New NDP leaders say election results won’t split party

The new officers of the NDP. Though being defeated in Vice President race, Melvin Mitch Turnbull (far left) went uncontested as party chaplain. (Photo provided)
The new leadership of the National Democratic Party (NDP) is discrediting claims the party is or will become divided because of the results of the internal elections held on Saturday, June 23.
Myron Walwyn defeated Ronnie Skelton in the race for party president while Marlon Penn defeated Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull in the vice-presidential race.
Leading up to the political showdown, it was rumoured the party would not remain whole because the losing candidates had secret intentions of breaking away from the party.
But, coming out of the election, both Walwyn and his reported running mate, Penn, sought to put an end to those claims.
Asked whether he suspects his victory will cause a rift in the party, Walwyn said: “I really don’t [think so] and I hope that is not the case because if we truly love our country and we truly love our party, we’ll find a way to work together. It’s not about individuals, it is about the country.”
“I have an amazing amount of respect for Honourable Skelton and I’m going to need his tutelage, and I’m going to need to work along with him if we’re successful at the polls in 2019.”
When similar questions were put to the party’s newly-elected second-in-command, Penn said the four candidates who vied for the top two positions pledged they would continue to work together; moving forward.
He said they made the pledge on Saturday – election night.
“We made a pledge to the entire delegates that we have to work together despite our differences during the election process,” Penn said.
Truth to that pledge was evidenced by a defeated Turnbull who issued a statement after Saturday’s elections. He congratulated the victors and said he ‘respects the decision’ of the NDP delegates.
On the other hand, no such statement seemingly has been forthcoming from Skelton.
Title swap approved
During the NDP event, delegates also approved the exchange of titles but not roles of the President, Vice-President, Chairman, and Deputy Chairman. This move was made so the party could align with current international standards, the NDP said.
With the exchange, Walwyn’s title is now ‘NDP Chairman’ (party leader/highest ranked NDP official), and Penn is now the ‘Deputy Chairman’. Troy Christopher, therefore, inherits the title of ‘President’ (official chosen to govern or preside over internal party affairs) while Michael Turnbull inherits the title of ‘Vice President’.

Results of the NDP internal election held on June 23.
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Not even close in the end! just wait until M and S get better offers and see how long the pretend unity lasts…I’ll give it a few weeks max! craving for power,influence and a big seat on the gravy train is intoxicating!
You always have something negative to say on these blogs about this government everyday. You are disgustingly predictable.
If you are so dissatisfied with the government, why don’t you take all of your negative energy and grievances, and run for political office with all your brilliant ideas, and let the people decide your faith? You know you have that right don’t you?
Stop complaining from the sidelines. Anyway, I predict you will not get many votes, and will revert right back to complaining on the blogs and giving readers a daily headache, because you just criticize and never offer solutions…a non-winning strategy.
If you don’t have the balls to run for office, please close your mouth for God sake and find something better to do. I’m tired of your daily rants. You make a dog sick.
At least Sam says what many are thinking! ( well those with a brain they use that is) just wait for the circus to come this show ain’t even started yet – next month there will be a new party in Town watch this space!
Sitting down and being negative day in, day out is a sad way to live. Just because there are others that think like Sam the A$$ doesn’t give it any merit. Hating the Government does nothing for the BVI, how about some solutions for a change?
You don’t think he has already?
Work out who “ Sam “ never criticises.
This would have a lot more credibility if it was the losing candidate who was coming out and committing to stay with the party. Of *course* the winner is going to say this.
Does anybody know what has just been agreed by the “No Direction Party”? it seems its members don’t even know what is going on! what an absolute farce – is it just more roles to feel big and important? what are the job descriptions, responsibilities and authority of each newly elected person? or are these still being hastily thrown together in typical disjointed NDP fashion.
It will split the country though. Mr Walwyn is unfortunately an iso——–, anti—, open r——-.
One can only hope is he is never Premier
The losing candidates busy behind the scenes lobbying so won’t show their hands yet. Any of the current politicians that think leaving the NDP to join another party is a good idea they must be smoking.
eyelene was trembling…dloris knees buckled and the cuban left the building faster than elvis
@NDP heckler
You obviously need some lessons in spelling.
“The new leadership of the National Democratic Party (NDP) is discrediting claims the party is or will become divided because of the results of the internal elections held on Saturday, June 23.”
Watch and see.
The electors voted for Doc because almost all of them believe he is honest and was not just there to benefit his business interests , because he has none.
No one is going to vote for this crew on that basis.
It is time for a change. The NDP had 8 years but have not shown enough to suggest that they are capable of moving the BVI forward. They’re handling our finances like their personal piggybanks. Members of their party getting most of the contracts for our infrastructure. Even in the HOA, ministers getting paid for supplying himself with food and refreshments. This is what we dealing with. Overspent on Pier Park and Crafts Alive then the same tenants dont even pay on time or pay at all. Almost $2 million on a wall and what’s worse is that they are in power for less than 2 terms so they shouldn’t be so comfortable committing these heinous acts. All of the laws that could directly help everyone in the BVI, the same ones that they promised to implement have been delayed. Landlord tenant act, consumer protection still not in place while bogus media laws have since implemented and now even no Visa for Chinese have moved ahead. Every person that voted in favor of the now famous missing plane should not be a part of the next government. You cannot expect anything less than failure if we keep rewarding failure.
Well said “only in the BVI” tell it as it is!
I’ve got no strings to hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings, but now I’m free
There are no strings on me
Hi-ho the merry-o
That’s the only way to be
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me
I’ve got no strings so I have fun
I’m not tied up to anyone
They’ve got strings, but you can see
There are no strings on me