Mark Vanterpool resigns!

Opposition legislator Mark Vanterpool is retiring from representational politics.
He made the announcement via a media release on Tuesday, just a week after being reelected as representative of the Fourth Electoral District.
“Today I have advised the Clerk of the House of Assembly that I wish to be excused from sitting in the next House of Assembly due to be convened on 12th March 2019. I am aware that this would be very surprising to the residents of District 4 and the territory, having been duly elected in the February 25th 2019 General Elections”, Vanterpool said.
He continued: “It is appropriate for me to make this a public apology to the electorate of District 4 and all residents, for my decision on the heels of the recent election.”
The NDP legislator went on to wish Premier Andrew Fahie well as the new leader of government business.
He also wished his party mate Marlon Penn well as the new Leader of Opposition.
Vanterpool did not give a reason for his sudden resignation from public office. Notably, however, Vanterpool had planned to retire ahead of the 2019 General Elections but said he returned upon the request of NDP Chairman Myron Walwyn.
Walwyn was not elected.
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You got elected by the district you campaigned in and a week after you resign from government? leaving your constituents without a representative of the district. These men are selfish, power hungry and unethical.
None of us know the real reason why he has choose to retire. Give the man a break!!!
Net closing in?
Seems like the man is afraid what will be uncovered. Wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves the Territory as well.
Sounds to me like he was forced to resign!
I think it’s for the best. We have a weak opposition, Myron I hope you run. Mark it’s good you took one for the party. For NDP to remain relevant Myron need to be there. I for one appreciate him stepping aside. Thank you Mark.
We all heard the same rumours prior to the election – had Mark had been told by the UK Government not to stand because of allegations surrounding his conduct in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma?
I personally didn’t believe those rumours – especially when he decided to run anyhow. It all just sounded too crazy. But now you have to wonder.
VIP high science stronge no rass lol
Why did he run to begin with if he was planning to quit if his party did not prevail?
We need an investigation into the allegations of corruption that drive the last administration. We need to set an example for our children that we won’t be taken advantage of again…
NDPs true colors coming out. Set of selfish self interested people.
His bank accounts and you will know why he retired suddenly..he is worried about Governor enquiries and UK
Don’t worry, he’ll be back in a few years, after the money runs out. CHI-CHING…
So a new by-election in District 4 to give your nephew a second chance?
As Ralph would say, “Mark, what you take us for?”
I hope ain’t his nephew they bringing…Myron come to the starting line. Come mehson we need capable hands on deck!
The people of District 4 can’t loose if they elect a member of the ruling party. If they get that person as their rep they will get lots more attention.
sad way to go out, i wish him well in his retirement
That’s why NDP had to go. It was never about country first. Henry was already in the slot for the district and there were rumors that Mark was not going to seek re-election. NDP knew that Mark was basically a guaranteed seat and they allegedly begged and pleaded with him to reconsider just so that they would possibly form the government. They thought it would have been a tight election and all seats were needed. Now that things didn’t go as they predicted and there is no reward for the opposition they quit on us. Let that be a lesson learnt for 2023. Actions speak louder than words. If you ain’t able don’t waste our time. Tell Mr chairman you had enough and using you as a pawn isn’t doing the country any justice. On the bright side if Luce still want the job the seat is yours for the Bi election.
Well said. I’ve came2 realize that after this election many people still perish 4the lack of wisdom & guidance. 4those of ya’ll who voted NDP should b ashame of ur self. The hurricane was sent4this purpose,2 reveal the hypocrisy, evil ,wicked selfishness of NDP. This election was never about the PEOPLE or The COUNTRY it was all about cover n they tracks & keep n the truth conseal.
You sound like a wacko. If you are not going to be sensible refrain from typing muck on the computer. Wasted time reading your nonsense.
Go seek Jesus before it is too late. Don’t say no one never warned you.
God put who He will in charge. Hurricanes have been damaging this region for years. If you read your Bible you will realize it will only get worst. Both the NDP and VIP have done some wrong while in power. Stop being biase when using the name of Jesus. God didn’t send no hurricanes because of the NDP alone. Politicians are not the only ones that have been sinning in this place. Stop using Jesus for political points. Concentrate on winning the lost because only what you do for Jesus will last! For the record I know Jesus for myself but I will not lie on the Holy Spirit!
Go siddung!
If you can’t vote in the 4th you talking a bunch of hot air. Luce you still ain’t getting my vote. Plus a vote for you is a waste of time VIP already in. 4th we need to strengthen the opposition, I don’t trust the bummer to mind no cheese.
You a dam idiot and ingrate.
The blogger is correct we need check and balances and a strong opposition. Don’t be a hot head, leave room for disappointment…the Premier is just a man.
Aint got no cheese to mind, all the rats done nyam it off. It don’t even have the paper the cheese came in…dem bunch of rats nyam that too.
By the way Luce does NOT need your vote. She won already!!
Said the loser.. ha ha
Couldn’t have said it any better! Thank you!
DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!! It was never about the people.
LET’S go Luce!!! One Direction… VIP.
Not she
Can’t be serious.
Check his bank accounts..
…it was straight transport from the (pierpark)dock to McNamara.
Anyone who finds a reason as to why this man left office 1 week after elected are the reason this country is being held valid reason whatsoever to abandon the people when they had faith in your dream selling campaign!
We in the 4th know he came back only to help his team win which did not happen, mark is not the kind of person to just sit back, the man did what was best for him, he gived the country 20 long years, we will miss you Sir!
Anyone can resign from any position if they choose to. The man said it was for personal reasons.see,the thing with you people in Tortola is you just can’t seem to know how to mind your business. He dose not have to have a valid reason, he said it was advice to you is stop being so nosy.
You can’t be private as a publicly elected official. A reason is required. That’s the problem, these elected reps do what they want and how they want.
Thats great..enjoy de cookies you t**f…oh and keep providing all those jobs for foreigners at your store..such a patriot…good ridance
He is useless with his party not being the Government. It only made sense to be resign, let Luce get the seat and the Government of the day makes him a Consultant…..CHI-CHING
A week after being relected former MCW Mark Vanterpool (D-4), the Action Man, resigned from his seat and active politics. This is a shocker that is a few decibels less than Myron Walwyn not being reelected. This sudden resignation cost the people of the VI and 4th District time, money, energy ……..etc and will cost taxpayers more for a bye election. Nonetheless, though surprising, in a twisted way, it good that he resigned now, for it will provide for electing someone that is interested and motivated to represent the 4th. Clearly, it seems that Mark didn’t want to compete in the 25 Feb election and only did so allegedly as a favour to the party leader.
It is a shame. Mark Vanterpool campaign to be the district 4 representative and now that the NDP is no longer in power he suddenly decided to resign after one week. What does this said about the NDP party? Let us call them a self serving set of hungry power persons who care about self than country. Let us now see if his nephew will be run for the district that he was initially going to run for or if Myron will run for that district hoping that the voters for Mark will give him their votes. People of district 4 don’t be fooled by this self serving tactics. Whomever runs in that district under the NDP please to boot him out before election day. So NO to NDP and yes to transparency and good governance. We need to enquire why the sudden resignation. I am smelling something and it is not anything sweet. It seems toxic and potent if you ask me.
For God sake I hope they ain’t sending the nephew he is a newbie. NDP would be foolish to send he.
That is a megga move. They had nough to say about Ronnie and mitch but they did the right thing. One week after winning an election this dude resigned. He decieved the people.
He say .. With that opposition . not wasting my time .
He’s scared. Worried about what news will come out now!
He’s scared too! Just like Vanterpool. Worried about what news will come out now!
Mr vanterpool is this how you really look at us the people of the fourth district after I leave early from my job to come and cast my vote for you and your party this the thanks we the people of the fourth district we feel shame if you didn’t want to represent us any more you should have drop out the race before. But come now and wasted our time. Did we ever really mean anything to you or it was just about with us cause we really want her from you.
Hurt supports
You didn’t vote for him, stop tell lies true supporters Mark are NDP supporters and we want some one that we know can carry the party. The opposition needs help so I hope the right person steps up to the plate to represent the NDP.
Newsflash!!! this is not a shocker. NDP and their delegates knew from the beginning what was going on behind the scenes. You think NDP had Henry as the candidate for the 4th initially as a mistake? You think that they would replace their incumbent, super popular, multi time district winning candidate knowing that he was seeking re-election? Read between the lines. NDP bamboozled their supporters at least the ones that had their head in the sand.
You all are a bunch of sick people in Tortola. The man said he resigned for personal reasons and that is a problem. Leave the man alone already. You all just want the man to say what he resign for so you people can start with the drama. It is none of your business. Personal means personal. For real,you all are some sick people.
A bunch of sick people. Most of them need to travel and get away from Tortola to see how the real world works and function. I am not talking about just traveling to ST.Thomas to fill up on KFC or Taco Bell. They need to learn how to stay up out of people’s business something Tortola people is known for.
Speak about your sorry self. Bvi people are well travelled. And we contribute a whole hell of a lot to the USVI economy. Check your facts instead of posting nonsense. In every country you have persons minding others business – you think only in Tortola this is done. Fool.
Myron, God is great ,just get on the starter block.
A bunch of sick people. Most of them need to travel and get away from Tortola to see how the real world works and function. I am not talking about just traveling to ST.Thomas to fill up on KFC or Taco Bell. They need to learn how to stay up out of people’s business something Tortola people is known for.
H*ll to the no. Ronnie is done in the Political game. Mitch will be done in the Political game very soon.
Something in the mortar than the pestle…de ting start now
The former long-term D-4 Rep and MCW Mark Vanterpool has indicated that he is resigning for personal reason as D-4 rep just a few days (8) after the recent general election on 25 February. If this is truly the case, his decision, though surprising and shocking, should be respected. If Mark’s reason(s) for resigning would have prevented him from effectively representing the people in D-4, he did the right thing, putting the needs of the district before his self interest.
Yes, the residents of D-4 may be disappointed and feel exercised for nought, having just cast their vote for him a week ago. However, the grey lining in, perhaps, the dark cloud is that in a few weeks D-4 residents will get the opportunity to cast their votes for another rep who hopefully will serve the full term.
MIGHT as well put Walwyn back in .
Any other candidate come we turning back. Luce first.
You all are some sick people leave the man,alone people just want to hear something an they start talking mr vanterpool is a good man ok mr vanterpool I take my hats off to you .this man have serve for 20 years in politics he has his people an country at heart mr vanterpool a job well done you have run the race an me a my family stand with you on your decision may God bless you an keep you a your family I know we will still be seeing you in the fourth because that who you are a very caring man …may God bless you
I’m sure he’ll find things to do on his mega super yacht paid for by the good people of the Virgin Islands. A true local hero.
Keep out of Tola people business. He should not have ran in the first place. Big c***k. Make people waste their damn time.
People of Tortola are just very ungrateful… do you remember which supermarket was open after the hurricane? Who was able to supply us with our needs? Some stores did not open for few days…
It is very sad to know that people of Tortola are fighting against each other because of Politics… and lots of Tortolans are very ungrateful no matter what…
God Bless your country…
He demolished the members of NDP political careers. Members of that party will never be trusted again.
Bamboozled??? To be honest I’m not disappointed that he step aside. We lost the elections and one of our stronger candidate didn’t get in. I see this as a second chance. I hope PVIM stay out of this race so as not weaken our chances. Stay out RS don’t be a spoiler. VIP going in strong we need to go in strong too. Stay out
PVIM had a candidate running in the 4th. If they enter a different candidate now, it speaks volume in the faith they had in him, in the first place.
Thank you for your service Mr. Vanterpool. None of us know the true reasons why you made this decision and unlike most, I choose not to speculate or comment unless further information is available to intelligently do so.
The 4th district has seen some improvement since you took office. There is still a way to go, but we hope whoever takes the baton now will continue to work in our best interests.
Enjoy your retirement and thanks again.
In my view, as the most senior member of the party in terms of time served, Action Man should have rightly been Leader of the Opposition, and even party leader ahead of MW. I know they had their internal elections and what not, but I still had trouble seeing a stalwart like him playing second fiddle to people like MW and MP. So he’s probably better off out.
I guess he was ready to go SIDDUNG. ??♂️??♂️??♂️
Not even surprised. History often repeats itself in different ways.
You were elected for public office. 7 days after elected you resign with a vague explanation. With all due respect the public deserved a better and more specific explanation and reason. So you have fallen short of that and of course people will speculate and come to their own conclusions – you created that.
There needs to be better laws etc to govern the behavior of elected reps.
The public and particularly the electorate of District 4 should have been given a better explanation be able to determine whether this is justified because we now have to foot the bill of a by election
I think this is a set up for Mr W to get in just incase the party did not win d election I would not be surprise to see Mr W repenting D4 for the next By-election I wish them all best
So after a disastrous 8 years of mismanagement of funds it is only fitting that even after they lose the election NDP found another way to waste more of taxpayers money and time.
Interesting development. I can’t help but wonder what has personally happened between the time of the election or perhaps prior and this sudden resignation?
I’m not into rumors, but imo, people do not suddenly get up and resign from political office so shortly after running and being successfully re-elected without something having seriously occurred.
Mr. Vanterpool has stated he resigned for personal reasons. That’s a common reason people in similar situations give when they leave a job/political office under a cloud of suspicion.
Anyway, I’ll take him at his word, and hope he is ok health wise.
If Mr. Vanterpool does not have a valid reason for what he did, he should be fined. What he did was irresponsible and a waste of BVI’s resources.
I am saddened that youre gone, Mark. I know that your party was not successful and perhaps that played a role in your decision, besides, the obviously stated pronouncement.
I was always a fan and was always impressed by the dedication that you gave to the fourth district.
I know you will be missed, for it was your voice that we heard for decades, pounding the issues and concerns for the fourth.
Good luck in all of your future endeavors, my dear “Action Man”. Very few, if any, can duplicate the level of “action”, that you displayed over the years.
Bon Vivant:))