says:

    Is a vulture and he is on hunt for expat dollars

    Like 5
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  17. @yep says:

    Why ever rule the Government put in place regarding work permit has to be interpreted as a war against expat. All countries have rules surrounding work permit, and more stiffer rules than the VI I must add.

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  18. Redshoes says:

    In the VIP party there is a expat there so he has to start clean his surrounding then go in the other business

  19. Anonymous says:

    BVI Islander

  20. BVI Islander says:

    Mr Minister, why???
    Sometimes I’m not sure if you wake or sleeping! I guess we should be Congratulating you on your big news! Hooray!!

  21. Please go sit do Mr. Bad mind says:

    Think Mr. Minister, remember how far you came from.. Its Island people make you who you are…U ungrateful b** mind. Shut up. I know u from u were a child and watch you grow..change ur ways or you will not get back in…

    Like 9
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  22. paying taxes and not getting good standings pointless says:


  23. Mrs Moneybags. says:

    What are the work and immigration rules in Monaco.
    The population in total there is approx 39,000 of which approx 9,000 is “indigenous” and the poverty rate is ZERO. No income tax.They are doing everything right,it seems. Second highest GDP in the world.crime practically nonexistent.
    Immigration and the lucky permitted to enter immigrants enhance and contribute the wealth.
    Everyone benefits and are happy with the quid pro quo arrangement

  24. Covid19 says:

    Why u stop work exemtion for people living here 15 year an more ?
    That is discrimination

  25. Jah says:

    You are fighting a losing battle my boy. Construction workers doesn’t be stabled..maintenance personnel are not stable..

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  26. Jane says:

    Can the Minister explains what the consequences will be for the business owners who front these work permits? Presumably examples will be made and criminal prosecutions will follow regardless of family name. If not, one has to assume that the continued finger pointing at the non belongers is nothing more than politricks and othering of our fellow human beings. Nothing like divide and rule to distract from a moral vacuum!

  27. Wicked Vincent says:

    This is a very wicked man
    But always remember god don’t sleep
    I hope you seeing what happened in Haiti
    Y’all are very wicked bvi ppl in fact ayo are the most wicked ppl in the world

    Like 1
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  28. Fathful servant says:

    What about the people who work and the boss remove SS, NHI TAX, you have the pay stubs showing all they took from your pay, I don’t think the employee should be punish but go look for this greed thieving boss that take his staff money and never pay the dues, why penalized the staff members that to harsh to treat ppl so

  29. Ginger says:

    It’s funny how you all keep finding these ways however we are not hearing about the local employees who have been doing deductions from people salary for years but its not being paid and then they worker suffers fix that mess but I guess you all afraid to touch the culprits because is your friends

  30. ???? says:

    As a vi islander I’m not saying don’t regulate in some way but what I seeing is that They are going to push and push until all expats leave, the Caribbean caricom system working even with all this covid mess
    so they need to open up they eyes,people leaving ,apartments are empty, businesses hardly have people working, lot of food cooking and wasting (no lot of buying) less revenue people look on keenly and stop upholding BS ………….

    Like 2
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    • Whelk says:

      The VI utilize the labor of expars in exchange for wages. In addition the VI has lost its distinct character and reputation resulting from the presence and the activities of these same expats. It has incurred enormous expenses …schools,medical etc. The expats give little and takes more.
      The VIneeds an expat population with the ability and willingness to give in exchange.
      The Monaco model would be,edit the VI and its real BVIslanders.

      Like 1
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  31. Ning says:

    Oh how selective can our memories be. It was after the NDP regained the Government in 2011 that they tried to get a handle on the abuses and neglect of the whole Trade and Labour debacle and made an announcement that in order to renew a Trade License you had to bring certificates of good-standing. Oh Lordy! everyone ran around with their hair on fire or should I say the abusers, the fronters, and those using it for all kind of other illegal activities. The eye opening thing is, it is the LAW and you are required to do these things by LAW. So those who are not now preparing themselves to deal with good-standing to renew Trade Licenses must be preparing to go out of business, and don’t even talk about if the UK take over.

  32. Anonimous says:

    It is the same local companies that hire the expats in the first place, why arent they being penalise for it

  33. Realtalk says:

    What bout tha 1 who was fired ? but livin on JVD with tha taxi man an accusing people of doin her thinz she waz lokin fa? She here tryin to get a job ? realy? Mr Hon wha yo talk bout? Why she nah back hom yet? JVD wan her gon now.

  34. Hmmmmmm Dmp says:

    What bout tha 1 who was fired ? but livin on JVD with tha taxi man an accusing people of doin her thinz she waz lokin fa? She here tryin to get a job ? realy? Mr Hon wha yo talk bout? Why she nah back hom yet? JVD wan her gon now.

  35. LILLIAN says:

    for many years this places has been like that people are with work permit for a person and work for others or never work just working for themself without business licen so is not a new news

  36. Jah Know says:

    Im sorry to say but this policy is what cause the BVI economy to fall. Lets be real, those very same expats are the one who help the money to be circulated. Now that they are gone, we are struggling and more are going to leave.

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