Local couple featured on major porn website

BVI News photo
A local married couple is being featured on one of the largest pornographic video sharing websites on the World Wide Web.
In roughly half-a-dozen amateur video clips, the couple is captured conducting specific sexual activities.
According to statistics from the adult website, their videos already have several thousand views.
It is not clear how the videos came to be on the aforementioned website.
However, news of the couple’s debut surfaced this week after footage of their escapades began circulating on social media in the British Virgin Islands.
According to the territory’s Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act, a person commits an offence if he or she produces, possesses, procures for use, sells, imports, distributes or otherwise makes available any ‘data’ to another person without lawful authority.
The law says data may be in written, printed, pictorial, graphical, or in other forms.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
I ain’t finding it online…!!
I hear she get some job offer from a couple of them dive company…
What an embarrassment of a daughter and her husband.
its embarrassing to know that if i was a drug dealer id be more respected by people like you
That could not be you wife! That’s your sex slave.
What is the big deal.My husband I always film our role playing and porn sessions all the time.It is not that serious people. To the couple, thumbs up. Don’t worry about what people have to say.You guys are not doing anything illegal.
Sure you would lol!!!
send your number i going send it to you
What is the point of this article? Was a crime committed? Were the videos stolen and posted? I don’t understand….
promotion me son
The editor must be a typical Virgin Islander, minding other people business…never have the correct information.
Well, I don’t expect anyone cares (least of all the DPP) but it probably is technically a crime by breaching the obscenity laws in the Criminal Code – see section 284(1). You can make videos for your own private use, but you are not allowed to sell them or display them “publicly”.
And that’s even if it is the placed in a forum for it? I mean I understand what you’re saying but there’s also a factor like the website’s servers aren’t local so does it still apply?
Well, it is difficult to be sure because no one has ever been prosecuted for it before. But the law says that you commit an offence if they “publicly exhibit any indecent show or performance”.
So I would expect a court would probably say that putting it up on the internet then that means you are publicly exhibiting it.
So if that is the law how come these multitude of shippers and strip club owners are not prosecuted. Any why are the strip clubs still open???
aren’t you just stating half the law what about the part that say’s “without lawful authority” to my understanding these videos are over 2 years old and was posted by the couple. So how does this become news though? I thought the news was to be informative on whats going on in the territory but it seems as though who ever wrote this is more concern about views and comments and since the BVI wants to put this on the news they might as well tell everyone to go on p—- and just search l——- its only fair the couple gains views off this. more $$$
I wondering the same thing, why is this something to write about, it have more serious pressing matters to report to the media.
Calling M–a
Why ayo calling me?
Why is this news? From my understanding; the married couple themselves posted their videos on the site willingly….
He is a public servant… something needs to be done about that… this does not look good!!
he is also human. did u guys fired all them young girls who had pics and videos out on them
Since we are destroying our tourism industry by selling the airport and overtaxing visitors, perhaps we should consider creating a film industry. How about we give S——- D—– honorary citizenship and elect her our new Premier?
Why tf is this news!!!??! They did it on their own. No cyber act nonsense was committed.
That girl is chanting the mic better than any live dance hall DJ….LOL
Thy say Any press is good press .. they going make them money bags of the views
Why is this newsworthy? What is the point? Tabloids?
H– let them be the girl’s got talent…very “deep” talent.
Freedom of expression, verbal, sexual and others, are inalienable human rights.
However, they are quite brave to challenge those human rights tenets in a country where some argue that only their points of views, morals and religious convictions are the correct ones.
Good luck to them and much financial success in their endeavor.
Simply rubbish.
Why is this on the news? Shame!
Some people must stop playing hypocrite. Some people are acting like the couple committed a crime. Many enjoy themselves in different ways. At least it is a husband and wife and not Adam and Steve and Juliette and Pearlette.
I hope its one of the “ preachers”
WHO CARES?! It’s her mouth and his d%*k…..no idea why this is on the news. Talk about global warming, talk about the impending hurricane season and if we are ready as a territory, talk about people who scraping to make ends meet…
Her throat…
I’m looking for the link……..
Why is this news? please, BVI News, don’t stoop to the level of the other Site.
Wow. People are dying and in news today, a man and wife are being shamed for having sex. For all the people saying they need to be fired from their jobs, they are MARRIED. They choose to record themselves in a sexual act as man and wife and they also choose to post the same on websites that pay quite a bit of money. All y’all need to shut the hell up cause I’m sure you recorded yourself fornicating with people man and people woman and maybe even both. How uncouth.
I would like to see the video please.
i have all the vid meet me market square today at 12 10 pm and shout video please
Your comment “yolo” has me rolling. Please stop it is too early in the day for jokes.
By the way, did H—- show up? LOL.
lord father, I guess no crime committed but geez think about how your children, how will they take this? I would feel proper F#$% up to know my parents on fricking line meh son. that don’t look good!!! Unnecessary publicity. likw WOW!!!
Rudeness made us all
This is any news? Chuuupes!!
Helllloooo… Kyron just won BVI first GOLD medal in Australia this year, BFEC won the Inter-Secondary School Debate and Two Locals just won gospel awards in Antigua, so where the heyellll…this local sex porn thing helping the BVI look good at? You all praising a woman for sucking her husband well if that’s the case praise the rest women them who does suck off them husband then cause whoopti doo only difference is they put it on a site when d—-t married people who respect their marital vows should do their thing behind closed doors. Sure they’re married and they can do as they please, but it’s the children I feel bad for cause you can just imagine how much heyell they going have to pay when they going through life getting teased for that shayat. Other than that, this story is irrelevant and shouldn’t be up there with Kyron McMaster them story for praise. #you #think #you #making #BVI #proud
There is no public interest point in this.
You say that there is no “public interest” in this, but I see a lot of comments getting posted…
ayo serious or joking. They are married. They could do what the hell they please. Talk Tola for you
Strupes that’s people them business.
The government throw away 7 million dollars that’s worst than two persons expressing their love for/ to each other. Get in the dam street and protest the fiscal irresponsibility of the dam governmenot.
thank you.
P—–…..”lips hips”
More hints please.
Father Time:
Welcome to Hypocrite VI!
call names tho.
Who den is.? Initials please.
In two minds about this one. 1. I agree they are married and it’s their business. 2. On the other hand, it pains me to see what we have come to. What example are we setting for our youths. This video is always going to be there. When their children are of age what are they going to tell them. Are we watching the Bible prophecies being fulfilled right in our little BVI?
they’ll probably find it by accident……
The hell!? Why i reading this on the news..They coulda been licking each others eyeballs..no cause for me to be reading this here…Government brokes? BVI still unprepared for hurricane season thats approaching…When are we going to get back our 7 MILL!!? Those are suggested topics for a few articles. SMH
I love they break a new barrier keep posting make your monies it’s a business get your fair share no fight here, get subscriptions ready, good luck with your endeavours don’t mind the noise most wish they could.
You news people need to go and mind what the government doing to us, what happen your newspaper need help so you have to try and put down a local man and his wife. You reporter who did this need to go home and have your husband or wife do that, they enjoying them self with each other unlike some of you around her who have to take other man woman or man LOL. That is what they got married for. Some of you who are don’t know what real love is.
(According to the territory’s Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act, a person commits an offence if he or she produces, possesses, procures for use, sells, imports, distributes or otherwise makes available any ‘data’ to another person without lawful authority).
The people we voted ant they Committing an offence by your tax payer money on a plain that we b.v.i people can see but our tax money is what pay for it.
The only mistake is YOU THE DAM MEDIA.
What the hell,The people them life is theirs ,who ever is behind thins is too f,ing hypocrite, smhhh, couple make y’all money ,my girl you’re the best deep throat queen
If it is on the internet it is every body business in the whole world, They made it so. Who dem is. Tis my business now .
Why is this news… mind ya business is best y’all report who getting horn too
This is bvimele.com? Question and Answer
This article shows the ignorance of many people who live here…. from reporters to politicians… this country is going to shit because too many hold positions they are not qualified for… time to get your family out of these jobs and hire educated, capable people..no matter where they are from
We are a joke to the rest of the world….
How about reporting on the giant trash pile from Irma or the people still living in tents or the corrupt government…
What a joke BVI News…. you have become the tabloid of the BVI gathering your news from Facebook way too often.
She’s not the only deep throat sensation in the VI and they not the only ones making videos either. I will say this though they definitely the smartest ones out here making legal money from the confines of their bedroom. The thing is this is their personal life and everyone is making it a huge deal. Haters want to see them get fired from their jobs and what’s not but I will say this don’t blame them, blame the idiot theif that stole their phone or what have you and posting them. They the ones that need to be penalized for their criminal act. M— did time for such so try and find the pervert that posted them and keep off the lovely couple. #setatrendotherswillfollow
A page straight out of Love and Hip Hop…didn’t they claim their bag was stolen with the tape….phone stolen here too….sounds fishy
What is the big deal? If the couple is fine with this’ why should people pass judgment. Most of you that is passing judgment on this couple is some good undercover freaks. You all need to let loose. I am not ashamed to say that my husband and I love to film while we are doing the freeky deeky.
1. it is not a major site
2. why is this news?
3. they married
5. they are adults
6. ayo fo real?? ayo idle
7. mind ayo business, ayo know ayo judgemental and doing the same shirt……
Would they be pornographers?.
Sanctity in marriage and the marriage bed is to be a private matter.
If they are selling sex and it is their business out in the public market for all to consume so then it becomes everybody business as they wish.
D—sting and s-nful.
Hope we will be ready for the tsunami.
What’s the link?….. for Science lol
@ Ok……ROTDWL!!!
When are we going to stop minding other people business…they are grown fokes. Don’t go on the site and then come complaining.
Make your money couple. Willing to pay US$5,000 for my viewing pleasure. How can I access the video?
It would have been the biggest story after Irma if it was a couple from the islands.
We live in a double standard world and the people of the bvi is no exception. It is out there on the web for all to see that the bvi is now marketing pornographic vedios. It’s ok for the local to do that but if it was some one from another island it would have been a crime to you bloggers.And when we talk about what their kids would say and asked now or later it’s the same thing they asking before this vedio.my son asked me a yr ago ,daddy why are so many people around the post office in east end all the time,I said son they have a strip club there.he then asked what is that ,I said a place where men and women go to take their clothes off to dance and have sex.he asked if the police allowed it.i said yes the government give licence for that .make sure people please be prepared for yet more destruction.It is coming we may not like it but it is coming.pastors I asked before please get your congregation and let’s march against this evil that has taken a grip on this beautiful bvi.lets get all the prostitutes and strippers and dancers out of here let’s shut them down.evil is triumphant in this place for to long and the law makers would not do anything because they looking votes.
You should have explained to your s o n that prostitution is illegal in the BVI.Gov’t may have turned a blind eye but istill not legal.
Secondly closing down is not always the answer. They will simply find somewhere else. Unless people change their ways and reduce the demand for these sevices, it will always be there in some form. Unless couples are truly happy with each other and do everything i n their power to make relationships work, their eyes and body will always be roving outside their partners.
Bloggers don’t blame the news site that sort of vedio would make news in any small island especially the size of the bvi.this is only showing what we are now doing to earn a fast buck.sad but true
What happened to the guy who was videotaped having a young girl give him oral sex in exchange for hair products? The video sharer may have gotten some time I think. But did the man who committed the act, with a young girl, get any time? If not, then this news is not newsworthy.
why is this news??!
This page of comments is the perfect example of this countries SMALL MINDED BULL.
If their phone was stolen and someone without their consent put it out there how on earth is this couple making money from it.fool ah write blog but nah fool ah read blog.you people usually write these blogs without reading properly.most of the blogs on this news site is praising this couple for something that is against our values if we still have any.if we are going to equate this to money bad spent or giving to friends and family we really gone to the dogs.we can deal with the government at the ballot box not on BVI news. But according to the blogger above if it was an island couple as we like to call the hard working men and women from the sister islands it would have been world news and the dpp office would have been directed to investigate.bunch of wicked people.God not sleeping.
Everybody gotta eat.Dont judge.
It is news because the indeginious bvi landers are not known for this type of escapade for the world to see.
“According to the territory’s Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act, a person commits an offence if he or she produces, possesses, procures for use, sells, imports, distributes or otherwise makes available any ‘data’ to another person without lawful authority.”
What was the point of mentioning this? Their porn, they sold it. Lawful authority from who? This is so stupid…So if someone else puts this video “to use”, they could be charged…? If it wasn’t on a porn site then maybe the couple could have tried to sue people sharing it on Whatsapp. Otherwise, I don’t see the issue. Maybe his employer could have a problem with it, but that’s about it…
Why is BVI News looking at porn?
D—– internet too slow to watch the video.
This is news for the same reason why everyone of you have been on FB squealing about this ever since the videos were distributed. Look how quick this article has over 70 comments. It is news because of the same people saying it isnt news but still gravitating towards the headline. Now ask yourself why did you feel the need to comment on this article but not the others? I say it is because this is the type of news you love.
This is a married couple this is their business for crying out loud the have kids this should not be News. I didn’t expect this from BVI News
To the couple, you did not break any laws. Make your coins. People hear is freaking out because they are to closed minded.I guess if my home video get leaked out or i release it showing my husband a I having a foursome with another couple,this place will be in a uproar.And yes, we practice safe sex.
Close minded? Having foursomes and the ALL kinda somes is just plain nasty…. mankind is just progressing towards more filthy degrading behaviour and their minds becoming too clouded to even realise….
you could imagine some wives feel like they have to meet the standard the young lady set……neck preparations..
i want see the videos
I bet you none of the people who took the time to question if this is news didn’t take the time to type congratulations to Kyron or any of our athletes. Bunch of jokers.
When the majority accepts sinful acts as the norm, they turn a blind eye to God’s expectations.
That we could speak words and agree to vile behaviour without a second thought that God is watching is a mockery to His name.
I’m wondering who write this article like they don’t know about sex is it something new to them?
Video plz
They are not the first locals found on porn sites! I have to say…..I am not one to be easily impressed but home girl’s skills are just that….she the real deep throat!!!! lols
I am a wife with children and a respected profession. Home girl have skills!!! I dont see what the big deal is. This is why we have so much teenage pregnancies and STDs because we too afraid to talk about sex openly. And the minute someone else does we like to scream say we a Christian community
Pls the link or even the webseite
Why is this news? Who ever published this is really immature. People who are looking for the video should be ashamed, just to point out the persons when you see them in the streets? Talk behind their back and tease them? And no the bvi is not as pure as you think for those who are shocked. People do things in secret but are hypocritical when others do the same. I guess someone been scouring porn site and came upon the video and publish this. Sorry to say but the VI will never move forward with the mindset some of you people have…behaving like kids smh
Bvi news ur wrong could u could not find nothing better to post