BVI News

Man in murder case allegedly tries to set business on fire

Rafael Harrigan being escorted to court recently.

Being in possession of the murder weapon allegedly used to kill Trumayne Daway in February is just one-half of the charges Rafael Harrigan has pending before the court.

Harrigan is also charged with attempted arson.

He allegedly committed that offence during an unrelated incident last October.

The 27-year-old British Virgin Islands native is accused of trying to burn down a business establishment, reportedly because he was dissatisfied with their service.


Director of Public Prosecutions Kim Hollis alleged that Harrigan had brought his mobile phone to BVI Communications in Purcell Estate for repairs.

It is alleged that on the day in question, Harrigan visited the establishment and complained that his device was not repaired properly.

The court was told that he then rode away on his motor scooter but returned a short while after and allegedly said ‘I will burn this place down’.

“He left again stating he was coming back,” the DPP told the court.

It is alleged that Harrigan returned minutes later with a canister.


He allegedly marched inside the building and began pouring the canister’s contents, which smelled like gasoline.

The court heard that employees inside the establishment ran to safety while the owner of the establishment grabbed the accused man from behind.

The court was told that a struggle ensued and Harrigan armed himself with a ‘lit candle’.

However, the business owner reportedly managed to haul the accused to the outside of the building with assistance from others.

The court heard that police were summoned to the scene but Harrigan fled before they arrived.

Bail revoked

He was arrested, charged, then granted bail sometime after.

However, Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards revoked that bail offer on Tuesday when Harrigan appeared in court for possession of a prohibited weapon – an AK47 firearm.

That was the gun allegedly used to commit murder on February 27.

While Harrigan is not charged with murder, he is charged with gun possession because police allegedly uncovered video footage and photographs showing the weapon inside his residence.

His residence is also said to be the ‘safe house’ used after Maybelline Rodriguez and Vernon Bernard allegedly committed the murder.

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  1. Ms wize says:

    Long run… Short catch
    Day a come… But night catch em

  2. Wait Wait says:

    Bail for pouring gasoline in a business with one door and people inside and lighting a candle? Possession of gun? Which judge or magistrate? Shameful granting him bail, if no bail was given perhaps [things would be different] today…

  3. Ken says:

    Just a “Fine” example of how young adults now behave in society! How about a little SHARK fishing trip, one way of course …!

  4. Ford says:

    Typical behavior of some many of these local youths…

  5. Jez Bell says:

    This dude was — n– from the beginning and was set for self———. I’m sorry the victim had to die in such a heartless manner…

  6. Guest says:

    Message from this story he been a f—– from long…..

  7. xxx says:

    If you allegedly try to burn a building down with people in it. Thats not just attempted arson its attempted ——-. If police had held an charged him back in october maybe this next young man would still be …

    • To:xxx says:

      you need to reread the article… he was charged and granted bail for trying to burnt the building down. The young man was killed while Harrigan was out on bail. two unrelated incidents.

  8. Jez Bell says:

    Beyond shameful cause if you do a search on his name,you’ll find that he’s been in trouble with the law more than once….

  9. Well sah says:

    Only the tolan young men them so unruly. No discipline whatsoever committing crimes every weekend shame on you all. Where are the Tolans why you guys not commenting on this? Lol… I guess its because its not an expat ryte???

  10. Silly says:

    …what kind of Judiciary system we running here . You imagine a man allegedly does such a serious crime and get bail. No wonder it is alleged that he was part of a murder.

    Suppose the owner did not have the courage to stop him would he have burn down the place? …

    The whole thing sound so sick that he got bail. Suppose while on bail he had gone back to harm the owner or employees. And the fact that he went came back and went again. How they could get him bail.

  11. Annoyed says:

    All these ppl on here blaming the youths for how they turn out… blame their parents!!! If u plant a seed in toxic environment how else with it grow?? Toxic!!! The root problem with our youths society starts from HOME !!! Yes u can give a child the best of the best and still f up in life.. but we tooooo comfortable with the way kids are being raised and it has now become our culture.. I saw a old women yell at her son “ boy you want me park u a slap” …. “shut up your mouth”… “want me give you something to cry for” smh these parents fail their kids… don’t blame the devil … blame yourself.. if this was my son I would be so ——– … Any parent reading this .. look at your kids today.. what are they doing in their spare time?? Who are they out with.. how are their grades.. I don’t know.. I just a Parent consern for the safety of my own children

    • Um says:

      The kids say they will report to their teacher if their parents hit them.

    • the smith says:

      I remember when the village raise your child now you can’t say anything to them else mother/father coming . even in school they coming to course the teacher because the law now you can’t beat your now child calling police because parent did not spear the rod.wAke up BVI

    • The sister says:

      I refuse to have you blame his parents for anything. My mom did a fantastic job raising him and the choices he choose as an a duly does not fall on her. I have three college degrees and have never seen a jail cell what you trying to say. She has two other adult children who chooses not to get in trouble with the laws and make something with their adult life. Please do NOT come on there blaming his parents. He was disciplined and raised right. Thank you very much

  12. concerned citizen says:

    I would like to know who he belong to.

  13. Resident says:

    I agree that a few youths are displaying this attitude but I still think they are the minority! Am I living in Fool’s Paradise to think that way? I really hope not!! A lot of youths are keeping on the positive side! Let’s encourage them. And authorities please get a hold on those that have not left school yet. Let’s try and find them positive programs to be involved in. Parents please ask for help if your son or daughter is being disrespectful to you and others. Dont alienate them. They are probably hurting and don’t know how to express it. Our society had taught us that the males should be tough. Females need a man. No. What you need is to be true to yourself. Get an education and be independent. Then give back to your community.

  14. Tola says:

    This young man is clearly a loose canon out of control.

    Parents mind how you raise up your child/ren. A lot of things the children are doing these days are the result poor parenting. Be firm when there is a need. Raise up your kids in the admonition of the Lord! Tell your children when they are wrong. Teach them to respect their elders, others and other people’s property. Teach them ways to control their temper as these signs show early. Know where your kids are when they are not in your presence and yes show them TOUGH LOVE and report them to the police if necessary.

  15. (284) says:

    27 is not a youth. It’s a grown man.

    • Please says:

      27 but very very stupid and immature. Still thinking like a kid. Can’t even see the danger of his errors. Dumb and dumber

    • Tola says:

      I agree with you, but from where I stand, at age 49, he is a young man.☺ Nonetheless I am speaking to parents who are now doing the job of raising their children. It is important that they raised them right. One think I missed in saying is to show your children genuine love, not by buying them expensive gifts, but by daily encouragement and support and yes tell them you love them. Give them solid morals and values to take them through the world.

  16. watcher says:

    I hope that whoever decided to let him out on bail realizes they share responsibility for the young mans death.

  17. Joe says:

    No bail when people do there wrong thing

  18. Joseph says:

    Is he a BVIslander?

  19. Mysterious says:

    He’s uncle is Deputy chief

  20. @Mysterious says:

    Deputy chief of what??


    The deputy is NOT his uncle get the FACTS straight his mother is NOT a JAMES

  22. B.E.T says:

    yall know he was Rafael cousin?

  23. WOW!!! says:

    There’s always that one —— in the bunch! He watched too much TV!

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