BVI News

Middle ground needed in festival celebrations debate

Opposition legislator Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather.

Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy Mather has suggested that a middle ground needs to be found for discussions over the way that the Emancipation Festival is celebrated.

Mather offered the comment as he observed the progression of revellers along the parade route on August Monday, which was observed this week.

The first-term legislator offered kudos to the organisers of this year’s event and said they did an awesome job. However, he suggested that their task was not an easy one and proposed that the community needs to get more involved in festival preparations.

“There is a loud cry from the older heads for what they want, but the younger heads are doing what they want, and there must be a middle ground,” Mather said.

He suggested that what worked for many people in the past, may no longer work going forward and said he felt that festival celebrations should perhaps be a lot longer and a lot bigger.

According to Mather, real conversations need to be held among members of the community over what festival celebrations should look like and what this means for the Virgin Islands in terms of its culture and its tourism product.

Commenting on the sentiment shared by some that the cultural element of the festival is being eroded and replaced by a carnival-like atmosphere, Mather proposed that repairs need to begin from within the schools of the territory.

“I think, right now, anything that is BVI and is in our culture, our heritage, has to go back to our schools. It has to go back to where it should be so our children understand what it is so they are welcoming in celebrating it,” Mather stated.

He added: “There’s a gap between what our culture is and what our people, our children, especially, know what it is. So we have to put it back to them, give it back to them so they can appreciate it. You cannot appreciate what you do not know.”

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  1. Again says:

    That’s real talk,true man.

    Like 14
  2. Lemon Grass says:

    We need a C.O.I. on how our tax money is spent annually. There is no breakdown of what was spent, and no audits.
    This is the biggest scheme of our lifetime. As one said “How the clubs steal festivals and get away with it.
    And on top of it all, we are expected to pay at the gate while the USVI get in for free.
    Yet the same people were able to spend 260K with nothing to show for it. How do you turn around and lock up a person for 6 months for stealing $50.00 of groceries and these guys are allowed to walk Scott free.

    Like 24
  3. Sara says:

    Festival celebrations do not need to be longer…longer means more money..they should only be one week in my opinion.

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  4. Hon. Mather says:

    Do you agree with the manner in which we now celebrate? Answer that.

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  5. Sadly says:

    August festival has become an opportunity to put cocobay pon yaws..people trying to drown their frustrations with the politics and economics of a once sober territory. Now, those who feel that they have no hopes in getting anything better, jump (literally) at the opportunity to get on bad, let off stress, give society the finger, all in the name of freedom, until reality sets in again. Digest that and see how you can make a change for the better.

    Like 10
  6. hmm says:

    same thing I saying get the schools involved again

    Like 15
  7. Yawn says:

    None of them at large making a difference. Waste of time.

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  8. Johnny says:

    Middle ground wah, mehson move ya sk**t

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  9. Chupes says:

    Mather just said much of nothing. Blah blah blah. I am already disappointed that I voted for you

    Like 8
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  10. Yup says:

    Waste of time these at-large all in the name of popularity and greedy family members and supporters.

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  11. My Two Cent says:

    I honestly think that with global warming in full effect and our days has been recorded as hottest. I think august monday should be jouvert and other water activities. Tuesday should the the parade but it should start in the morning as early as 8am

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  12. Virtual says:

    festival is free and a better alternative to the current flashy, foam, flesh and fabricated festival in 2023.

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  13. 1EYE says:

    old and young ppl never see things eye to eye, never have never will
    old ppl don’t fete in BVI so don’t interfere with the youths dem fete
    have the celebrations you want to have it’s called freedom for a reason
    but maybe we should separate youth and adult parades now

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  14. What’s Your Plan? says:

    Don’t just talk about having the schools do it Mr. Mather. Talk about funding as well. Schools will need financial assistance in order to participate. Teachers are most often expected to organize such activities. This means giving up a month’s vacation. Do you support having them receive a stipend for their time as well?

    When the funding disappeared so did the schools. It’s also became harder to get volunteers who would willingly sacrifice a month of vacation in exchange for daily practice sessions and ensuring the costumes are designed and created in time. We have to be realistic. Few teachers find this appealing. What is your plan for getting past these hurdles Mr. Mather?

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  15. Smh says:

    Look who the young people of the VI wasted their votes on. I was so disappointed with the voters when they put this man in our HoA

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  16. Interesting take from an says:

    As an at large rep, how much morw talking we going do. There is no middle ground in culture. Shame on you, yo show that you do not stand for anything. Why are you on the fence with our culture.

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  17. My Brethren.. Be different.. says:

    You are my soldier. Don’t jump on the ban wagon, be different. Mopeds and mask men. Guns and shooting are more of a threat to our way of life and our lively hood. These partying, having fun people ain troubling no one. Ain committing any crimes. Get you all Priority straight. We are celebrating our freedom yet so many paid night in spite the fact they are getting a million from Govt plus collecting at the gate to defray or off set the cost. As a matter a fact those two intn’l nights should be the only paid night..Make those your fight..

  18. Festival plan says:

    8 days of celebration

    *4 days village artists until 4.30am followed by j’ouvert at 5.00am
    *Daytime festival village activities, high schools bank, steelpan, marching drum competitions, youth calypos, invite showbiz and dance schools to the stage
    * 2 days East end
    * 2 days Carrot Bay
    * add some teen events to coney island, ie throwing bean bags for the teddy etc

    In road town bring back the cultural side of the villages (like EE and Carrot are doing), waterfront activities (greased pole, swimming, saiing,) kite making and flying competition, soapbox car racing.

    The parade entries were excellent but the organisation was not, stopping each troop for more than half an hour was excruiciating and led to troops sitting down waiting and kids in the sun for 4 hours, a parade needs to flow, sort it out even if the judges have to stand up and walk! Announce on the night winners and have a fun festival village presentation with music immediately after the parade (the village was DEAD after the parade)

  19. @yawn says:

    Ya’ll ingrates always complaining!! Why your lame self didn’t go run and make the change you so desire in less than a year! Gtfoh yuh mumu….bet you got grants for doing shite!

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  20. @johnny says:

    Geh yuh primary school dropout midget self mehson. Go look sum salt-fish and rinse yuh mouth wid vinegar – dunce! The man got a freaking point and your anti a**e self got free internet from somewhere – go back da bush miss!

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  21. …the plan? says:

    The man made a suggestion and you asking what’s his plan as if you’ve been living under a rock for how long? He is NOT the minister for Culture and neither is he a minister of the sitting cabinet! I wonder about y’all intellect before fingers engage to comment….Gtfoh – go ask Natalie of Sly Kie what’s their plans as they can only waste tax dollars….ffs….

    Like 2
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  22. Smh…#2 says:

    At least they ain’t waste it on bull frog! Also you sound very jealous still lol…geh yuh muddah….you was a waste from time you got a public position. Run go talk dat…

  23. What is Festival about really? says:

    Y’all like to act brand new around here. What is the August Emancipation celebrations really about? Ayo dummies see the USA celebrating VDay or any other NATIONAL event and allow the message to be lost? Some of us still slaves to our own demise by the way we lack any basic form of understanding. Yuh want to do bacchanal – go Trinidad or elsewhere. We celebrate FESTIVAL which has been lost by all these bs bad habits now masquerading as ‘celebrating’- set ah lost Id!0ts…..bums….

    Like 6
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  24. Dos place mystical says:

    This place does make me laugh. You are an elected official to make a change not to give your personal assessment. You are not a consultant.

    Dude, you supposed to be the innovative one bringing bills to the house. Quit the bullshid talk and make the moves to get it done.

    Like you want Sharie Job or something?!

    Another fake politician in this damn place.

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  25. Finally says:

    I thought we finally had someone with a level head in the house, that was until I read this sh*t. Mather needs to stop trying to please everyone.

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  26. KingshellingKing says:

    Bring what bills? Do you have an iota of understanding how parliament works? The man made a comment and you get your thong twisted! Man move from here! How many damn ‘bills’ have YOU ever seen brought by the OPPOSITION within 12 months of a general election?!? Yuh does see and hear sh.t every day dread!

    How many (past to present) ‘bills’ bright by the opposition have been ascended? When you want to make a statement come with ammo – or else yuh going get peppered up yuh culo….read and comprehend where the man coming from si$$y…

  27. Rubber Duck says:

    I would start by stopping all the prepubescent girls from simulating sex on the parade.

  28. Idea says:

    Firstly, Not because an Idea may not be favourable means you have to Bash the one who brought it.
    Secondly, I think we should have a Kiddies parade separately from the Adult Parade. In that way, ALL the schools should participate and make it a fun day for the Children. Thirdly, I think we should have a Junior Calypso Competition. In that way, young school leavers or young people can be trained again before Festival. Princess Dee Dee used to be a Hit!!
    Lastly and most importantly, I think its time to have a Bill passed in the HOA to move the Easter VG Festival from Easter to Whit. That weekend should sacred. Many won’t agree with this one but it takes only one to suggest it.

  29. Jom says:

    The only thing at large with these people are their waists. Fat cats milking the public, telling you how to live your life. Turn you back on these false prophets who worship the club and evil cats

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  30. Lb says:

    He isn’t wrong but speaking hot air political speak. This is no time for trying to appease everybody. You simply cannot please everyone. So be a leader and stand on your conviction and make changes to that end. That is why we voted for you. Not to be sitting on the fence on issues!

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  31. One Family Event says:

    We are not a Roman Catholic community. We do not have a pre Lenten Carnival to celebrate ‘flesh’ before 40 days of fasting and abstinence from meat, alcohol and sex.

    WE celebrate Emancipation of the enslaved. This is a both solemn and joyful occasion. The Monday Parade and service must remain family events.

    If people want a bacchanal, there are 2 J’ouverts- or -we can schedule a Bacchanal for a different time of the year. What we cannot and should not allow is the showing of nipples (I saw several of those), women in thongs twerking in children’s faces (I saw 2 photos of that) or simulated sex at a family event.

    The parade generally seemed wonderful. There appeared to be only a couple of troupes that were disrespectful of children.

    Maybe East End can trade their J’ouvert for a nighttime adults only parade to satisfy those who desire a debauchery.

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  32. Lol says:

    They are supporting people who have more than them. Stupidness

  33. Jack says:

    Let he cart he one term ra** just a big useless waste

  34. To the Mature Population says:

    Stop complain and form a troupe. Maybe the younger generation would like to see how it is done instead of hearing complaints. You can not expect that from the younger generation if it is not on full display. Put on a nice BRIEF skit about about long ago…. Look forward to it for the 70th!

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