No confirmed coronavirus case | Suspected person quarantined pending further tests — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie has sought to dispel public fears over the first suspected case of the Novel Coronavirus in the British Virgin Islands.
Addressing the public during an impromptu press conference at the House of Assembly on Thursday (February 27), the Premier said: “First of all, we do not have a confirmed case of the coronavirus in the BVI.”
“We have a case in terms of a person who had entered the BVI that was coming from away [and who] showed some symptoms that created concerns. And since then, the person has been tested and quarantined,” the Premier further said.

The individual is under quarantine at their home, Fahie stated. He said initial tests were conducted and more samples have been sent to Trinidad for further testing.
“All the tests have not returned as yet because they are still two or three days off before the final results come. But we can say it is most unlikely, but we cannot confirm 100 percent.”
The leader of government business said the other tests were conducted “to be on the side of caution”.
Person in question arrived via aircraft
The Premier said the person in question had entered the territory on an aircraft last weekend. He said, based on the aircraft’s flight manifest, the said individual was among a total of six passengers — five of whom are non-nationals.
In the meantime, a search is reportedly underway for several other persons who were said to be in contact with the individual in question. Those persons along with the five passengers will be assessed, the Premier told members of the media.
“We want the people of the Virgin Islands to know that we continue to exercise all options to ensure the safety of the people of the Virgin Islands as much as possible,” he said.
A meeting with local stakeholders was recently had to examine and look at the areas that need strengthening as it relates to safeguarding against the coronavirus, Premier Fahie said.
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So who looking after this person? I hope the healthcare providers workers taking preventative precautions because they will infect their family members who will infect others. This COVID 19 can be caught before symptoms are shown. Also, need to know who infected persons came in contact with
Sent to Trinidad? When Will results be in? And has the Government sought to know all who the person came in contact with?
It’s important for the public to know even if a case is suspected. We all thought that it was automatic for people coming from China to be quarantined for the necessary 14days but as we now see that is not the case. If you’re going to get people into the country from these regions at least quarantine them for the required amount of time
This clearly shows that this government is not taking this virus seriously every other country have implemented a quarantine in place except for the bvi are we that stupid and willing to risk the lives of thousand we are not fools we know that this country cannot deal with this virus .If this is true case the government is to blame playing with our lives.
Booy: :: you always attacking the government. Let’s not point fingers let pray
King liar, lion the liar and the outrageous…Who going win?
A f***ing flu everybody going crazy over!
You’re a complete idiot who clearly has not been researching what’s going on around the world. This is not the flu it’s lethal and may have come from a bio weapons lab. Medical personnel are dropping like flies in China, people in their early 30s are dying from this and in some cases falling down in the street. People don’t need CPR from the flu, again you’re a complete idiot
The flu has ALWAYS been deadly which is the point of the poster. With respect to people ‘dropping like flies’ in China, do you have evidence to substantiate this? Even persons that may have died suddenly are you sure it’s this virus that caused it? Uncalled for paranoia.
@A Flu: Who’s the idiot here…?
Only a small number of people die from the virus, about 2%. If this was coming from a bio weapons lab it would be the worst job ever done on biological weapons.
Nevertheless it’s a new virus and care has to be taken. Know and practice your personal hygene ABC and you and people around you are good – wash your hands often and at least 20 seconds, cough and sneeze in your armlet, not in your hand. That’s it.
The Only conoravirus here is the opposition of the house of assembly.
So let me get this straight. From reading the info on this news site you are telling me that it aint a confirmed case, that they send the unconfirmed case person home, the tests gone all da way overseas and that this person came to the island via aircraft along eith other passengers and TODAY thursday is when the outrage burst… so from weekend until today what you think could have transpired between those days. Government aint taking this thing serious enough meson. Too much days pass before something was actually done.. FOOLISHNESS
I read somewhere that that melanin sufficient people are not at risk to die from this attempt yet again of biological warfare against certain people. Asians and Caucasians are at higher risk of succumbing to this biological weapon. umm thats sad oh well.
Don’t believe everything you read or hear on mainstream or social media. Use reliable medical sites for latest updates on the virus. No need for mass hysteria and foolishness.
Looking at the medical sites is a good idea for virus updates. But be mindful that these sites do not give any credible, non-racist explanation as to why there is no reported outbreak in Africa. Until they do, you will need to consider FEO Gomez theory as valid. That is the scientific way.
So let me get this straight…they can’t do the tests here and every time they need to send the test to Trinidad?? HUH??? WHAT???!
Its just cold and flu symptoms. It happens every year. Very few people die from the virus. Only older people with health problems are at risk. Wash your hands. Use your manners. Don’t go to work spreading it. carry on
“.. was coming from away ..”. Well done on all your research! You sound like you are talking to a child rather than hosting a press conference on a serious subject.
Fire the CEO and his management team!