Local mangrove nursery conducts first transfer of seedlings
The Centre for Applied Marine Studies mangrove nursery at the H Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) conducted its first transfer of mangrove seedlings last Saturday, October 3.
Marine Director at HLSCC Dr Lianna Jarecki said she was pleased with the progress made by the nursery in a short period of nearly three months and said the transfers will go towards replacing the damaged mangrove wetlands.
“We have enjoyed great community and government support to have our mangrove nursery up and running within just a few months of starting,” Dr Jarecki stated.
“Our goal is to supply the ministry and partners with mangrove seedlings needed to restore our coastlines and build resilience to future effects of storms and climate change. With the CAMS nursery, we can supply about 1,000 Red Mangrove seedlings every year,” she added.
The college in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and local organisations such as Mentoring Anointed Leaders Everywhere (MALE) and Unite BVI, worked on preparing hundreds of seedlings this past summer.
The group has been cultivating Red Mangrove seedlings to replace the ones which were damaged by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.
Two communities that are considered priority areas are West End in the vicinity of the Frenchman’s Cay Channel and the roadside area of Sea Cows Bay.
The seedlings will be monitored by mangrove restoration partners, including the National Parks Trust, Rotary, and community volunteers.
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I applaud the growing and planting of mangroves but more importantly you need to stop the destruction of mangroves by locals. Come to Road Reef sometime and see what has happened there.
This is such a good project. Congratulations!
Mangroves were an essential part of the BVI ecosystem that many of us remember from days past.
Remember when there were more fish around? Cleaner water? More birds? More live coral underwater?
We’ve taken almost all of our mangroves now, so keeping the remaining pockets of forest alive is essential, and replanting new ones in places where they used to be is even better.
Thank you to all involved.
Mangroves are an essential part of the BVI ecosystem, but the same itensity of initiatives must als be placed on replanting/replacing local fruit trees which have all disappeared within the last 40-50 years.