Leonora Delville Primary now ready to receive students

Education Minister Myron Walwyn on the Leonora Delville Primary School campus. (Photo Credit: Walwyn’s Facebook)
Leonora Delville Primary on the western end of Tortola is now ready to receive students when school reopens on Monday.
Education Minister Myron Walwyn said on Friday that repair works on the school are now completed.
“We have a few more finishing touches, most of which can be done without any interruption to our students. I would like to thank my very hardworking staff at the Ministry of Education for making this happen.”
“I remain grateful to our teachers, parents and students for their patience during this difficult period,” Walwyn said.
The school has been at the centre of debate and even controversy surrounding whether it would have been ready for the start of the 2018 school year.
Andrew Fahie, the representative of the First District where the school is located, had threatened to ‘revolt’ if students who are enrolled at the educational facility were made to start the school year under tents.
Walwyn, in what can be described as a sharp reply, told Fahie to redirect his energy towards assisting to get the school ready.
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Pressure burst pipe. Hmm.
Credit must be given when its due. Congratulations to you and your staff. I am very pleased with your efforts to ensure that your promise did not fall to the ground.
Great performance under severe pressure.
Myron put himself under pressure. He signed contracts in Dec 2017 to do this repair work to the school but it wasn’t done then because he knew he didn’t have the money to honor the contracts. This is what has caused the whole delay…his DECIETFULNESS!!!
Our next Premier looks great walking on that school campus.
Why MW don’t get off the darn blogs? Chuupes
THANK YOU HONOURABLE FAHIE, HONOURABLE PREMIER OF THE BVI FOR THE NEXT ELECTION. If not for you, the school would not have reopened. The current minister does not give a rats azz about anyone but himself.
What f**t you talking. Yes Hon.Fahie complained a lot about the matter, but give props where props is due. Is that so hard for you VIP critics to do. My goodness. You can only point out the bad. You would swear Hon.Fahie does everything perfect.
HONOURABLE FAHIE, THE NEXT PREMIER OF THE BVI! For God so loved the BVI that he allowed events to happen in order to open our eyes, that whosoever chooseth wisdom will open their eyes and put the ‘X’ where it matters. Everyone is free to make their own choices. That is what you call a democracy. I will not stand by and watch my country continue to suffer, the children, families, parents, residents continue to suffer. Thank God everyday for exposing the truth and blessing SOME of us with wisdom! Amen.
You really drank some kind of koolaid. So let me get this. Fahie said he had assistance lined up which didn’t materialize and quite frankly I believe it was lie. He said he was going to revolt if the school wasn’t ready which is nothing new. All the while Hon. Walwyn and his team at the ministry of education has been taking blows but still working hard to get the school done yet you give credit to Hon. Fahie for the work that was done to get the school ready? If the school was ready for Monday you would have certainly forgotten Fahie’s empty words and then blame Hon. Walwyn. Something is really wrong with my country.
@smh,you mussy live in timbuktu. Definitely out of touch with the reality of what’s been going on in the BVI. Hmmmmm
Political stop wasting time. We are not interested in your Facebook picture from the back. All we interested in the students have a clean and better place when school open. Don’t forget the necessary equipments ,toiletries, running water not only for the start of the school day but throughout the term. These are the only things that matters.
This man does give and take from the back so what you expect?
If it wasn’t done, they would be all over his a**. Now it’s done, no praises, only smart chatter. Good job Minister and praises to your team in the Ministry, Teachers, Parents and even the students who had to endure dealing with those tents for months. Keep up the good work Hon. Walwyn, don’t let the foolish talk sway you at all.
It’s about high fetching time!!!
We want to see his back after the votes are counted
Thank you for being our voice Honourable Andrew A. Fahie. It is only when you open your mouth the Minister shows up. We were expecting him today after your post last night. What a waste of Government time and money. But his time soon up. Sitting and waiting patiently.
Rushed job. Staged pics.
In this haste to gain brownie points I hope the tonta pile of frogs in those drains and gutterings have been addressed! I hope the cisterns have been drained and clean because that school was flooded (after all!) I hope adequate drinking water will be provided! I hope the rigglers (which breath mosquitoes will be addressed! I hope those derelict looking desk and chairs have been replaced too!
Let me stop here for now!
We as a people are too ungrateful. What examples are we setting for our youth? We have to be thankful for what we have and is receiving after the devastation that the country and it’s people faced last year. God has given us the ability and courage to continue to rebuild. Everything takes time, nothing happens before that appointed time. Let us give thanks and praise to our heavenly father not criticism. Today we could have been back in the same position with Isaac but God showed his love for us again. So my poo people stop this critical behaviour and live the life that God wants his children to live
with respect, love and caring for one another like he is doing for us.
To the youths, take heed. Stand for something or fall for anything. Must we be grateful for the breadcrumbs off the table served to us on the floor when our parents paid for the multi-course meal that the political abusers are eating at the table? No. They serve us breadcrumbs, take pictures of the crumbs, put it online and tell us to be grateful. We had the power to put them there and we have the power to take them out. Make an example out of them whilst giving praise to the almighty for feeding us with wisdom, long-suffering and understanding. This is our chance to claim back our seat at the table. Stand up for our parents, the wonderful leaders past, our current generation and our future generation. Enough is enough.
It is clear that the Minister only cares about the appearance of things and how he looks. He’s not truthful at all and not pure hearted.
That’s the best of Walwyn giving false impressions to try to make us think that he’s doing more than he actually is doing and that he really cares.
Most of the youth that I know is now realizing that Myron is about the show and Fahie is about substance and he truly cares. We will not be fooled a 3rd time by Myron.
So the roof fix….cool ….what about the mold condition that has been sinced created.
It’s about time
This should have never come to this but as usual the —— is good at c– games. He wanted to sound good in the 1st District weekly meetings in Dec. So he said he signed contracts to do the work. This was said to just appease the people. He knew that the contracts weren’t worth the paper they were signed on and that no work was going to start at that time. This deception is what caused the delay in this project and had the children & teachers under the hazard conditions under the tents longer than they should have been. M—– created the problem through deception and now through d———– says he has solved the problem. The — is out of control.
You VIP supporters need to stop acting like your canadate is perfect and squeaky clean. He made mistakes and promises he did not keep and that is ok.Myron drops a pen, he is the bad guy. This witchhunt against Myron is so unnecessary. Myron, you stay on your grind.They are tight because you are the hardest working Politation on this island.Andddd, you are not stuck up and boujee like some of them are.
Your post is your opinion because we don’t see Myron working harder than any other politician. What he does is more marketing and public relations spin to make it seem as if he’s working harder than he really does. In addition, this wasn’t about a mistake it was about being deceitful.