BVI News

NHI would ‘be in the black’ if persons paid up — Health Minister

The Joshua J Smith Building that houses the Social Security Board (SSB) and National Health Insurance (NHI) offices.

Health Minister Marlon Penn has suggested that the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme would likely be profitable and function as it should if mandatory contributions were paid to the agency.

The NHI has faced continued concerns over its sustainability ever since its introduction in 2015, with a previous disclosure showing that the agency was owed some $9 million, including by the government. 

“Despite all the challenges with NHI, if we were paid up in terms of the contributions, NHI would still be in the black,” Penn stated recently.

The Health Minister said officials have been working on a strategy over the last six months to ‘stop the bleed’ at the NHI given the challenges the body faces.

“NHI can function, it can work. But we have to make sure that we make the necessary adjustments to make it work the way it should,” he added.

Penn said his ministry has already drawn up terms of reference he said are necessary for changes at the NHI.

“We now have the revision that needs to be done with the provider agreements between the providers and NHI and we intend to, in earnest in 2023, start those works,” Penn stated. 

Minister Penn said there have also been talks with the Finance Ministry to make changes to adjust the terms of the consultancy provision at the agency to ensure that monies are freed up to get work done.

Penn also shared that $10 million dollars had been added in the budget for the NHI and he expressed hope that this could be applied so that healthcare providers could get the support they need. 

With this new funding, Penn said he hoped the NHI could get the breathing room needed to effectively make changes necessary to stabilise the healthcare system.

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  1. Or if says:

    Or if the private health care people didn’t charge so much. Imagine how they jack up their prices just because NHI paying. If they use to use their original price then apply the person copay NHI wouldn’t have to repay them so much. A visit used to between $30. To$60. Now just because NHI paying it’s over $120. I’m talking about doctors visit before copay. Their labs fees increase their image fees increase. Government needs to look into this

    Like 64
  2. Ooohhh. Boiiii says:

    Mr. Minister NHI will never be in the black cause it was s designed by and for —- and that is exactly who benefited the most —- once “ scooter riders “ are continually being “ rescued/ repaired/ reconditioned “ and Not contributing to the scheme – tell us How will NHI. get out of the red??

    Like 29
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  3. Please says:

    Marlon knows he is talking foolishness. His NDP Government started NHI wrong and started it in the red and it has not caught itself from then. They killed it before it started now, he is trying to shift blame to save his NDP government.

    Like 29
  4. NHI bankrupt model says:

    NHI is benefitting ONLY the doctors on island. They are OVERCHARGING and building multi million dollar buildings with the proceeds of NHI.

    Not a single person has figured this out?!

    Like 57
  5. Facts says:

    NHI was designed to make certain friends and family and political supporters rich in a legal way and it did just that. It was never about the people. So Marlon you have betrayed us so do not come to now try to fool us.

    Like 29
  6. Tola says:

    I well want uk shut it down it’s a waste of time.

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  7. Tooth&Claw says:

    I thought NHI was to make healthcare more accessible for all people, I did not realise that NHI was implemented to “make a profit”. Perhaps that is something we should examine more closely.

    Like 36
  8. TurtleDove says:

    Take it directly from individual salary and tie business license annually to compliance.

    Like 16
  9. WOW says:

    These people are TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH!!!!!!! While there may be some businesses taking money from their employees and not paying over, which is theft, there are many businesses whether they take the money out or not, THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY! Businesses have dealt with local fallouts for the past 5 years, Irma/Maria, COVID and other international economical issues. The Government has not done ANYTHING AT ALL for businesses in the BVI but expect that all will be well. We wasted $40 million that should have been in the form of relief, to fake farmers and fishers and those people bought cars, chains, phones, rum etc. The BVI is in a bad state and we have some f**king loony tunes parading as representatives in our HOA. Time for people who understand to lead this Territory!

    Like 19
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  10. Stop It says:

    Perhaps we would not be in this position if the habit of employers deducting NHI from their employees’ pay and keeping it rather than paying it in was brought to an end.

    Like 25
  11. MD says:

    You are correct. Enforcement please. Also send details to Police. Investigate and charge them it is fraud and theft.

    Like 17
  12. What are they doing to rectify Non Payments says:

    I didn’t read about making a profit but being in the black as in self-sustaining. So we know that people aren’t paying and it’s not the individuals, we have employers deducting from person’s salaries and not sending the money in so they have no coverage when something does happen to them. My question was not addressed in this article, WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO ABOUT THE DELINQUENT BUSINESSES?

    Like 18
  13. Common senses isn't common says:

    Especially in the BVI Governemnt.

    Like 13
  14. Resident says:

    Them politicians need to stop lieing, they let their friends and family who run our health care providers jack up the price so how can nhi be in the black

    Like 12
  15. private health says:

    I could (just) afford private health but stopped it as the local healthcare providers all want to charge NHI – presumably more than they can private health. This is concerning as if a person presents private medical that should be used BEFORE NHI. The private healthcare insurers are laughing all the way to the bank taking large premiums whilst doctors insist on NHI footing the bill.

  16. NHI Contributions says:

    and so the chaos continues. If politicians are complaining that people are not paying into NHI – do they realise THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE to fix this issue?

    COI 2.0 – first topic – HOW BVI MESSED UP NHI..

  17. Preach says:

    I can name a few employees who are not paying but taking it out of people salaries.. When you call NHI all you hearing is they will contact them and NOTHING!!! Set of crooks all of them. Go tell your friends to pay their employee salaries from robbing people.

    Like 9
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  18. good standing says:

    The good standing was a good thing just get rid of the fees and let everyone on permit continue to get one to renew their permit and make sure NHI and SSB give the people those letters within a week.

    Like 5
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  19. THEY ALL csat v says:

    Put a muzzle over their traps and sat idely and let saint andrew raid NHI / prince Vincent was only watching those people like a chicken hawk who worked honestly for their money and encouraged the coach to double tax them and not a word about the employers not being honest about paying in what they took out from their employees salary, but That evil bald head *** time will come ,( GOD WILL DEAL WITH HIM AND THE REST HYPOCRITES

  20. Simple solution. says:

    Make them pay.Most of the violators are usually big Political supporters and donors who can’t be touched. It’s the wide spread corruption that have us sinking slowly. They harass the little innocent employees daily but afraid of the real violators

  21. Nhi says:

    Having to be charged and Pay for a card that isn’t valid for years, isn’t fair…

  22. Certificate of Good Standing says:

    Next time the Government asks me to do any work for them
    I am going to insist on certificates of good standing from IR, NHI and SSB. I doubt they will provide them – so I won’t do the work and won’t need to worry about getting paid for the next 5 years.

  23. Nhi says:

    Having to be charge for a card that can’t be used and that isn’t valid for years, isn’t fair…

  24. It’s not that hard says:

    Let a private insurance company run the NHI. They will be able to manage the process prices as they are the experts in such a field. The issue in BVI is nothing is regulated.

  25. Homeboy says:

    Those scooter riders are causing the NHibernate to go bankrupt also.bleeding the nhi

    Like 1
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  26. Anonymous says:


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  27. Rubber Duck says:

    in the UK and elsewhere, if a business has not paid its NHI equivalent by the end of the following month, bailiffs appear at the door to shut it down.

    In BVI the collection systems are so lax as to be laughable, especially where the businesses of the ruling elite are concerned

  28. It’s Simple says:

    Refuse to play games and MAKE THEM PAY UP

    THIS is what the COI hearings were about; it is ILLEGAL to withhold money from employees for designated municipal services and STEAL IT.

    WHY are there so many comments about this????
    WAKE UP!

  29. Jim says:

    Another useless politician…

    Government programs are NEVER designed to be “in the black” or make a profit. They should BREAK EVEN as per their budget.

    BVI just doesn’t understand that

  30. Madea says:

    I am not sure I understand this comment about non payment. A couple of years ago the Government introduced a requirement for work permit applications and renewals that every employer had obtain certificates to prove that the NHI, SSB and tax was paid over before they would allow the work permits or renewals. So the Government departments know which employers are paying and those that are not. So why have they not collected the debts or threatened to liquidate or bankrupt the non paying employers? Why do you think?

  31. Desirez says:

    There should be a maximum limit set on how much the private doctors are allowed to claim under NHI system as some doctors are charging over the odds and using up the money.

  32. lol says:

    one will be surprised who owes NHI and how much. Marlon knows what he is talking about. NHI is owed more than it owes.

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