BVI News

MALE branches out, signs partnership agreement with YEP

YEP representative Colen Corea (left) shakes hands with MALE president, Henderson Tittle.

Mentoring Anointed Leaders Everywhere (MALE) – a local boys club has expanded its reach in the British Virgin Islands.

On Saturday, MALE officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the East End-based Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP), which signalled the start of a new MALE club at YEP.

President of MALE, Henderson Tittle told BVI News the new partnership could open several doors to his five-year-old club.

“It puts us in a place where MALE will be recognized internationally with YEP. We will also be exposed to new programming and opportunities,” Tittle said. “We have one common goal and that is to come together and be more effective.”

MALE, whose mandate is to empower the young men in the territory and provide a positive environment, currently has 15 members in Virgin Gorda and more than 30 on Tortola.


This year Tittle said MALE’s goal is to strengthen the relationship between local fathers and sons.

“We realize that somewhere along the line that relationship is being attacked. So, we are trying to strengthen that relationship so that boys who have fathers in their lives, we are making sure that they can assist them in certain areas not just with gifts.”

He continued: “And for those boys whose fathers are not around for whatever reason, we want to make that connection with them also.”

In the meantime, Executive Director of YEP Stacy Mather said he admired the dedication of MALE and is hoping that the partnership provides growth for them both.

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  1. Huh says:

    What fathers?

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    • Shut it F------ r****t expat says:

      You probably one of those —- expats from U- who come here to throw spokes in the wheels of natives trying to make life better in the BVI- why don’t you f— o– back to the U- and get f—-d with your f—–g Brexit

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  2. Devon says:

    MALE and YEP do such a great job with the youth here… Hat’s off to them for their great work !

    Like 10
  3. Brad Boynes says:

    Good initiative and partnership. Be guided by God’s grace.

    Like 11
  4. ... says:


  5. Awesome! says:

    Congratulations!!! This is a great partnership!!!

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  6. Faith says:

    Good job Mr Tittle a see big moves here and lots of emotions hope it all works out for the best and bring parents back together in proper communication for their kids .

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