Local appointed as new CEO of BVIHSA
Dr Ronald Georges has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA).
The BVIHSA selected Dr Georges as the successful candidate, then Cabinet approved that appointment during their October 18 meeting this year.
Dr Georges will replace Trinidad & Tobago native, Paula Chester Cumberbatch, who announced in May that she was vacating the post for personal reasons.
Previous reports said Chester-Cumberbatch was leaving the post by October 31. It is not clear whether that timeline has been extended.
Meanwhile, the incoming CEO, Dr Georges, had renewed his application for the top post months ago after his unsuccessful bid back in 2016 when Chester-Cumberbatch was first appointed.
His role as the new CEO of the state-owned medical organisation will include being responsible to plan and direct all aspects of the organisation’s policies, objectives, and initiatives and has responsibility for all day-to-day operations.
Being CEO of the BVIHSA will also make him the head of Peebles Hospital, the territory’s main medical facility.
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Wonderful. Congrats Dr. Georges.
Congratulations cuz. Always continue to do your very best.
Yes, we can.
Congratulations Dr. Georges!
Incidentally he is half Trini half BVIslander. That being said, however, he should have been selected over the last CEO in 2016. Congrats Dr. Georges.
Stop your nonsense. He is a professional and a humble person. NOVEMBER BORN.
@Faith…Thank you for letting us know of Dr. George’s nationality, but that’s neither here nor there. Congratulations only would have suffice.
Perhaps we should call out Admin for the headline of the article. It could have simply said, “Dr Georges appointed …”. A headline like that is bound to nationality charged comments.
I think the reason they included that is because of the debate about whether a local should get that job. I see no problem with the headline given the recent context surrounding that particular post and even others. Funny because when it’ an expat, we have people going crazy on social media and the blogs but these same people will never use the same energy and effort to uplift and encourage a local when they are appointed. Fake outrage and faux patriots. Congrats Dr. Georges!!!!!!!
It is important! If we take time to highlight non- nationals when they are appointed, yes we can lighlight the fact that he is “LOCAL”.
Dr. George’s should have held that position from the beginning. What is for a man no matter the circumstances he will get it. Congrats Dr. George’s!
A very humble man.
So freaking what? What’s your moot point?
It is time for all top positions in the BVI to be held by bvislanders. “We must love our selves”. Persons who are non BVIslanders we love you but we must put on our own oxygen before we can assist others.
Our own people can do it and do not hesitate to give him the support that he requires to succeed. We know the game.
Support is important. I trust the board will give him the support required to accomplish the job. Congratulations Dr Georges
A man of Integrity
We will see changes to new and higher levels
Dr Georges Go forward in Faith
Now this is good news we ought to be on a roll now.We’ve alĺ the right persons locally who can move this country forward just give us the chance.Congrats Dr.from V.G
Congrats Dr. Georges. I don’t know him personally but from the little I know he seems like a person that has great character, professional and will put his best foot forward. All the best in this huge role!
Congrats Doc. All the best
Finally… Hope you do well in your new role.
Very quiet and decent human being. All the best in your new endeavour Dr. Georges.
Great Choice, about time one of us sit there. Congrats Dr. Georges
Dr. Georges, congratulations! Fellow Virgin Islanders, health care is a vital service and providing accessible, available and affordable health care is a challenging and costly job so Dr. Georges needs the territory’s full support, understanding, patience and cooperation as any other CEO of the BViHSA.
Further, delivering high quality health care services require much more than financial resources, ie, education, training, compassionate care, facilities, staff, equipment, lifestyle changes…..etc to attain the desired outcome(s).
Moreover, the BVI has a small population and it may require pooling of resources to deliver the highest rate of care to the most residents across the territory. Suspect this was the intent of the NHI.
You are correct but sadly he will only get half-a**ed support because the noise makers aren’t really about promoting locals, it’s about promoting their agenda and hiding behind the flag and Passport for their nasty deeds. I’m so happy that Dr. Georges has been given an opportunity to show that he can get the job done.
@E. Leonard, real talk. “Moreover, the BVI has a small population and it may require pooling of resources to deliver the highest rate of care to the most residents across the territory.” This is a reality. “……so Dr. Georges needs the territory’s full support, understanding, patience and cooperation as any other CEO of the BViHSA.” Nice. Fair and balance talk.
“Moreover, the BVI has a small population and it may require pooling of resources to deliver the highest rate of care to the most residents across the territory. Suspect this was the intent of the NHI.” Is not delivering Should not delivering the highest level of quality to the most people (all the people) already the vision/mission and core function of the BVIHSA? Is the NHI going to revamped to approached this vision? Will the NHI cover more out of network charges, ie, overseas…..etc? Dr. Georges, congrats.
He was previously the CEO.
He was then rejected.
Now he goes crawling back…..
Best thing that happened to the BVIHSA. Did an excellent job when he was there before, but we all know that a prophet has no honour among his own.
Congrats, Dr. G.
You need to crawl back too.
Plz come to a job and clean up the hospital they working had and do not care about them the Trinidad lady was a very nice lady but people want to make a look like she didn’t know what she was doing d**m them self need to go home and on sickbed …
The executive team needs to be replaced there’s a lot going on down there and the CEO and the HR manager made a ppl work off the job and some got fired. The — Director is causing a lot of problems in the hospital he has been reported to the Minister HR Manager and the CEO and nothing has been done to date. — made the Security officers post redundant and is costing the BVIHSA $900,000 a year. I heard he is trying to make the post of the Transportation unit redundant also before the old Ceo leave this guy knows nothing about vehicles or Security but he is the h— of both departments. If you and him cross paths he will try everything in his power to get rid of you he need to go that department is losing staff Because no one wants to work with him these matters needs to be investigated or someone needs to go to the press. When they get a law suit only then will they listen