Men allowing wives, girlfriends to be exposed at festival — Parsons
As the debate continues to rage over how persons should dress and conduct themselves during Rise & Shine and parade events during the annual Emancipation Festival, cultural icon Eileene Parsons has once again condemned the obscenity that is usually on display during that time.
This time, however, Parsons has placed the blame firmly on the men of the community for permitting such behaviour to continue unabated.
“How can a father, a husband or a boyfriend allow their daughter, their wife, or their girlfriend to go on Road Town street with so much of her exposed?” Parsons asked during a recent interview on the Real Talk with Karia Christopher show.
Stop this nudity
When pressed about her antiquated view and questioned over how persons in the modern era may frown upon her position, Parsons doubled down and justified her stance with the explanation that adult teens in particular, often remain under the control of their parents and are therefore subject to their rules.
“I know the kids are mature and it’s a different world, but still, we are West Indian women and I cannot see how if you and a boyfriend live together… how could your boyfriend allow you to leave home, to go on Road Town street with so much of you exposed? How can your husband allow people to see what only he should see? How could your father allow you, his daughter, to go out there exposed like that?” Parsons asked.
Grandma would cover the children’s eyes
Parsons, a former legislator, also made reference to her grandmother and suggested that she, too, would have had great difficulty with the scenes on display and may have taken evasive measures of her own.
“I know if my grandmother, Katie Ben, was alive, my grandmother would have put her hand over little children’s eyes to stop them from seeing this nudity,” Parsons expressed.
Parsons offered a little bit of caution, though, suggesting that she did not feel that persons should be made to dress as conservatively as those in the famed Heritage Dancers group she once spearheaded.
However, she insisted that a touch of modesty would be the preferred mode of dress when persons take to the streets as revellers and celebrants of the Emancipation Festival.
“I don’t want you to come like the Heritage Dancers,” Parsons said. “But this is the BVI. We are West Indians. We are British Virgin Islanders. We should have a standard that we live to.”
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Why are we giving this woman any energy? Some people just like attention and don’t know when to exit stage left. Haven’t this woman caused enough damage to the social fabric of the BVI? Every time she opens her mouth she is stirring some kind or controversy or discord. Stop giving her a platform to relive her expired political career. Tired of her now.
If you want to read the Bible and stay home – Fine.
But we are free from Slavery. Free to do whatever we wish on this day. You are trying to put the chains back on us?
Lighten up man! Celebrate Freedom! This is a BIG deal
They are for the streets
@ Pop ah wheely and leave.
The ones who are causing damage to the social fabric of the BVI are the ones she is speaking about.
Somebody need to give her a feathers only costume so she could shut up. Don’t give her no panty hose and make sure she get a thong.
Dear Parsons,
Your comments were very relevant in 1923.
Welcome to 2023, women can do whatever they want.
Have a good day.
I don’t want you to come like the Heritage dancers..saucy..please till us guys how yall used to come back in the days..lord a could be the head of the morality Iran you know..make sure everyone fits your immaculate example.
I do think some ladies, who could not afford it were exposing to much flesh – but that is their business. What the heck – men allowed women to dress like that. Last time someone was in charge of how I dress was a few decades ago.
Less clothing is cooler when parading outdoors. A female’s chosen attire has nothing to do with men.
It is a shame that we have allowed our society to think that nudity is cool in public, that is so wrong. Emancipaion is not about how your body look and or exposing it to the public. We should be a modertae in all things but today’s festival is all about how expose you are and how much you can show and who have the best body moves… What does that have to do with emancipation I ask??????? It is a shame on both man and women of our society. all should take resposibility for the situation we are in.
The woman just asking for us to respect our culture. She just need to adjust her words. Nothing wrong with multiculturalism, but don’t neglect and lose your own.
We came from Africa…with nothing..we shall celebrate our emancipation in Nothing.
She lost me at “how can men allow their women”…
She has a point. Obscenity and ‘dry fuc34ng’ during the parade is unacceptable. And why do they do it?? It’s not creative, it’s not art, it’s because they have nothing else to offer. And no-one wants to see it. And children will think it’s acceptable. Next we’ll have a donkey and a girl having sex in the street for all to see. Is that acceptable?? There needs to be a standard of decency in public places.
Thank you for coming to the defense of the people who want better for the youth.
i completely agree with her she’s right my husband would never let me do that plus i would never be like that period
So the misogyny is coming from inside the house… Let your women go out dressed like that? It’s 2023. Men do not get to dictate to “their” women how they dress. If you don’t like it, don’t look. I would never dictate to my wife what she can and can’t wear. Women are not property that men own. When will we wake up and realise this?
If you know you’re gonna go parade every since year, to see the same exact thing and complain JUST STAY HOME.
My 6 year old daughter covered her Father’s Eyes and said she wanted to go home… That in itself shows how inappropriate parade was.
All you who dont like what she is saying you can tell by your characteryou have none .so let the men start going necked come on men join the women you all explointed the stupid women them and they cant see .demm tell you bend over wuck up left right center juggu sing nonsence .God please resurect Daddy Friday .let tech demm how to make a good decent ŕoad march so chrildren can and seniors can enjoy a good freedom from slavery.Cause this current one is down right disgusting. A say so who vexx vex i dont care.
It must be you self who tell your daughter to do that lol. Chupes
While I agree the near nudity and simulated sex has no place this is supposed to be a family celebration
But Ms. Parsons these women are not the property of their boy friends or husbands the men can not tell them how to live, if they want to act like whores in the streets then its up to them.
The men are as “naked” and exposed as the woman, bare back with nothing but shorts on. Let’s face it, y’all have a different, lighter standard for men with it comes to nakedness.
For good reason, of course, but don’t come saying that women wearing a one piece, short-shorts, or tank tops are “naked.” Both men are women are out there showing skin.
And then they go home to their children and husbands and sweethearts and back to their professional jobs, not caring at all that their bosses saw them bare tail, clapping it in the wind. Just nasty. If this is what the young people find as fun and freedom, well, we better start praying because we may have to all attach hoses to our vehicles with a water source because we may have to hose them down soon as they are going to have raw sex in the street. I would hate someone to do business in my company with someone they saw like that, baring it all in broad day light.
I agree with you, Ms. P. This is beyond disgusting. Looking at the large countries and following suit does not work in a small community like ours. Maybe it is time for some of you big thinkers to find a bigger space to maneuver in. Makes me want to vomit.
Me too. Cause what man can tell a woman how to dress? Is this 1710?
na them Oos doing that all on their own mammie.
That’s why they not married lol. Don’t save em, they don’t wanna be saved.
The comment session against this woman is part of the problem. No wonder there are so many cases of sexual abuse again women. I totally agree with her on this. We all have to grow old or die someday, but the elders must set an example.
You believe this woman is actually interesting in politics ?
Dear Parsons,
Didn’t you get a large grant during Covid for pretending to be a farmer?
When you let women run amok society crumbles. Hoe culture has taken ahold of the little B.V.I Fellas y’all in trouble. Look elsewhere for wives. The place done for. Went to complete sh!t in just 20yrs
Our backward society cannot see what a sexist statement this is. I also, like Ms. p, think the expression of emancipation is a bit off but women are a long long way from being emancipated in the VI. It is not for men to decide what women do if they too are emancipated. But, is it emancipation from slavery for women to parade as sexual objects each year? All should be able to do what they wish within the law, but we all need to understand better what emancipation is and who has it from who or what?
All dressing like the jezebels that they are!
Stop the fuss, it won’t change, thats what selling, look at Reahna, Beyonce, look at those female athletes with millions of people watching, have on the same shixt, you can see Ponane when they bend over. The only difference is that they have better bodies than most of what we see here.. Its the same bikini, G string..
I saw some of the ladies and it is like they were just ready to get wet down or something…paint or something…leave them have fun
Natalio get he eye dem full cause that all he does study. He don’t do no work.
It these wutliss a**e island people chirren dressing like ah dah
It’s once a year. You would swear woman walking the road so every day. Celebrating being free then let the women be free.
Women are independent and independent thinking individuals who are quite capable and making decisions for themselves. While I understand Mrs. Parson’s sentiment about the degradation of our society and how the emancipation celebration has changed and the pendulum has swung way left field, I am appalled and utterly disgusted that Mrs. Parson or any right thinking adult would think that a man has to “allow” a woman to do anything. An adult woman is more than capable of making her own decision as she sees fit for herself, why does she need the approval of a man? And even if the man disapproves, what is he to do besides voice it. She is an adult. What do you mean allow???????????????????????? Explanation absolutely needed. Does anyone ask why is it Mr. X wife allow him to come out like that? I don’t see Mrs. Parson asking why is it the wives or girlfriends “allow” men to be up in the strip clubs carrying on etc. You know why, because they are adults and need not be “allowed”. Yall need to stop this nonsense when it comes to women! Period!
on the lady, and become a lil tougher on expanding deep and critical thinking.
The lady is from a generation twice times back there. From a place where morals, ethics and discipline were steep, and the staple guiding tools of every living soul in society, which were completely different from the standards and morals of today.
Any one today seeing her should immediately recognize that she is from a different generation and thus would have different and even firm views, which may be contrary to contemporary ones. Thus she is due respect, not ridicule.
All should be falling for a seat near folk her age and of her time to gather valuable information, knowledge and wisdom of a time only she can tell about and lessons and wisdom brought forward from those times.
But we are so quick to murder each other. We were taught to do so and we do it unconsciously today.. … BVI News site is the place to visit to read and take the level of our psychological and mental depraved psychosis of each other… I recall how horribly we attacked Hon.Premier Dr. Smith on the daily, and left the Gov. and Commissioner go free, as we always do, as we were trained to do.
We see no value in each other, especially the aged and aging such as that lady. Neither do we see any value in each other as African descendants with beauty from head to toe and back up, inside and out.
We are a pathetic group of people and the wy folks and others laugh and mock us every day on account of our ignorance and hatred for each other, as we spread those psychological ailments all over social media for all to see our predictable, psychological maladies..
Slavery did it. It truly messed up every phase of our mental constructs, and has set us back centuries.
Last, though i understand and respect the point of view, as well as believe in the freedom and autonomy of the female, but the attack on our mother of this soil was brutal and cruel.
We, as a people, must begin stop trying to put down, degrade and denigrate each other, no matter what the circumstances. All we read every day is vile venom and hatred for Black people by Black people on this news site. Its time we all wake the hell and stop showing the world how mentally deranged; how divided we are and how we daily destroys each other.
Time for mental and psychological renewing and advancement to take place within us all. Lets begin to try.
The women who exposed them self like that has no self discipline
She can tell my wife what to wear and what to do, because I sure won’t.
Less feathers, More flesh.
Tell one foot go take a nap
No problem – skin out wives and girlfriends, aryo skin out what should be private and secret behind closed doors. By the time you all finish and that spread bending over goes from flabby butt to floppy poke no one will be guessing what lies under those nice well fitted clothes after. Many already turned men off and shamed the husbands and boyfriends. Celebrate though
Ms. P’s sentiments are on point even though her delivery might seems
Ms. P’s sentiments are on point even though her delivery might seem antiquated.
As a society we have blurred the lines in regards to things that are decent, moral and right. We focus more on what our rights are instead of it being “RIGHT”
Shock value, gasps, likes and heart emojis fuels the actions of many.
It is sad to see that our moral compass is broken and people just don’t care.
For the record Ms. P, My wife or daughter wouldn’t be on the street with her body exposed. Any man that does isn’t worth his salt. Having your wife or daughter exposed like a peace of meat to be googled, fondled, dry jumped, “shared” is unacceptable.
I say so
If you look around regionally and internationally the “hoe culture” has infiltrated societies but there are still a lot of decent young women here. Not all are part of the ” hoe culture” as you call it.
That’s where the woman rights thing around this world comes in, where woman use it to their advantage, in Iran a woman can’t even expose their mouth, but in our world a woman can paint her lips sexually provocative and titillating licking her lips at a man. The young children are inculcated from young to be repitious of such behavior when grown up.them white capitalist don’t want no one celebrate emancipation or else death will come to the white populace each year.taking back of properties from whites that they acquired through colonialism or put it blunt thieving. So it’s watered down to suit the whites, it’s their vulgarity we potray, have you seen their Mardi gras parade?
If you boil her latest position down she is espousing a sexist view that men somehow should “control” their women. I have news for this cultural dinosaur. Women in this day and age are controlled by their own free will. The choice to participate in baccanal is theirs alone to make. Best this old lady sip water and mind her business
Independent thinkers ya say?? Lol no they not, they saw something and wanted to emulate, how is that independent thinking? Bet if you ask them why they dressed like that, they can’t give you an answer….but deflect.
They did it because other people are doing it, that’s not independent thinking, they got the body for it and if you got it, flaunt it, that’s not independent thinking.
Many of these women, LACK the ability to think and live for themselves, they are independent to the point,because they bought the costumes themselves but that’s it, their choices are subject to outside approval.
No man can stop that women independent, say a word too them you going be single
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Stop trying to normalize and condoned nudity in public!
Shut the f**k up
Best YOU sip some water & mind YOUR business. Take your own advice hun.
You sound so dumb
Eldread – Get that chip off your shoulder man! And get your facts right. Your is really helping our country???
Morals and self-respect doesn’t conform to age. Either you have them or you don’t.
Better to be single than to cuff a ho that embarrass you.
While the young worry about wanting to live their lives the way they wish and on their terms all in the name of fun, in a small society like ours, what one group does always affects another group.
For instance, you may be young and just beginning your professional career and joined the parade dressed like you have no decency, respect and sense. Four years down the road you apply to be the manager of one of our banks or are aspiring to be a Member of the House of Assembly, or any professional job, the only thing your interviewer, who may know or not, but others will think of if you get pass the interview stage is I saw her in the parade with her naked tail clapping in the wind. So decisions we make today affects our future. If you become a doctor, if you become a teacher, oh Father. I can’t see it. You will have to move away to find decent work. You see how you carry yourself is important. You cannot blend into the crowd like you are living in a big city and never to be seen again. You drink and get drunk or walk around like a stripper on Monday, and I see your silly behind on Tuesday in your professional capacity and so does everybody else. Think before you act.
She’s right. I stopped going because of the
whoreish behaviour. Do what you want at home but have respect for others and yourself in public.
Before colonization, our ancestors wore little clothes, now we are fully brainwashed with European standards of wearing all these clothes in a tropical climate….
I can see your husband dictate for you. Be careful now.
These women are choosing this shameful behavior and should be held accountable, not their husbands!
Bored Miz P.Energy vampire
I totally agree! The victims in this ordeal are those suffering from mental slavery. True liberation comes when one can express themselves without trying to please others.
You have said this well. All we see is pure disrespect for one another and even authority, the greatest is to our own maker. Since they do not respect even the creator, then they will not respect anyone not even themselvew.
All I can say yes change but change should take morslity and not do or have actions that encourage the ills -rape, abuse. We sell ourselves by how we dress and behave.
Finally respect each other’s opinion and let is pray one for each other.
The enemy’s influence is real on put society – a people who thinks that they created themselves to do what they want with “their bodies” but not the vessel of honour or temple of the Holy Spirit. What next -sex as an entertainment but I know that our Maker who created us for his glory and honour will intervene at the appropriate time and stop this selfish I and I attitude. We hurt our young ones who think all these things are normal and the vicious circle continue.
People search within and let the conscience be your guide. Seek the Creator in all of this and the All one will open eyes, give you the spirit of truth. Man did not create himself. There is a higher being than we. We are just a mess creator when we rely on ourselves – a sick selfish fanatic only trying to satisfy our fleshy desires which can be so destructive.
We have a spiritual side. Seek the Creator to open our eyes and so we can follow the path that was destined for us
The enemy does not want to live our full potential. A loser who wants companion.
People take heed. and respect
Agape love the higher love .
Well said. Selfish to satisfy your feeling and not being an example to the young ones who think this is normal. Then we turn our nose and complain when the young people behave in a certain way. The monsters we helped to create.
We were created to please our Maker with our bodies for this is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
The elder has to direct the young. She is experienced and you are not forced to take but you are gonna be her age sooner than you think.
A question what has contributed to all the young ones involved in so much crimes and ilicit sex which creates more and more problems for their families and loved ones? It is free thinking and no doing what is right for the rulescand direction of the one who gave us never becomes antiquated. Who gave you that breath of life which can be snatched at any time. Who created the Heavens,Earth ,Universe,? Somebody bigger than you and I. So intricate and well endowed. Things working I. Order. So your body was not created by yourself. Respect the great one and remember that thee IL one wants company to lose everything. Take heed people. We have no power on our own.
Make the wise choice as the Creator won’t force as we were given free will
Take heed. Harden not your heart, surrender and let that greater being who created all be your guide and not your fleshy, selfish desires.
Love # I do not anyone to perish# None to be to late # to meet our Creator# Jehovah sent his son so we will not perish# There is a way out. Do not lean on your own understanding. Harden not your heart, surrender and ask for wisdom and understanding which is free # You did create yourself# The breath of life can be taken sooner than u think.
Accept the son sent to die for our sins
Which slavery are you free from? I am sure you cannot answer this,
The slavery we all (including myself) to be from is the clutches of the Evil One, a loser who wants company to be destroyed with him and not enjoy the after life designed by the one who created the Universe and all in it. That includes all of us on this earth and those who have passed on.
Who created you? Not us but somebody bigger and better than you and I.
Go into an enclosed area you alone and do some introspection S you why you are here. The Evil One roams the earth, influencing us to follow instead of the Supreme one who created all including the fullness of the earth.
Yes the evil one was also part of the creators family but rebellion and wanting to take over and be like the Creator. The evil one and a third of the angels – his followers are down hear creating havoc with Jehovah creation. To become sons of Jehovah there are rules to be followed and live pure lives and not abominations that are of the evil one who wants all of us to suffer with him.
Hey let us remind ourselves that the decision is ours – Everlasting lives or Everlasting fire .
Make your choice.
The overall boss Creator words and standards does not change. The standard reigns and is the same whether it is 1901 or 2023. Jehovah’s moral standards does not change . It is man who use the wisdom given to create a monster society to destroy ourselves.
The Creator has allowed through his permissive will but we all have to make the choice whom we serve. The Great I Am or the evil one who is deceiving to have a good time and die. His counterfeit of what the Creator gave for use, makes it seem to us that we should have no carefor others, but do what we want as is our bodies and then we have all the results – murder, sexual sickness, untimely death without achieving your purpose or utilising the gifts and talents given to us by our Maker. Free sex -divorce, adultery, sickness,destruction, fleshy satisfaction -with reults that destroy ourselves. Shattered.dreams, suicide and all the ills created by following the world definition and not what the Creator states, Hatred, jealousy, gossip, bullying, envy, selfishness, hatred, and all the ills.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
None of the degrading things whether is in 1910 or 2023 or any coming years can protest the fruits of the spirit. On the other hand, see the fruits of reckless living engineered by an evil one – hatred, disrespect for others, envy, gossip, jealousy, unforgiving, lies, murders, love of money so much the we steal, buy ilicit guns, sell drugs to destroy others satisfy our selfish desire and all the many ills of society Do those evil things align to a great creator’s fruit of the Spirit?
The character of the Creator cannot change to suit us whether is 1910 or 2023 or any oncoming year.
Love to all of you. Agape love is what we need to know about. The greatest love from an ever loving Father who sent his son to die for our sins to live everlasting lives. Make the choice. Only you can make the choice. Darkness and light cannot fellowship with one another. Good and evil – Choose one
Tell the evil one to get off as you have found your maker. Kick him off. No longer be the evil one slave deceiving so we can inherit after everlasting torment in the everlasting fire. Do you forget this make the choice before it is too late while you have the breath of life loaned to you to bring glory and honour to name of the son.
I agree with Ms. Parsons about too much nudity. I however think the ladies/girls should not have to be told by their husband/boyfriend about how to dress. This should be from their own conscience. The fabric of our society and clothes are dwindling rapidly, yet we are not seeing that. Dignity has left the country/home. You don’t have to wear clothes from next to ankle but dress appropriately when celebrating.