BVI News

Minimum wage update likely by August

Labour Minister Lorna Smith has indicated that the highly anticipated update about the minimum wage could come as early as August.

The current minimum wage is $6 per hour, and it was last updated in October 2016.

“It’s out of my hands. The process, I think I can say, is that after it leaves my hands, my ministry, it then goes to the Ministry of Finance, I think they’ve done their work. It then goes to the Attorney General, and then it goes to Cabinet. So that’s the route right now,” Smith said on the Talking Points radio show yesterday.

She added: “Fingers, toes, and everything crossed, I’m hoping that I could say something before [emancipation] festival. I think the amount recommended in the report is reasonable. It’s an increase, of course. And, I say before festival, because… we have to give people time.”

Smith announced last month that the ad hoc Minimum Wage Advisory Committee had completed a draft report on the minimum wage and that it would be submitted to Cabinet for review before making a final decision.

According to Smith, the Committee’s efforts aimed to capture a wide range of perspectives to inform the minimum wage policy.

The Labour Minister said she was hopeful that employers could be given reasonable time so that the new minimum wage could be implemented sometime around November this year.

A study by the Social Policy Research Institute (SPRI Global) indicated that the current minimum wage is insufficient to meet basic needs reasonably. The study also noted the necessity of balancing economic constraints with wage increases.


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  1. Sampson says:

    Delilah playing games

  2. Wtf says:

    What kind of bulls**t talk is this? These f**king politicians speak to us as if we don’t have sense. What this woman is saying is that this minimum wage issue is out of her hands, and when it leaves it goes to the Ministry, then the AG, and after that my guess is it goes in the thrash bin and die a natural death. This VIP government SUCKS. Where is the governor in all of this? I still call for a UK take over to straighten out this corrupt do nothing VIP government.

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  3. Resident says:

    It will go up, maybe to $8/hour. And just as quickly it will be reflected in higher prices at the supermarket. Don’t expect your overall financial situation to change much.

    It will likely cause some marginal businesses to shutter, many of which have not been viable anyway.

    Like 10
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  4. Ladi Da says:

    What kinda kindergarten government we have in this place. We, the people, should get a copy of the report

  5. Daam man, where is your heart says:

    2019-2020 inwards to the covid lock down. Come forward to the gradual opening up of the Territory and relaxing of human control.

    Those events brought with them the enormous explosion of all prices. It was and is the largest increase in consumer goods, in items from the crib to the grave in the shortest time ever.

    The professionals, if they have done their statistical analysis, they would have accrued the statistics to support this premise, the business world, without any governing restrictions, went extremely FRANTIC AND FANATIC in recouping EXORBITANT PROFITS lost during the lock down.

    To this day the tyrannical price gouging continues, especially at the food supermarkets, are going on unabated.
    Our government is unconcerned as neither consumer’s protection legislation or a decent living wage increase is on their agenda.

    Meanwhile, the people, even after experiencing such abuse and exploitation continue to suffer in silence, while waiting to again vote back in the great oppressor. We are forever hopeless.

    Hence, to alleviate some of the suffering the people are silently suffering, especially the mostvulnerable senior, elders and those whose retirement benefits are next to nothing and are not making ends meet.

    It is time for the Whealtley government to stop the suffering by bringing foward all increments and pay them immediately.

    As, it is unconscionable to allow people to suffer mercilessly while waiting four years for an election gimmick to play out. Drop the election gimmick and begin taking care of the people. Give them what is theirs, they have already worked for it. Daam man, where is your heart?

  6. fine says:

    $10ph is doable for every business that is viable, not one just making money for owners that are never there

    Like 2
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  7. Anonymous says:

    It’s the same colonial government with the english blood that telling children to go on work permit in the country that they were born

  8. @Resident says:

    2019-2020 inwards to the covid lock down. Come forward to the gradual opening up of the Territory and relaxing of human control.

    Those events brought with them the enormous explosion of all prices. It was and is the largest increase in consumer goods, in items from the crib to the grave in the shortest time ever.

    The professionals, if they have done their statistical analysis, they would have accrued the statistics to support this premise, the business world, without any governing restrictions, went extremely FRANTIC AND FANATIC in recouping EXORBITANT PROFITS lost during the lock down.
    To this day the tyrannical price gouging continues, especially at the food supermarkets, are going on unabated.
    Our government is unconcerned as neither consumer’s protection legislation or a decent living wage increase is on their agenda.

    Meanwhile, the people, even after experiencing such abuse and exploitation continue to suffer in silence, while waiting to again vote back in the great oppressor. We are forever hopeless.

  9. Ausar says:

    “Resident”, you are so wrong!

    Any fee schedule increases, will enhance the living capabilities, of the recipient!

    One always have the choice to decide, where to spend, their hard earned monies.

    This is great news!

    I await the 8 USD-(my guess), pronouncement!

  10. Them man says:

    Them man passed the greddy in no time but them here dragging them feet when it’s to relief some burden on the public lol

    I will never take out government serious.

    Fingers crossed that some of y’all get lock up like Andrew but since it’s bvi courts nothing will come out that sigh

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