BVI News

No leads after $20K reward in EE double-murder — Premier

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has indicated that there have been no new leads or updates in the East End double murder that occurred late last month at a bar in Fat Hogs Bay.

This is despite a $20,000 reward offered by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the murder. 

The daring early-evening shooting claimed the lives of 28-year-old Kadeem Frett of Long Look and 38-year-old Kawa Cornwall of Long Bush. It further caused injury to a minor and one other person.

While speaking at a press conference recently, Premier Wheatley said: “I haven’t heard of any leads. Certainly, I call on persons to come forward with information and help the law enforcement agencies as much as possible so we can bring these murderers to justice.”

The Premier also reiterated calls to the community to continue to support law enforcement agencies, and called on the public to unite in condemnation of what he referred to as a reckless act of violence.

Dr Wheatley previously expressed outrage when he disclosed in the House of Assembly (HOA) that he had been conducting a meeting at his office just next door to the bar at the time the shooting occurred and came out later and witnessed what had taken place.

“These things are hard to swallow in the Virgin Islands – a close-knit community, we’re all related, we all know each other, one road takes you everywhere, and so all of our security is threatened,” Dr Wheatley said at the time.


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  1. Wow says:

    Bunch of chicken

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  2. Target says:

    you become after you take the reward.

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  3. Useless bunch says:

    Mika Barry will have to do all the dirty work for the cops

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  4. Understandable says:

    Please implement a system whereby people can report on social issues without being identified. Have a US and/or UK anonymous number that does not track caller information. And have those lines cleared only by a law enforcement agent in the respective location. Who would want $20,000 knowing it most likely would come with a death sentence? Let us deal with the reality of our culture.

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  5. check purcell says:

    that hit was sent from overseas

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  6. @Understandable says:

    To my knowledge, the RVIPF has an anonymous number in place for years now whereby anyone can call with their tips.

    As for your question: “Who would want $20,000 knowing it most likely would come with a death sentence?”

    It is highly unlikely that $20K will be given in a manner that will place the tipsters life at risk. The only person(s) who would know about receiving that money is the tipster(s) him/herself and whom they tell about it.

    If money cannot pry lips loose in this place, then none of us are safe.

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  7. Reality says:

    The Police cannot be trusted and that’s the issue at hand here. They will make it seem like we are a bunch of lawless gangsters out here not wanting to cooperate but the reality is that people know full well the RVIPF cannot be trusted and therefore will not give them any information.

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  8. LOL says:

    The Police offer $20k for information and the criminals offer $50K or more to the police for information on who is giving information. You don’t need a PhD to figure out how this plays out….People are not stupid.

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  9. Kokane says:

    20K? The Killa pay more than that I’ll pass.

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  10. WHAT? says:

    I CALLED and asked for the anonyous number, and never got it tho I spoke to several people at the station. Complete waste of my time and super annoying.

  11. Where U bin ❓ says:

    How come the same interest wasn’t shown in all those other slayings , gangland style murders mostly drug related / and all of a sudden you awaken from your slumber , like you weren’t aware / hey bro , where you at ????

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  12. Ñot nice says:

    20k and the killer get 100k do the math

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  13. Ñot nice says:

    20k and the kille get 100k do the math

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  14. Frightening says:

    Unless the Police force can earn the trust of the communities … people will continue a
    Line of “ nobody see nobody tell” . The very officers who you give the information too would “Rat” you out because someone is the 23rd cousin of someone else . Huge problem Mr. Commissioner.
    This has proven to be the history of the law enforcement ……. .On the other hand, The expatriate officers are bullied by the public communities for doing their job. What a calamity !

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  15. hihi says:

    Agreed 100pc. Just trying to figure the math though. What is the standard reward if there’s any? There’s been several double murders and this reward has not yield the result. It does not seem to be that rewarding when you check it out. If you want to get tongue’s wagging the food must have look delicious, taste wonderful and a takeaway or second round may be had.

  16. @ where U bin? says:

    The video got such a bad rap and now you want to know where the police have been?

    Folks tore the police apart. Poor folks, the video was too much for you all.

    Your post is so indicative of the level of general hatred. Thank you for the post. It demonstrates the reality of the behavior and off the cuff speak with dad too many citizens. Just running in endless circles, spreading fright, chaos and absolute instability.
    The cause is irrelevant as long as the mud slinging runs on and on, uninterrupted. Do you feel better? U Bin?? Well then let’s party and spread more random disorder and confusion. Love Alone

  17. Reality II says:

    This is a small place comparatively speaking. People know who is involved, but the code of silence rules because it would mean turning in someone they could be related to. That is why there are few belongers in the police force. Police from overseas cannot be ineffective because they don’t have community ties fomented in part by local xenophobia. It does not help that accountability does not feature high on the list in the local ethos. Daily we read about corruption, glad handing, mispent public funds and nohing is done about it.
    Secondly, what protection can be assured to soemobe who provides the necessary info to find the culprit? Other than leaving the territory where could they lie low? Police protection is too expensive. Witness protection would require cutting all family ties forever. Lack of fiscal caution upon receiving a reward would be a dead giveaway. They could leave the Territory, but just how far would they get with the reward money before they have to return.
    All part of the criminal calculus. They know chances are high they’ll get away with it just like elected politicians do.

  18. Mankind says:

    Nobody spend no money to kill rem,them dude out and about daily in the ghetto.bad karm

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