New indictment hits Fahie and Maynard with racketeering charges

A grand jury indictment has charged former Premier Andrew Fahie and his co-accused Oleanvine Maynard — the former Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority, with Interstate and Foreign Travel in Aid of Racketeering.
The racketeering charge was added in a superseding indictment filed yesterday, November 9 by US Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez and Assistant US Attorney Shane Butland in a Miami court in the United States.
A superseding indictment is a formal accusation brought by a grand jury that replaces a previously filed indictment and changes, adds, or deletes charges and/or defendants.
According to the new charge, the duo knowingly travelled in interstate and foreign commerce with the intent to promote, manage, establish, carry on, and facilitate the promotion, management, establishment and carrying on of an unlawful activity, that is a business enterprise involving narcotics or controlled substances, in violation of Title 21 of the United States Code, Section 963.
The racketeering charge is in addition to the duo’s previous charges of conspiracy to import a controlled substance; conspiracy to engage in money laundering; and attempted money laundering. The offence carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000 upon conviction.
No additional charges were filed against their co-accused, Kadeem Maynard aka ‘Blacka’ who is the son of Oleanvine. Blacka was first arrested in St Thomas, USVI before being taken to Miami where he is currently incarcerated along with his mother.
The charge of conspiracy to import a controlled substance carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and a maximum fine of $100,000 upon conviction.
Forefeiture allegations
Meanwhile, the new indictment also ties in forfeiture allegations for the three accused locals and could see them losing ownership of any property held in the United States if they are convicted.
According to the indictment, the defendants shall forfeit to the United States any property constituting, or derived from, any proceeds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of such offence, and any property used, or intended to be used, in any manner or part, to commit, or to facilitate the commission of, such offence, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853.
If convicted, the trio is also required to forfeit any property, real or personal, which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to the offences outlined in the new indictment.
The court document further noted: “If any of the property subject to forfeiture, as a result of an act or omission of the defendants either cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence; has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party; has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court; has been substantially diminished in value; or has been commingled with other property which cannot be divided without difficulty, the United States shall be entitled to the forfeiture of substitute property”.
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RICO is that you? Goooot damn.
Andrew Fahie is responsible for all the mess that the BVI is going through now. His reckless management of the country for the last three years plus his constant lying etc has caused untold harm to many people. Our biggest mistake was voting him in as Premier. Many people warned us but we didn’t listen. This is the result now. He made a mess and he is not even around to help clean it up.
Damnnn!!!…. that pic will become his legacy. Quite a shame!! Hope all his big big supporters are hiding under a rock now!!
well said!
The upholder is worse than the thief ) so let’s his puppets who sat in the streets and those who worshiped him clean nup their mess ( what’s in darkness will come to light ) the COACH was hollering out TRANSPARENCY , well it found him?
Not just him though, was it?
This is what you call a ‘Pitch pine cross.’ Equally ‘Coco Bay on yaws.’
Prayer, (penitent prayer) changes things.
Andrew is the man
Beginning to look like the disgraced Premier will never get out of jail alive.
the other charges could of been dodged by Fahie but this one is 100% sticking , he will not be coming home for a few more years. This is why this charge has been added, its so he doesn’t have a get out of jail free card. Now the other 2 there never coming back , well not for 30yrs or so…
He is not singing loud enough.
There is no mention of this in the yellow top rag.
People sweating over there?
Whats the story on Bob H ?
Anyone familiar with the American Criminal Justice System knows that a RICO charge if convicted of results in one of the more severe prison terms one could get. We are talking decades in prison.
The former Premier and Ports director were already facing the prospect of decades in prison if convicted which in my view appears likely.
With this RICO charge the prosecutors are going for the kill so to speak. They want to put them away for as long as possible.
For those who play on the dark side of life, you should be mindful…very mindful of American laws and know how they can impact you should you run afoul of them.
America is in a paradoxical state at this moment relative to drug related crime. On the one hand many parts of the country has legalized medicinal marijuana and others recreational, yet the war against drugs rages on.
For as long as I can remember it has been engaged in a so called war on drugs. Politicians have built careers on being tough on drug crimes. Some of the stiffest laws relative to drugs deemed illicit has been developed around drug related crimes. RICO is often used in these cases.
Unfortunately, those laws have been devastating to the black community and people of color overall. There are more black men in American prisons than in American colleges.
A sobering fact made even more sad when the reality is that more whites use many of these illicit drugs than brown folks but escape the more severe punishments quite often.
I say this to say, many of you here in these islands have a island centric view of the world. It shows in the local media coverage, and just how some folks think about life. Some folks don’t recognize the world around them, and there is a danger in doing so.
This case of the former Premier and the port director should be a reminder to all that while you live on an island, be mindful of what is happening in the rest of the world.
One country you need to be mindful of is the United States and their laws since many of us frequently travel or interact with that country in some way.
You may be living here, but any laws that the US has determined you have broken, the long reach of their arms will try to get you wherever you are fair or unfair.
Bottom line: The feds just threw every thing at the former Premier and Ports director including the kitchen sink, and that’s not a good development.
Now, guilt or not, I personally find no benefit in wishing the worse for Mr. Fahies and the Maynards or anyone for the matter who may have fallen by the wayside or run into trouble of some sort. I gain nothing from it other than to be reminded of my own conduct.
Forgiveness and redemption lives in my heart. Judgement is not up to me. This is a tying time for them and their families. The allegations are great; the consequences are greater. Despite it all, I wish them well during their upcoming trial.
They too are hiding with Mass on, not the one’s you see with the natural eye.
I Hope The Churches and all who he was giving the People money ? to is Helping him pay lawyer fees..So Sad for a Educated man to be caught up in this Crap.I hope he is Worshipping the Real Jehovah at this time. He just might be Freed if he do the Right ✅️ Thing only one Time.Good Luck Bundy,Brown Bumber, Fahie,Aka Head Coach..
To the Rico charge, your portion of kind words are so heart warming.There is a saying I grew up hearing,if you have clothes on the line watch out for rain.Every country have laws that individuals have to abide to but no one should rejoice over the down fall of any person.Proverbs 15:3 state the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good.Oh beautiful Virgin Islands, your qualities can never be denied.You are my brother, you are my sister, if we work together for the advance of this country much more we can accomplish. All is not lost,I see a bright future for the British Virgin Islands.God is able to see us through.
Be careful what you post.
Guess you knew him well.
Great post. Christopher “Dudus” Coke’s case is a classic example of what you outlined in the latter part of your post. He lived in Jamaica and never set foot on US soil. Yet, he was charged with crimes in the US and later extradited to answer such changes. Being a member of the department of justice’s list of the world’s most dangerous drug traffickers did not help him, but you get the point.
Coming to cinemas: Disney presents … Andrew Fahie in “The Racketeer”
The possibility of property seizure is real unlike the BVI.This could include the apartment where he lodging currently.
I am hoping that the result of this case would be a purging and exposure of all the participants involved in this insidious business past and present,alive and dead and the murderers of unsolved cases.
Like all our other corrupt politicians and cronies he still on the Government nipple stealing our tax money.
Wait until people start shooting back we will see what you really built for.
Why hasn’t he been charged in the BVI as well? What about Govt official #1 and hezboallah? Why haven’t there been any arrests?
You may be surprised to hear it but the people in District One are backing him to the hilt and coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses for him, even to saying he was set up. I guarantee that if he ever runs again, even if after jail time, they will vote him right back in. Remember, that is a “God-fearing” district, so all he will have to do is say he has repented and beg forgiveness and call on the blood of the lamb and he’ll be right back in office. You can take that to the bank.
Good questions. The alleged Hezbollah said they had government officials in the palm of their hands. How come they haven’t been charged? Will the US have to extradite them for there to be arrests? And Government Official One and some of the others named. Cocaine is such a curse for the addicted and for those who love them and BVI barely has any kind of rehab. Very sad for the people affected by the greed of traffickers and the corrupt.
And it pisses me off.This likes to drop on praying to the almighty tell u guys to fast but yet don’t have the honesty to resign.To be honest Andrew don’t intend
to return, so what?
I’ve been saying it. He will be singing a sweet melody to the DEA. The grand jury must be satisfied with the evidence before they agree to the new charges, So you all better stop saying DEA don’t have evidence. They are determined to sink those two if they refuse to corporate, they will take a deal, they have to. Too much pressure..A few more right here can’t enter the US an arrest warrant is waiting.
There are many of us living in these Islands were born on U.S soil also.
And your point is?
The US Government is fed up with the BVI because it became a narco state being the distribution point of illicit drugs into the US. Thus, all of you that live in the BVI that are US citizens (are there are many of you from the wealthy elite), need to be very careful as there is a movement to indict all that have failed to file and pay US Federal Income Tax. Just more blacks to fill US prisons. Oh the poor black man. Lmfao.
Well, what a thing! Andrew called for a COI hoping to get the NDP caught up, but NDP was long gone by the time the COI came around .
While he only had three charges after his arrest in April, he asked for his trial to be in January 2023. Now look just 2 months before that date, he’s facing additional charges.
Can’t help but wonder what would have happened if he didn’t ask for that adjournment to January next year.
A few more young men can live a bit longer now.We don’t need the back in the BVI keep them PLEASE!
He ain pay the Senagalese obeah man so he has to go local with the Purcell obeah man!!
F out!
Was at the bank today inline and this gentleman said that AF will get free and come back. So I asked how come and he said because he has a good lawyer. The cool-aid is still flowing here. I mentioned he is still getting paid by the taxpayer here and another customer confirmed it, but the gentleman did not see anything wrong with it. God help my BVI
He is dead so concentrate on what is going on now.
You are making it a black and white issue when it is a greed issue
Suggest all Ministers and cronies are made to go to a conference in Miami and see how many are arrested and not allowed to come back!! That would be a nice clear out.
But when Americans commit crimes overseas the US Government pulls put the stops to defend them.
When last the USA extradited one of its wanted citizens to a foreign country.
You joking ar wa *** dead and forgotten with all those people he paid to get kill tek that
For the children, Not only both parents Uncle Sam might got with but now the house they living in.
This truly take me back about 20 years when they had that big gun shoot out early morning. After that morning a lot of murders took place and a lot of arrest too.
The world indeed is a circle, what goes around comes around. I prayer good look over his Kids and help them be strong.
Things just get more messy with this case buddy.
We Didn’t vote for Andrew for premier i think the system needs change person who wants to be premier need to run as an atlarge candidate.
Around the world the BVI is know as a drug haven. Why this might not be true our national pride had gone down the drain almost every 2 weeks we have a drug bust
In the BVI then we are upset over a video we can change the narrative of this story if everyone do what needed to build a stronger BVI
No one is making such claim. You clearly do not understand what is being said here relative to race or you are in denial. Let me explain it further.
In the US, blacks and other minorities are more likely to be arrested, charged and given harsher sentences for similar crimes committed than whites. Fact.
This is particularly true of black men. Minorities are also more likely to receive death sentences vs life in prison.
What justice/punishment looks like for blacks or other minority in the U.S. quite often does not look the same for similarly accused whites. That’s the reality.
The point that is being made is that if you are aware of these facts, you would want to be very careful coming into contact with the American Judicial System as a minority because chances are you are going the get punishment more severely.
With that knowledge, why risk getting caught up in any criminality especially involving the US? Only
If you still don’t understand, commit a crime in America or elsewhere that affects that country, and experience for yourself how the system treats you. I guarantee you will have clarity then.
The matter with the former Premier is not a black white issue in terms of the alleged crime committed, but you will see as his trial proceeds the affect of his race on his punishment should he be convicted. Race, crime an punishment in the US are inextricably linked.
Take some time to perform your due diligence. There are tax treaties that prevents double taxation. Most US persons living in BVI will not have a tax bill due to the foreign tax exclusion.
“ If you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien of the United States and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to EXCLUDE your foreign earnings from income up to an amount that is adjusted annually for inflation ($105,900 for 2019, $107,600 for 2020, $108,700 for 2021, and $112,000 for 2022). In addition, you can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts.”
They are harming themselves more by not filing as they are missing out on tax credits and stimulus checks they would otherwise qualify for.
No point wearing a mask that does not cover your nose, perhaps hoping for leniency on I’m ‘not too bright’ angle?
There should if not already be a law in place to not allow someone to run for election who has been charged with a crime even if found not guilty for a loop hole but there is enough evidence on video to determine they are criminal.
Go back House of Assembly YouTube channel and listen to this criminal talk shouting down the place about protecting our borders etc. all while being the ring leader for allowing drugs and ammunition in the Territory and protecting criminals. Every other word out of his mouth was God this and God that while dabbling in witchcraft.
As for District 1, pray for their discernment in recognizing wolves in sheep clothing and allegiance to God rather than man because that is idolatry.
Ephesians 5:11-14
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Ephesians 5:6-8
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them.
Still getting paid
Thers us nothing more racist than a vlack man with money, position And a suit. I prefere white take over any day. Thes black men only care about themselves and are more racist that the whites against their very own. Every change that comes in The interest of fairness and respect comes from the whites. Fir example the immigration law where sfter 10 yrs u can become a citizen. If it was uo to these negros they would ha e continued ti break tgeir own law.
That mean they take take his big house in Tola?