BVI News

Lorna Smith returns to gov’t as Minister of State

GIS photo of Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and former Deputy Premier Lorna Smith.

This article has been updated.

Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley has announced that Territorial At-Large Representative Lorna Smith has rejoined his government as Minister of State for Financial Services and Economic Development.

Wheatley noted that his decision was influenced by external global factors that could soon affect the Caribbean’s economic landscape.

“The world economy is entering a period of turbulence as major policy decisions abroad reshape the global financial landscape. This will inevitably affect the Caribbean, including here in the Virgin Islands,” Wheatley stated.

He emphasized that his government is closely monitoring international developments and has already taken steps to protect and strengthen the financial services industry.

The Premier highlighted Smith’s vital role in their recent South Asia trip as a key factor in his decision to reinstate her.

“Her invaluable support during the Asia mission and the international respect she commands in financial services and the business community demonstrate that her experience is best utilized within the government,” Wheatley said.

Describing Smith’s new appointment as a senior role, he noted that this position would reinforce her standing when engaging with external stakeholders. He also stated that he plans to speak with Governor Daniel Pruce to expedite the appointment.

Dawson to be appointed Deputy Speaker

Meanwhile, First District Representative Dr. Karl Dawson will no longer serve as Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, though he will continue to support the Premier in a non-ministerial role.

“Hon. Karl Dawson has made valuable contributions to agriculture and fisheries. I commend his dedication to our farmers and fisherfolk. While he will no longer serve as Junior Minister, he will continue supporting me in my capacity as the Minister for these areas,” Wheatley said.

The Premier further announced plans to move a motion appointing Dawson as Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly, replacing Opposition member Stacy Mathers, who currently holds the position.

“I will be writing to the Clerk to give notice of my intention to nominate Hon. Dawson as Deputy Speaker. With his wealth of experience, he is more than capable of serving in this role,” Wheatley declared.

Dawson’s transition comes amid Agriculture and Fisheries Month, which he helped organize in his role as Junior Minister.

Smith’s political comeback

Smith’s return to government follows months of political shifts. She was previously removed as Deputy Premier and government minister, which led to her moving to the parliamentary opposition. Deputy Premier Julian Fraser replaced her after crossing over from the Opposition.

Reports of Smith rejoining the government had surfaced weeks ago, though she had initially refuted the claims. However, she has now emphasized the need for unity in the face of global instability.

“We are facing very turbulent times. We must rise above personal and political differences and stand together for the good of our people and the future of the Virgin Islands,” Smith stated.

Following her removal, Smith was offered a Junior Ministerial position in Financial Services, which she initially declined. However, she had previously stated that she was willing to support the government if needed.

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  1. at any cost necessary says:

    dat thing call power?

    • Territory above ego..salute to Hon.Smith says:

      She made a mis step and has now realized the reason why she went with VIP to begin with. The other side is selfish
      and unable to choose a leader . They are the ones that seek only power and cant even sacrifice their own ego for the good of the Territory. The sign of a mature person and astute politican is the ability to reflect and course correct. She is demonstrating that she put Territory above ego . Salute Hon Smith.

      • @Territory above ego etc says:

        If you really believe this post you just wrote then you seriously need to have your head examined.

  2. Politics makes strange bedfellows. says:

    I gather their recent trip to Hong Kong opened the Premier’s eyes of her value to the financial service industry leading him to now create this new position and ministry for her.

    It’s a kiss and make up position if you will, and boy what a kiss. He did not bring flowers; he created an entirely new position and ministry for her.

    Reminds of this song:

    Break up to make up, that’s all we do
    First you love me, then you hate me
    That’s a game for fools.

    You can’t knock a strong and knowledgeable woman down. Perhaps the Premier was missing the well as the water had ran dry.

    Now, I could only imagine the critics will be out in force lambasting both individuals about this decision, but let me say this:

    So long as what they do is in the best interest of the country and not necessarily themselves, I am good.

    Our financial services is a significant contributor to our overall GDP. It should be protected at all cost.

    Thus, if you have someone like the Honorable Lady who knows the ins and out of the industry well, by all means put aside whatever issues there were from their first divorce and start working together again for the benefit of the country.

    Now, I don’t know if there were any negotiations leading up to this decision whereby the Honorable Lady said to the Premier:

    You need me, and if you need my help, I need to have my own ministry, but if she did, it was a smart move. It’s harder to get rid of a ministry than the person.

    Even with this move, they both should sleep with one eye open, because you never know if the bromance will last. I hope they have a pre-nup this time around.

  3. Play Skillfully says:

    Wheatley is making sure the VIP ship is airtight now he has to make sure that its set on the right course. Hope he realizes that food security is an absolute must in this time and not depending on outside sources for all your food needs. Check out how Burkina Faso is establishing true independence and lightening progress.

    Like 3
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  4. Hmm says:

    WHO WILL lorna run with come election time?

  5. Country own says:

    This place is ph*cking by it own “indigenous ppl” lmao… killing there own country.

    Like 2
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  6. LMAO says:

    And they were quick to say Cindy was printing Fake News. They were quick to say a real reporter is not a reporter with a phone in hand. Idiots, the late Barbara Walters and some of the best reporters stated out with a note pad and pen in hand.

  7. Correct says:

    Sowande is a lot smarter and savvier than most of you think. The opposition are over there fighting over nothing and now the Government has 8 strong. Hopefully this results in some positive moves for the Territory.

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  8. Shameful says:

    Lorna Smith has no shame whatsoever. Minister of state? Give me a break Junior Minister. LOL

    Like 3
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  9. Tell me says:

    Iyo put this dr*nk ms in position again!

    Like 2
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  10. What Legislation governs this? says:

    Looking some help here: I have reviewed the VI Constitution Order 2007 and the Constitution (Amendment) Order 2015. I did not see any provision for “State Minister”. I saw provisions for two Junior Ministers (we already have two appointed). Am I missing something?

    • @What Legislation governs this? says:

      Essentially the same thing in my view. Both are subordinates ministers reporting to a line minister. This is to avoid the public specter of calling the Honorable Lady “Junior”, particularly given her advanced age.

  11. EV says:

    We are, if the world goes to war, no better off than the bones which have the earth as their roof.

    Despite the shortage of water and flat land, food security, to some extent, must become a mandatory endeavor for the next government.

    As, it is completely unwise to depend completely on imports for your breakfast, lunch, dinner and baby food. It is humanly foolish.

    Have our chickens stop laying eggs? Have our goats and sheep stop providing meat? And why do we not have cows as part of our protein source anymore?

    These are mere examples where we have placed our entire existence and survival on imports and a fickle, though helpful as long as it last, industry known as tourism.

    In fact, along with former farmers that could not transition or simply failed to, it is said industry why we do not raise cows today.

    Due to lack of physical resources, we will never be able to become fully food sufficient, but through
    political will and financial input, we can do better
    than we are doing at present.

  12. Again says:

    Trust no politician in the BVI

  13. No ethics says:

    Proved that politicians are soooo moral less, and no ethics, still go to church every week, World so changed

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